Cumulative Exam Outcomes Flashcards
P, D, A, I Flexor digitorum profundus
P: anterior proximal 2/3 of ulna & interosseuos membrane
D: base of distal phalanges of digits 2-5
A: flexion of digits 2-5, & flexion of hand at wrist
I: median (ant. interossesous n; 2-3rd digits) & ulnar (4-5th digits) nn. (C7-T1)
Describe the actions, contents, innervation, and blood supply of the Anterior Compartment of the Leg
Act: Ankle dorsiflexion, inversion, and toe extension
Mm: Tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, fibularis tertius
I: Deep fibular n.
Blood supply by anterior tibial a.
P, D, A, I Adductor longus
P: pubic crest
D: medial lip linea aspera
A: adducts, medially rotates, & flexes hip
I: obturator n. (L2-L4)
P, D, A, I Obturator externus
P: rami of pubis and ischium ; external surface obturator membrane
D: trochanteric fossa
A: laterally rotates hip
I: Obturator n. (L3-L4)
P, D, A, I Plantar interossei
P: plantar surface of base of metatarsals
D: dorsal digital expansions of digits 3-5
A: adducts & flexes MP digits 3-5
I: lateral plantar n. (S1-S2)
What ligaments are at the thickening of the Hip Joint Capsule?
P, D, A, I Brachialis
P: Distal anterior shaft of humerus and lateral & medial intermuscular septa
D: coronoid process & ulnar tuberoisty
A: flexion of elbow
I: musculocutaneous n. (lateral cord) (C5-6)
P, D, A, I Lumbricals
P: tendonds of flexor digitorum profundus
D: radial side of dorsal digital expansions of digits 2-5
A: flexes MCP & extends interphalangeal joints of digits 2-5
I: deep branch of ulnar n. (3rd & 4th lumbs C8-T1) & median n (1st & 2nd lumbs C7-8-T1)
P, D, A, I Anterior digastric
P: digastric fossa of mandible
D: intermediate tendon
A: depression of mandible or elevation of hyoid
I: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (CN V3)
P, D, A, I Anaconeus
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus
D: lateral surface of olecranon process
A: extension of the elbow
I: radial n. (C7-8)
P, D, A, I Extensor indicis
P: posterior surface of ulna & interosseous membrane
D: digital expansion of 2nd digit
A: extends 2nd digit primary and secondary
I: radial n. (C7-8)
P, D, A, I Vastus medialis
P: intertrochanteric line, spiral line, linea aspera, & medial supracondylar line
D: base & medial border of patella
A: extend leg
I: femoral n. (L2-L4)
P, D, A, I Rectus femoris
P: anterior inferior iliac spine and groove superior to acetabulum
D: base of patella
A: flexes hip & extends knee
I: femoral n. (L2-L4)
P, D, A, I Fibularis Brevis
P: distal 2/3 fibula
D: lateral base of 5th metatarsal
A: everts foot, plantar flexes ankle
I: superficial fibular n. (L4-S1)
P, D, A, I Zygomaticus major
P: Zygomatic bone
D: angle of mouth
A: raises angle of mouth (smiling/happiness)
I: buccal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
Name the attachments and function of the Plantar Calcaneonavicular (aka Spring) ligament
Anterior margin of sustentaculum tali to plantar surface of navicular
Supports medial longitudinal arch of foot
P, D, A, I Obicularis oris
P: angle of mouth
D: superficial fascia of upper lip
A: oral sphincter (closes mouth/kissing)
I: buccal & mandibular branches of facial n.
Dermatome of C8
5th Finger
Describe the anatomy of the “bow legged” mild deformity of the lower limb
Angle of inclination >125 degrees causes coxa valga
Genu varum develops to compensate for larger angle
What are the major landmarks of innervation of the thoracic wall?
T4: includes nipple
T6: skin over xiphoid process
T10: includes umbilicus
Name the attachments of the trapezoid ligament and its function
Coracoid process to trapezoid line of clavicle
Stabilizies AC joint
Limits medial displacement, protraction, & elevation
P, D, A, I
P: superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, & cervical + thoracic spinous processes
D: clavicle, acromion, & scapular spine
A: scapular elevation (upper), depression (lower), retraction (middle), & upward rotation (upper & lower)
I: acessory nerve (CN XI; motor) & C3-4 (sensory)
Identify what lung this is based off of the structures displayed on the medial aspect. Name the structures.
Left Lung : LS
Purple is pulmonary a.
White is primary bronchus
Pink is pulmonary vv.
P, D, A, I External Intercostals
P & D: rib to rib, fascicles oriented superior- lateral to inferior-medial (Down & in)
A: elevates ribs
I: intercostal nn. (Segmental)
P, D, A, I Obliquus capitis inferior
P: spinous process of C2
D: transverse process C1
A: ipsilateral rotation of neck
I: suboccipital n.
P, D, A, I Obliquus capitis superior
P: transverse process of C1
D: area between superior and inferior nuchal lines on occibital bones
A: extension and lateral flexion of head
I: suboccipital n.
Describe dislocation of the Temporomandibular Joint
Head of mandible dislocates anteriorly from the anterior tubercle
Can damage auriculotemporal nerves
P, D, A, I Flexor digiti minimi brevis
P: hamate
D: ulnar side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
A: flexes 5th digit (MCP)
I:deep branch ulnar n. (C8-T1)
P, D, A, I Abductor hallucis
P: medial calcaneal tuberosity
D: medial side of proximal phalangeal base of digit 1
A: flexes & abducts big toe
I: medial plantar n. (L4-S1)
P, D, A, I
Pectoralis minor
P: outer surfaces of ribs 3-5
D: coracoid process
A: anterior tilt of scapula; assists with depression of shoulder & forced inspiration
I: medial & lateral pectoral nn (C5-T1)
Describe the contents, actions, innervations, and blood supply of the Medial Compartment of the Thigh
Act: Adduct thigh & lateral rotation
Mm: gracillis, adductor longus, brevis & magnus, pectineus
I: Obturator n (L2-4)
*Ad. mag: sciatic n. (L4-S1)
*Pectineus: obturator & femoral n.
Blood supply by obturator a.
Rotatores longus and brevis (transversospinales) Attachments
P: Transverse processes
D: Spinous process of vertebra above
P, D, A, I Nasalis
P: maxilla lateral and inferior to nasal notch
D: bridge and ala of nose
A: transverse fibers compress & alar fibers widen nasal aperture (flaring nostrils in anger or exertion)
I: buccal branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Rectus capitis posterior major
P: spinous process C2
D: lateral aspect inferior nuchal line
A: extension and ipsilateral rotation of head
I: suboccipital n.
P, D, A, I Quadratus plantae
P: medial surface calcaneus & lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
D: long flexor tendons
A: assists flexor digitorum brevis
I: lateral plantar n. (S1-S2)
identify the chamber of the heart and name the missing internal features.
Right Atrium
1: Interatrial septum
2: Valved orifice of inferior vena cava
3: R. Atrioventricular orifice w/ atrioventricular valve
4: Crista terminalis
P, D, A, I
Serratus anterior
P: outer surfaces & superior borders of upper 8-10 ribs
D: costal surface of the medial border of scapula
A: scapular protraction & upward rotation
I: long thoracic nerve (C5-7)
P, D, A, I Cricothyroid
P: cricoid cartilage
D: thyroid cartilage
A: tension and elongation of vocal folds
I: external laryngeal n. (CN X)
Identify the chamber of the heart shown and name the internal features missing.
Right Atrium
1: Superior vena cava
2: Fossa ovalis
3: Valved orfice of coronary sulcus
4: Pectinate muscles
5: Right auricle
P, D, A, I Flexor digiti minimi brevis
P: 5th metatarsal base
D: proximal phalangeal base
A: flexion of digit 5 (MP Joint)
I: lateral plantar n. (S1-S2)
P, D, A, I Extensor carpi ulnaris
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus
D: base of 5th metacarpal
A: extends hand @ wrist & ulnar deviation
I: radial n. (C6-8)
Describe the attachments and function of the 3 Glenohumeral ligaments
Superior, Middle & Inferior Ligaments
Upper part of medial margin glenoid cavity to lesser tubercle & anatomical neck
Stabilizes GHJ
Describe the attachments and function of the Ulnar Collateral ligament
Medial epicondyle to medial margin of coronoid process & olecranon process
Resists excessive cubital valgus
P, D, A, I Adductor magnus Adductor Part
P: inferior pubic ramus ischial ramus & tuberosity
D: gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera
A: adducts and flexes hip
I: Obturator n. (L2-L4)
Identify the chambers of the heart and name the missing internal features.
Left Atrium & Ventricle
1: Left superior pulmonary v.
2: Left atrium
3: Left atrioventricular valve
4: Chordae tendineae
5: Anterior Papillary muscles
Dermatome of Thumbs
P, D, A, I Gluteus minimus
P: external iliac surface and margin of greater sciatic notch
D: anterolateral aspect of greater trochanter
A: abducts & medially rotates hip, keeps pelvis level w/ opp leg raised
I: Superior gluteal n. (L4-S1)
Describe the actions, contents, innervation, and blood supply of the Deep Posterior Compartment of the Leg
Act: Ankle plantar flexion & inversion, Toe & Knee flexion
Mm: flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis posterior
I: Tibial n.
Blood supply by posterior tibial a.
P, D, A, I Flexor carpi ulnaris
P: medial epicondyle of humerus & proximal ulnar shaft
D: pisiform
A: flexes and adducts hand @ wrist (ulnar deviation), assists in flexion of elbow
I: ulnar n (C7-T1)
P, D, A, I Adductor brevis
P: inferior pubic ramus
D: distal 2/3 pectineal line & medial lip linea aspera
A: adduct and flex hip
I: obturator n. (L2-L4)
P, D, A, I Transverse thoracis
P: posterior sternum
D: costal cartilages
A: depresses ribs
I: intercostal n. (Segmental)
Identify the chamber of the heat and name the missing internal features.
Right Ventricle
1: Supraventricular crest
2: Anterior papillary muscle
3: trabeculae carneae
4: Valve of pulmonary trunk
P, D, A, I Adductor magnus Hamstrings part
P: inferior pubic ramus, ischial ramus & tuberosity
D: medial supracondylar ridge & adductor tubercle
A: extends hip
I: Tibial division of sciatic n. (L4-S1)
Longissimus attachments
ribs & transverse processes
P, D, A, I Pectineus
P: superior pubic ramus
D: femur between lesser trochanter and linea aspera
A: adducts and flexes hip
I: Femoral & Obturator nn. (L2-L4)
Describe the attachments and function of the costoclavicular ligament
Cartilage of 1st rib to undersurface clavicle
Stabilizes sternoclavicular joint, limiting elevation of clavicle
P, D, A, I
P: spinous processes T2-5 (maj) & ligamentum nuchae + spinus processes C7-T1 (min)
D: medial border of scapula
A: scapular retraction, elevation (upper), and downward rotation
I: dorsal scapular nerve (sensory: direct branches C3-4)
What type of joint is the 1st carpometacarpal joint?
Trapezium and 1st metacarpal have concave & convex surfaces that help allow for opposition
Identify what view of the heart and name the missing surface features.
Anterior view
1: Right Atrium
2: Coronary Sulcus
3: Left ventricle
4: Reflected pericardium
5: Ligamentum arteriosum
Describe the contents, actions, and innervations of the Anterior Compartment of the Thigh
Act: flexes hip & extends knee
Mm: Sartorius, tensor fascia latae, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, lateralis, & intermedius
I: Femoral n. (L2-L4) & superior gluteal n. (TFL only)
What aspects of the Sternoclavicular joint are Concave?
Clavicle in anterior to posterior direction
Manubrium in superior to inferior direction
P, D, A, I Palmaris longus
P: medial epicondyle
D: palmar aponeurosis
A: flexes hand @ wrist & tenses palmar fascia
I: median n. (C7-8)
P, D, A, I Flexor pollicis longus
P: anterior surface of radius & interosseous membrane
D: base of distal phalanx of thumb
A: flexes thumb
I: median n. (anterior interosseous n) (C7-T1)
Describe the anatomy behind the “toeing in/pigeon toeing” mild deformity of the lower extremity
Caused by femoral anteversion/ inward torsion of femur
Creates a larger Q angle at the knee and pigeon toe
What is the most common direction for hip dislocation?
Causes by motor vehicle accidents (femur blocked @ knee and slides back)
Can damage acetabulum, labrum, and Sciatic n.
What are the boundaries and contents of the anatomical snuff box?
Extensor Pollicis Longus
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
Inferior border of Extensor Retinaculum
Radial a. and Scaphoid Bone (can check for fx)
P, D, A, I Tibialis anterior
P: lateral condyle and proximal 2/3rds of lateral tibial surface & crural interosseus membrane
D: medial cuneifrom & adjacent 1st metatarsal
A: dorsiflex ankle & invert foot
I: deep fibular n. (L4-S1)
P, D, A, I Flexor digitorum longus
P: Posterior tibia distal to soleal line
D: plantar surface of distal phalangeal bases
A: plantar flexes ankle & flexes digits 2-5 (MP & IP)
I: tibial n. (L5-S2)
P, D, A, I Gracilis
P: body of pubis & inf. pubic ramus
D: medial surface tibia
A: flex & medially rotate knee, and adducts hip
I: Obturator n. (L2-L4)
Name the attachments and restricted movement of the Posterior Cruciate ligament?
Posterior intercondylar area of tibia to lateral surface of medial condyle of femur
Prevents anterior displacement of femur when loaded
P, D, A, I Rectus capitis posterior minor
P: tubercle on posterior arch C1
D: medial aspect inferior nuchal line
A: extension of head
I: suboccipital n.
Describe a posterolateral disc herniation.
Posterolateral disc herniations are most common
The nucleus pulposus protrudes out of the annulus fibrosus where it is thinnest and lacks structural support from the ant & post longitudinal ligaments
The herniation in this direction is more likely to compress the nerve root and cause sypmtoms
Name the attachments and restricted movement of the Lateral Collateral ligament?
Lateral epicondyle of femur to head of fibula
Stabilizes lateral aspect of joint/resists genu varus
P, D, A, I Pronator quadratus
P: anterior surface of distal ulna
D: anterior surface of distal radius
A: pronates forearm
I: median n. (anterior interosseous n.) (C8-T1)
Describe the attachments of the conoid ligament and it’s functions
Coracoid process to conoid tubercle of clavicle
Stabilizies AC joint
Limits medial displacement, protraction, & elevation
What are the remaining structures of fetal circulation?
Fossa ovalis
Ligamentum arteriosum
P, D, A, I Extensor pollicis brevis
P: posterior radial surface & interosseous membrane
D: base of 1st procimal phalanx
A: extends thumb (primary) and extends & adducts CMC joint
I: radial n. (C6-8)
P, D, A, I Tensor fascia latae
P: anterior superior iliac spine & external lip iliac crest
D: iliotibial tract
A: abduct, flex, medially rotate hip and assist in maintaining knee extension
I: superior gluteal n. (L4-S1)
Name the attachments and function of the Medial Collateral (Deltoid) ligament of the ankle
medial malleolus & talus, navicular & sustentaculum tali of calcaneus
Resists forced eversion
Describe the organization of the Thoracolumbar fascia
Posterior Layer- spinous processes to middle layer, passes posterior to erector spinae mm
Middle Layer - transverse processes, passes posterior to quadratus lumborum m.
Anterior Layer - transverse processes to middle layer (connection forms transversus abdominis muscle), passes anterior to quadratus lumborum
P, D, A, I Flexor digitorum superficialis
P: medial epicondyle of humerus
D: sides of middle phalanges of digits 2-5
A: flexion of digits & hand @ wrist
I: median n. (C7-T1)
P, D, A, I Posterior digastric
P: temporal mastoid notch
D: intermediate tendon
A: depression of mandible or elevation of hyoid
I: facial n.
P, D, A, I Tibialis posterior
P: crural interosseus membrane, lateral tibial surface & medial fibular
D: Navicular, medial & intermediate cuneiforms, bases of metatarsals 2-4
A: inverts foot & plantar flexes ankle
I: tibial n. (L4-S1)
Name P, D, A, I
Levator Scapulae
P: transverse process of C1-C4
D: superior angle & superomedial border of the scapular
A: elevation and downward rotation of scapula
I: dorsal scapular nerve, C4-5 (sensory: direct C3-4 branches)
Dermatome of Xiphoid Process
Dermatome of T10
Includes umbillicus
P, D, A, I Psoas major
P: anterior transverse processes, vertebral bodies & discs of T12-L5
D: lesser trochanter of femur
A: flexes and stabilizes hip joint
I: ventral rami L1-L4 (from lumbar plexus)
P, D, A, I Inferior Oblique
P: maxilla latera
D: nasolacrimal groove to inferolateral, posterior aspect of sclera
A: elevation, abduction, & extortion of the eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Extensor pollicis longus
P: middle 1/3rd of posterior surface of ulna & interosseous membrane
D: base of 1st distal phalanx
A: extends thumb (CMC, primary, & secondary) (C6-8)
P, D, A, I Obicularis oculi
P: orbital margin & medial palpebral ligament
D: superficial fascia of eyelid
A: palpebral sphincter (closes eyes/winkin)
I: temporal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
Dermatome of S1
Fifth toe
Name the dermatomal landmarks of the Lumbar spinal roots
L1: inguinal/groin region
L2: Hip
L3: Knee
L4: Big toe/ first digit
L5: flip flop spot
P, D, A, I Superior oblique
P: Superomedial, posterior aspect of the orbit
D: superb lateral, posterior aspect of the sclera passing around trochlea (superomedial, anterior aspect of the orbit)
A: depression, abduction, & intorsion of the eye
I: trochlear n.
P, D, A, I Medial rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: medial aspect of sclera
A: adduction of eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Vastus lateralis
P: intertrochanteric line, greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity, & linea aspera
D: base & lateral border of patella
A: extends knee
I: femoral n. (L2-L4)
P, D, A, I Palmar interossei
P: palmar aspects of metacarpals 2, 4, & 5
D: dorsal digital expansions of digits 2, 4, &5
A: adducts & flexes (MCP) and extends (interphalangeal) digits 2, 4, & 5
I: deep branch of ulnar n. (C8-T1)
Describe the attachments and function of the coracohumeral ligament
Base of coracoid process to anterior aspect of greater tubercle
Reinforces superoanterior aspects of joint capsule
P, D, A, I Coracobrachialis
P:Coracoid process
D: Proximal medial shaft of humerus
A: Flexion & adduction of shoulder
I: musculocutaneous n. (lateral cord) (C6-7)
P, D, A, I Dorsal interossei
P: adjacent sides of metacarpals
D: proximal phalangeal bases and dorsal digital expansions of 2nd-4th digits
A: abducts & flexes (MCP) and extends digits 2-4 (interphalangeal)
I: deep branch ulnar n. (C8-T1)
Function of the Lateral ligaments of the ankle:
Resists forced inversion
Describe the contents, actions, and innervation of the Posterior Compartment of the Thigh
Act: Extend thigh & flex leg
Mm: Hamstrings- biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
I: tibial division of sciatic n. (L5-S2)
*L5-S3 for long head of biceps femoris m.
P, D, A, I Lumbricals
P: tendons of flexor digitorum longus
D: medial sides of dorsal expansions of digits 2-5
A: flexes proximal phalanges (MP) & extend IP joints
I: medial plantar n (L4-S1)-1st digit and lateral plantar n. (S1-S2)- digits 2-4
Identify the chamber of the heart and name the missing internal features.
Right Ventricle
1: Septal papillary muscle
2: Septomarginal trabecula
3: Chordae tendineae
4: Conus arteriosus
P, D, A, I Middle scalene
P: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
D: 1st rib
A: elevation of 1st rib (forced insp.) & lateral flexion & contralateral rotation of neck
I: lower ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
Describe the attachments and function of the coracoacromial ligament
Lateral border of coracoid process to acromion
Prevents suprior discplacement of humeral head by forming coracoacromial arch
P, D, A, I Biceps femoris
Long Head
P: ishial tuberosity
D: lateral side of fibular head
A: flexes & laterally rotates knee, extends hip
I: Tibial division of sciatic n. (L5-S3)
Describe the attachments and function of the Transverse carpal ligament
Pisiform & hook of hamate to scaphoid and trapezium
Prevents bowstrining of tendons of FPL, FDS, & FDP mm.
P, D, A, I Opponens pollicis
P: transverse carpal lig & trapzium
D: palmar surface of 1st metacarpal
A: opposition of thumb to 5th digit
I: recurrent branch of median n. (C6-T1)
P, D, A, I Extensor carpi radialis longus
P: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
D: base of 2nd metacarpal
A: extends hand @ wrist, radial deviation, assists in elbow flexion
I: radial . (C6-8)
P, D, A, I Abductor digiti minimi
P: calcaneal tuberosity
D: lateral side of proximal phalangeal base of 5th digit
A: abducts & flexes 5th digit
I: lateral plantar n. (S1-S2)
P, D, A, I Lateral pterygoid
P: infratemporal surface of sphenoid & lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
D: neck of mandible and TMJ disc
A: depresses mandible, protracts & acts with ipsilateral pterygoid to rotate the mandible to produce side to side movements while chewing
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I Superior gemellus
P: external surface spine of ischium via obt. internus tendon
D: greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: Sacral plexus (L5-S2)
P, D, A, I Abductor pollicis brevis
P: transverse carpal lig
D: radial side of base of proximal phalanx of thum and tubercle of trapezium
A: abducts thumb
I: recurrent branch of median n. (C6-T1)
What are the posterior muscles of the neck?
Splenius capitis
Longissimus capitis
Semispinalis capitis
P, D, A, I Pronator teres
P: medial epicondyle & ulnar coronoid process
D: lateral aspect of radius
A: pronates & flexes forearm
I: median n. (C6-7)
P, D, A, I Dorsal interossei
P: metatarsal shafts
D: proximal phalangeal bases & dorsal digital expansions digits 2-5
A: abducts (MP) & flexes (MP) digits 2-4
I: lateral plantar n. (S1-S2)
P, D, A, I Transverse thoracis
P: posterior sternum
D: costal cartilages
A: depresses ribs
I: intercostal n. (Segmental)
P, D, A, I Sternothyroid
P: posterior aspect of manubrium & costal cartilage of 1st rib
D: thyroid lamina
A: depression of elevated larynx
I: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
What does RA LS stand for/ mean?
RA LS relates to the location of the Pulmonary Artery at the roots of the right and left lungs.
On the Right lung, the Pulmonary artery can be found on the more Anterior aspect of the root.
On the Left lung, the Pulmonary Artery can be found on the Superior aspect of the root.
The root of the lung also includes the Pulmonary veins and the primary bronchi (depending on cut).
Identify the chamber of the heart shown and name the missing internal features.
Right Ventricle
1: Pulmonary trunk
2: Interventricular septum
3: Posterior papillary muscle
4: R. Atrioventricular valve (ant. Cusp)
What are the intercostal nn. (T1-12) also known as?
Ventral rami of thoracic spinal nn.
Most common direction of shoulder dislocation
Anterior Dislocation
Head of humerus dislocates inferiorly but slips anteriorly and can cause damage to neurovasculature at the axilla such as the brachial plexus
P, D, A, I Triceps Brachii
P: infraglenoid tubercle of scapular (long head) & proximal posterolateral (lateral) & distal posteromedial (medial) shaft of humerus
D: olecranon process of ulna
A: extension of shoulder (long head) & extension of the elbow (long, lateral, & medial head)
I: radial n. (C6-T1)
P, D, A, I Sternohyoid
P: posterior side of proximal clavicle & adjacent manubrium
D: inferior border of body of hyoid
A: depresses hyoid
I: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
Describe fossa ovalis
Fossa ovalis is located in the interatrial septum
It shunted blood from the R to L atrium to avoid the lungs during fetal development
What aspects of the Sternoclavicular joint are Convex?
Manubrium in anterior to posterior direction
Clavicle in superior to inferior direction
P, D, A, I Abductor pollicis longus
P: proximal post. radius, ulna & interosseous membrane
D: base of 1st metacarpal & trapezium
A: abducts & extends thumb @ carpometacarpal joint and radial deviation (C6-8)
P, D, A, I Serratus posterior inferior
P: spinous processes of T11-L2
D: inferior borders of ribs 9-12
A: proprioception of thoracic wall
I: intercostal nn. (T9-12)
What neurovascular structures would be injured by a bone fracture located at the medial epicondyle of humerus?
Ulnar Recurrent aa. ( ant/post)
Ulnar a.
Ulnar n.
P, D, A, I Inferior gemellus
P: proximal ischial tuberosity vis obt. internus tendon
D: greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: Sacral plexus (L4-S1)
P, D, A, I Brachioradialis
P: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
D: distal radius lateral to styloid process
A: flexes elbow
I: radial n. (C5-6)
P, D, A, I Semitendinosus
P: ischial tuberosity
D: proximal medial tibia
A: extends hip, flexes & medially rotates knee
I: tibial division of sciatic n. (L4-S2)
Name the 4 Suboccipital muscles?
Rectus capitis posterior major & minor
Obliquus capitis inferior & superior
P, D, A, I Stylohyoid
P: styloid process of temporal bone
D: body of hyoid bone
A: elevation & retraction of hyoid
I: facial n.
P, D, A, I Semispinalis capitis
P: upper thoracic & cervical transverse processes
D: occipital bone between sup & inf nucal lines
A: extension & contralateral rotation of the head
I: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.
P, D, A, I Gastrocnemius
P: posterior aspect of femoral condyles and joint capsule
D: posterior calcaneal surface
A: flexes knee & plantar flexes ankle
I: tibial n. (S1-S2)
Identify the chambers and name the missing internal features.
Left Atrium & Ventricle
1: Pectinate muscles
2: Trabeculae carneae of interventricular septum
3: Posterior papillary muscle
4: Interatrial septum
5: Valve of foramen ovale
6: Left auricle
P, D, A, I Flexor carpi radialis
P: medial epicondyle
D: palmar aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal
A: flexes and abducts hand at wrist, maybe assists pronation of forearm and flexion of elbow
I: median n. (C6-8)
Dermatome of L4
First Toe
Name the ligaments resisting movement at the knee joint?
Medial Collateral Ligament
Lateral Collateral Lig
Anterior Cruciate Lig
Posterior Cruciate Lig
Patellar Lig
List the lateral ligaments of the ankle
Posterior talofibular
Lateral talocalcaneal
Anterior talofibular
P, D, A, I Depressor labii inferioris
P: oblique line of mandible
D: skin of lower lip
A: depresses lower lip (pouting/sad)
I: mandibular branch of facial n.
Describe the anatomy of the “toeing out/duck footed” mild deformity of the lower limb
Caused by femoral retroversion/ outward torsion of the femur
Creates a smaller Q angle at the knee and duck foot
P, D, A, I Extensor digitorum brevis
medial slip of muscle is EHB
P: anterolateral calcaneus
D: dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx (digit 1 EHB) or to lateral side of tendons of extensor digitorum longus (digits 2-4 EDB)
A: extension of digits 2-5 (MP & IP ; EDB) and extension of digit 1 (EHB)
I: deep fibular n. (L4-S1)
P, D, A, I Sternocleido mastoid
P: lateral aspect of mastoid process & superior nuchal line
D: manubrium & medial 1/3 clavicle
A: flexion, ipsilateral lateral flexion, extensrion of head and neck, & contralateral rotation of the head
I: accessory n & C1-2
Describe the attachments and function of the Radial Collateral ligament
Lateral epicondyle to anular ligament
Resists excessive cubital varus
P, D, A, I Buccinator
P: alveolar processes of maxilla & mandible, pterygoid hamulus, and pterygomandibular raphe
D: angle of mouth
A: compresses cheek when blowing
I: buccal branch of facial n.
Spinalis attachments
spinous processes
P, D, A, I Supinator
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral lig & supinator crest of ulna
D: lateral surface of proximal radius
A: supinates forearm
I: radial n. (C5-6)
Interspinales Attachments
between spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae
Attachments of the Sacrospinous ligament
Ishial spine to lateral margin of sacrum
P, D, A, I Plantaris
P: lateral supracondylar line
D: posterior calcaneal surface
A: flexes knee & plantarflexes ankle
I: tibial n. (L4-S1)
What are intercostal nn. T7-11 named?
Thoracoabdominal nn. & lower intercostal nn.
P, D, A, I Omohyoid
P: superior border of the scapula medial to scapular notch
D: lateral aspect of the hyoid passing through an intermediate tendon sling loosely associated w/ clavicle & 1st rib
A: depression of hyoid
I: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
P, D, A, I Platysma
P: lower border of mandible
D: superficial fascia of skin of the neck overlying clavicle
A: wrinkles anterior nuchal skin (Conveying tension or stress)
I: cervical branch of fascia n.
P, D, A, I Flexor digitorum brevis
P: Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
D: sides of intermediate phalanges of digits 2-5
A: flexes toes (proximal IP)
I: medial plantar n. (L4-S1)
Intertransversarii Attachments
between transverse processes of adjacent veretebrae
P, D, A, I
Teres major
P: dorsal surface of inferior angle scapular & lower 1/3 lateral border of scapular
D: medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
A: humeral adduction, medial rotation, & extension
I: lower subscapular nerve
Describe radial head subluxation.
Radial head slips from under the anular ligament and subluxes or dislocates from the capitulum of humerus
Signs: inability to supinate,pain
Most common in kids because the annular ligament is still weaker
Mechanism: traction or pulling
What is intercostal nn. T12 and below named?
Subcostal nn.
Describe the actions, contents, innervation, and blood supply of the Superficial Posterior Compartment of the Leg
Act: Plantarflexion & knee flexion
Mm: Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris
I: Tibial n.
Blood supply by posterior tibial a.
P, D, A, I Flexor hallucis longus
P: distal 2/3 posterior fibula & crural interosseous membrane
D: plantar aspect of distal phalangeal base of 1st digit
A: plantar flexes ankle & flexes 1st digit (MP & IP)
I: tibial n. (L5-S2)
P, D, A, I Flexor hallucis brevis
P: cuboid & tendon of tibialis posterior
D: base of proximal phalanx digit 1
A: flexion of digit 1 (MP joint)
I: medial plantar n. (L4-S1)
Describe the attachments and function of the Superior transverse scapular ligament
Base of coracoid process to medial edge scapular notch
Closes off suprascapular notch
P, D, A, I Thyrohyoid
P: thyroid lamina
D: greater horn of hyoid bone
A: depression of hyoid or elevation of thyroid cartilage
I: ventral ramus of C1 via XII
P, D, A, I Mylohyoid
P: mylohoid line of mandible
D: midline raphe and anterior asepct of body of hyoid
A: elevation of the floor of oral cavity
I: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (CN V3)
Dermatome of “Flip Flop Spot”
Dermatome of S2
Heel of Foot
P, D, A, I Gluteus maximus
P: aponeurosis of erector spinae, sacrum, sacrotuberous lig & post gluteal line
D: greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tract
A: extend & laterally rotate hip
I: inferior gluteal n. (L5-S2)
Name the attachments and restricted movement of the Anterior Cruciate ligament?
Medial part of Ant. intercondylar part of tibia to post. part of medial surface of lateral condyle of femur
prevents posterior displacement of femur when loaded and hyperextension of knee
What ligaments are at the thickening of the Knee Joint Capsule?
Extracapsular Ligaments:
-Patellar ligament
P, D, A, I Extensor carpi radialis brevis
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus
D: base of 3rd metacarpal
A: extends hand at wrist & radial deviation
I: radial n. (C6-8)
P, D, A, I Piriformis
P: anterolateral sacrum & posterior inferior iliac spine
D: upper border of greater trochanter
A: abducts & laterally rotates hip
I: nerve to piriformis (S1-S2)
P, D, A, I Quadratus femoris
P: ishcial tuberosity
D: quadrate tubercle of femur
A: laterally rotates hip
I: nerve to quadratus femoris (sacral plexus, L4-S1)
Multifidis (transversospinales) Attachments
P: sacrum, posterior SI lig, posterior iliac spine, transverse processes
D: superior spinous processes
Name the attachments and restricted movement of the Patellar ligament?
Apex of patella to tibial tuberosity
Resists knee flexion
P, D, A, I
P: clavicle, acromion, & spine of scapula
D: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A: flexion & medial rotation (ant), abduction (middle), extension & lateral rotation + horizontal extension (post) of humerus
I: axillary nerve (C5-6; ant, mid, post sections)
Identify the view of the heart and name the missing structures.
Anterior view
1: Right auricle
2: Right ventricle
3: Cardiac apex
4: Anterior interventricular sulcus
5: Left auricle
P, D, A, I
P: medial 2/3 of infraspinous fossa
D: middle facet greater tubercle of humerus to shoulder joint capsule
A: lateral rotation of humerus, stabilize GHJ
I: suprascapular nerve (C5-6)
P, D, A, I Serratus posterior superior
P: spinous processes of C7-T3
D: Inferior borders of ribs 2-5
A: proprioception of thoracic wall
I: intercostal nn. (T1-4)
P, D, A, I Sartorius
P: anterior superior iliac spine
D: medial aspect of proximal tibia
A: flex, abduct & laterally rotate hip and flex & assist in medial rotation of knee
I: femoral n. (L2-L3)
P, D, A, I Adductor hallucis
P: 2-4th metatarsal bases (oblique head) & distal ends of 3-5 metatarsals (transverse head)
D: lateral base of proximal phalanx of digit 1
A: adducts great toe
I: lateral plantar n. (S1-S2)
P, D, A, I Fibularis tertius
P: distal fibula and crural interosseous membrane
D: base of 5th metatarsal
A: dorsiflexes ankle & everts foot
I: deep fibular n. (L4-S1)
Describe the meningeal coverings of the central nervous system
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Pia mater
Around brain, spinal cord
P, D, A, I Soleus
P: posterior aspect of head & proximal 1/4 fibula & soleal line
D: posterior calcaneal surface
A: plantar flexes ankle
I: tibial n. (L5-S2)
Name the attachments and restricted movement of the Medial Collateral ligament?
From medial epicondyle of femur to medial epicondyle & shaft of tibia
Stabilizes medial aspect of the joint/ resists genu valgus
Identify what lung this is based off of the structures on its medial aspect. Name the structures.
Right Lung: RA
Purple is pulmonary a.
Pink is pulmonary vv.
White is primary bronchus
Name P, D, A, I
Pectoralis major
P: clavicle, costal cartilages, sternum & aponeurosis of external oblique
D: lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of the humerus
A: humeral adduction, flexion & medial rotation (sternalcostal portion assists with extension of flexed arm)
I: lateral & medial pectoral nn. (clavicular head C5-7: sternoclavicular head C8-T1)
What structures are at risk of damage due to pelvic fractures?
Internal illiac a.
External illiac a.
Obturator a.
P, D, A, I Extensor digitorum
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus
D: extenosr expansions of digits 2-5
A: extends phalanges (primary-metacarpophalangeal & secondary-interphalangeal) & hand @wrist
I: radial n. (C6-8)
Name the attachments and restricted movement of the Ischiofemoral ligament?
Ischium Posterior to Acetabulum to Greater Trochanter and Iliofemoral ligament
assists the iliofemoral lig. in limiting extension of femur
P, D, A, I
P: medial 2/3 suprapinous fossa
D: superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus to shoulder joint capsule
A: initiates humeral abduction & laterally rotates humerus; stabilizes GHJ (reinforcing superior of capsule)
I: suprascapular nerve (C4-6)
P, D, A, I Internal & Innermost Intercostals
P & D: rib to rib, superior-medial to inferior-lateral (down & out)
A: depression of ribs
I: intercostals n. (Segmental)
Name the attachments and resisted movement of the Iliofemoral ligament?
Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine to Intertrochanteric line of Femur
limits extension of thigh at the hip
P, D, A, I Levator Palpebrae Superioris
P: inferior aspect of lesser wing of the sphenoid
D: tarsus and skin of upper lid
A: elevation of upper lid
I: superior ramus of oculomotor n.
Iliocostalis attachments
Thoracolumbar fascia to costal angles
P, D, A, I Flexor pollicis brevis
P: transverse carpal lig & trapezium
D: radial side base of proximal phalanx of thumb (Deep head blends wit opponens pollicis)
A: flexes thumb (MCP)
I: recurrent branch of median nerve (Superficial head; C6-T1) & deep branch of ulnar n (deep head; C8-T1)
P, D, A, I Masseter
P: zygomatic arch
D: angle of mandible & lateral aspect of ramus
A: elevation, protraction, & retraction (deep fibers) of mandible
I: mandibular n. (V3)
Describe ligamentum arteriosum
Attaches/Located between aorta and pulmonary artery
Shunted blood away from the lungs during fetal development
P, D, A, I Fibularis Longus
P: head & proximal 2/3rds of fibula
D: lateral aspects of 1st metatarsal & adjacent medial cuneiform
A: everts foot, plantar flexes ankle, & depresses 1st metatarsal head
I: superficial fibular n. (L4-S1)
Identify the view of the heart and name the missing surface features.
Posterior view
1: Left auricle
2: Left ventricle
3: Right atrium
What are the 7 Extraocular Muscles?
Inferior oblique
Inferior rectus
Levator palpebrae superioris
Medial rectus
Superior rectus
Lateral rectus
Superior oblique
P, D, A, I Extensor digiti minimi
P: lateral epicondyle of humerus
D: digital expansion 5th digit
A: extends 5th digit primary and secondary
I: radial n. (C7-8)
P, D, A, I Semimembranosus
P: Ischial tuberosity
D: posterior aspect of medial tibial condyle
A: Extends hip, and felxes & medially rotates knee
I: tibial division of sciatic n. (L4-S2)
Attachments of the Sacrotuberous ligament
Posterior iliac spine & lateral margin of sacrum to ischial tuberosity
P, D, A, I Gluteus medius
P: external iliac surface
D: oblique ridge on lateral aspect of greater trochanter, gluteal aponeuroisis
A: Abducts & medially rotates hip, keeps pelvis level w/opp leg raised
I: Superior gluteal n. (L4-S1)
P, D, A, I Vastus intermedius
P: anterior aspect of proximal 2/3rd femoral shaft
D: lateral border of patella
A: extend knee
I: femoral n. (L2-L4)
P, D, A, I
Teres minor
P: upper 2/3 dorsal surface of lateral border of scapula
D: inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus to shoulder joint capsule
A:lateral rotation of humerus, stabilize GHJ
I: axillary nerve (C5-6)
Describe the anatomy of the “knock knees” deformity of the lower limb
Coxa vara is caused by <125 degree angle of inclination
Genu valgum develops to compensate for smaller angle
P, D, A, I Anterior scalene
P: anterior tubercles of middle cervical vertebrae
D: scalene tubercle of 1st rib
A: elevation of 1st rib (forced inspiration) & lateral flexion & contralateral rotation of neck
I: lower ventral rami of cervical spinal n.
P, D, A, I Obturator internus
P: anterolateral wall of pelvis & obturator membrane
D: medial surface of greater trochanter
A: laterally rotates hip
I: nerve to obturator internus (sacral plexus, L5-S2)
Name the attachments and restricted movement of the Pubofemoral ligament?
Iliopubic eminence and Superior Pubic Ramus to Fibrous Capsule
limits abduction of femur
P, D, A, I
P: 1st rib & cartilage
D: undersurface of clavicle
A: depresses & stabilizes the clavicle
I: subclavian nerve (C5-6)
P, D, A, I Inferior rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: inferior aspect of sclera
A: depression, adduction, & extorsion of eye
I: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I of Biceps Brachii
P: Coracoid process (short head) & supraglenoid tubercle (long head) of scapula
D: Radial tuberosity & deep antebrachial fascia (through bicipital aponeurosis)
A: Flexion of shouler & elbow, & supinaition of forearm
I: musculocutaneous n. (lateral cord) (C5-6)
Describe the attachments and functions of the Collateral Ligaments of the Metacarpophalangeal joints
Head of metacarpals to base of proximal phalanx
Stabilizes MCP joints
What are the 10 craniofascial muscles?
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferioris
Levator labii superioris
Orbicularis oculi & oris
Zygomaticus major
P, D, A, I Genio hyoid
P: inferior genial tubercle of mandible
D: anterior aspect of body of the hyoid
A: elevation of tongue and hyoid or depresses mandible
I: ventral ramus of C1 vis CN XII
P, D, A, I Extensor digitorum longus
P: lateral tibial condyle, proximal 3/4th of fibular & crural interosseus membrane
D: dorsal digital expansions of digits 2-5
A: dorsiflexes ankle & extends digits 2-5 (IP&MP)
I: deep fibular n. (L4-S1)
Semispinalis (transversospinales) Attachments
P: transverse processes
D: distant superior spinous processes
What are the 4 muscles of mastication?
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
P, D, A, I Adductor pollicis
P: capitate & 2nd and 3rd metacarpals
D: proximal phalangeal bases and dorsal digital expansions of 2nd-4th digits
A: adducts thumb
I: deep branch ulnar n. (C8-T1)
Describe the actions, contents, innervation, and blood supply of the Lateral Compartment of the Leg
Act: Eversion, plantar flexion
Mm: Fibularis longus & brevis
I: Superficial fibular n.
Blood supply by fibular a.
P, D, A, I Extensor hallucis longus
P: middle 1/2 of fibular surgace & crural interosseous membrane
D: distal phalangeal base of 1st digit
A: dorsiflex ankle & extend 1st digit (MP & IP)
I: Deep fibular n. (L4-S1)
Describe the attachments and function of the acromioclavicular ligament
Superior acromial end of clavicle to adjacent acromion
Stabilizes acromioclavicular joint
Describe the attachments and function of the Anular Ligament
Anterior margin of radial notch to posterior margin of radial notch (surrounding head of radius)
Stabilizes proximal radioulnar joint
P, D, A, I Superior rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: superior aspect of sclera
A: elevation, adduction, intorsion of the eye
I: superior ramus of oculomotor n.
P, D, A, I Levator labii superioris
P: inferior orbital margin
D: lateral aspect of upper lip
A: raises and everts upper lip (showing sadness)
I: buccal & zygomatic branches of facial n.
P, D, A, I Frontalis
P: Superficial fascia of eyebrows
D: Epicrancial aponeurosis
A: protracts the scalp & elevates eyebrows and nose (surprise or curiosity)
I: temporal branch of facial n.
What are intercostal nn. T1-6 named?
Upper intercostal nn.
Dermatome of nipple
P, D, A, I Longus coli
P: cervical vertebral bodies
D: cervical vertebral bodies & transverse processes
A: flexion, lateral flexion of the neck, and ipsilateral rotation
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C2-7)
P, D, A, I Longus capitis
P: anterior tubercles of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
D: basilar occipital bone
A: flexion of the head & neck (bilateral) and ipsilateral rotation (unilateral)
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C1-3)
What nerve innervates the muscles of the anterior forearm? What are the exceptions?
Median n.
Flexor carpi ulnaris & flexor digitum profundus digits 4-5 -> ulnar n.
Pronator quadratus-> anterior interosseous n. from median n.
Describe a radial head dislocation or subluxation
Most common in children
Traction mechanism
Radial head subluxes/dislocates from annular ligament
P, D, A, I Biceps femoris
Short Head
P: Lateral supracondylar line
D: lateral side of fibular head
A: flexes & laterally rotates knee
I: Fibular division of sciatic n. (L5-S2)
P, D, A, I Depressor anguli oris
P: mandible
D: angle of mouth
A: depresses angle of mouth (frown/sad)
I: buccal & mandibular branch of facial n.
P, D, A, I Medial pterygoid
P: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate & adjacent maxilla
D: medial aspect of angle of mandible
A: elevation of mandible and acts with ipsilateral lateral pterygoid to rotate mandible for side to side movements during trituration of food
I: mandibular n. (V3)
P, D, A, I
P: subscapular fossa
D: lesser tubercle of humerus
A: medial rotation of humerus, stabilze GHJ
I: upper & lower subscapular nerves
Name the axillary lymph nodes?
- Humeral/lateral lymph nodes
- Central lymph nodes
3.Apical lymph nodes - Subscapular/posterior lymph nodes
- Pectoral lymph nodes
P, D, A, I Extensor halluis brevis
P: extensor digitorum brevis
D: dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of hallux
A: extension of great toe @ MP joint
I: deep fibular n. (L4-S1)
Name P, D, A, I
Latissimus dorsi
P: lower thoracic spinous processes, thoracolumbar fascia & iliac crest
D: intertubercular sulcus of the humerus
A: adduction, extension & medial rotation of humerus
I: thoracodorsal nerve, C6-8
P, D, A, I Longissimus capitis
P: upper thoracic transverse processes
D: posterior margin of mastoid process
A: extension & lateral flexion & ipsilateral rotation of head
I: dorsal rami of spinal n.
P, D, A, I: Diaphragm
P: xiphoid process, inner surface of lower ribs & costal cartilages, & lumbar vertebrae via the cura
D: central tendon
A: inspiration (negative thoracic pressure by inferior displacement)
I: phrenic n. (C3-5)
No Heaven Middle Finger
P, D, A, I Temporalis
P: temporal fossa
D: coronoid process & anterior border of ramus of mandible
A: Elevation & retraction (post. Aspect) of mandible
I: mandibular n. (V3)
Identify the view of the heart and name the missing surface features.
Posterior view
1: Left atrium
2: Coronary sulcus
3: reflected Pericardium
P, D, A, I Posterior scalene
P: lower cervical transverse processes
D: 2nd rib
A: elevation of rib (forced insp) & lateral flexion and contralateral rotation of neck
I: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C6-8)
P, D, A, I Abductor digiti minimi
P: pisiform
D: ulnar side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
A: abducts 5th digit
I: deep branch ulnar n. (C8-T1)
P, D, A, I Opponens digiti minimi
P: hook of hamate
D: ulnar margin of shaft of 5th metacarpal
A: opposition of 5th digit to thumb
I: deep branch ulnar n. (C8-T1)
Name dermatomal landmarks of the Sacral spinal roots
S1: Little toe/5th digit
S2: popliteal fossa & anterior external genitalia
S3: buttocks & anterior external genitalia
S4-S5: Anal region
P, D, A, I Splenius capitis
P: ligamentum nuchae and lower cervical & upper thoracic spinous processes
D: lateral 1/3rd of superior nuchal line
A: extension & lateral flexion and ipsilateral rotation of head
I: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.
P, D, A, I Popliteus
P: lateral femoral condyle and oblique popliteal lig
D: soleal line of tibia
A: medial rotation of tibia & knee flexion (NWB) or lateral rotation of femur & knee flexion “unlocks knee” (WB)
I: tibial n. (L4-S1)
P, D, A, I Iliacus
P: Iliac fossa, Iliac crest, Scral ala & sacroiliac lig
D: Lesser trochanter of femur
A: flexes and stabilizes hip joint
I: femoral n. (L2-L4)
List the ligaments that contribute to the thickening at the ankle joint capsule
Deltoid ligament
Lateral ligaments
P, D, A, I Lateral rectus
P: common tendinous ring
D: lateral aspect of sclera
A: abduction of eye
I: abducens n.