Harmonising Flashcards
What is the Harmonising treatment method?
Divided into two sub-categories: harmonising the ShaoYang division disease which is from six divisional disease patterns.
Harmonise the Liver and Spleen.
What is ShaoYang disease?
ShaoYang disease is a condition where an external pathogen has progressed and is influencing the exterior and interior.
Herbal medicine is more effective as a treatment for this condition as opposed to dietary suggestions.
What is the appropriate treatment method for Liver and Spleen disharmony?
Food and dietary changes.
What foods are beneficial for Harmonising the Liver and Spleen?
Foods that soothe Liver Qi and resolve phlegm.
Vegetables: buddhas hand, citron fruit
Teas: rose tea, jasmine tea, albizia flower
What foods are not beneficial to harmonising?
Phlegm and mucus inducing food: cheese, full cream milk, butter, sugary treats, excessive intake of fruits
Food with stimulative effect: caffeinates products, chilli, deep fried food
What are the harmonising herbal formulas?
- Xiao Chai Hu Tang
- Xiao Yao San
What is Xiao Chai Hu Tang?
- Chai Hu
- Huang Qin
- Ren Shen
- Zhi Ban Xia
- Gan Cao
- Sheng Jiang
- Da Zao
What are the functions of Xiao Chai Hu Tang?
- Harmonise Shao Yang
- Supplements Qi
- Transforms phlegm
- Spreads Liver qi and Clears heat
What are the indications of Xiao Chai Hu Tang?
- Exogenous febrile disease with Shao Yang syndrome. Used for febrile disease in women with heat in blood phase as well as malaria, jaundice and miscellaneous disease of internal injury with ShaoYang syndrome
- Shaoyang syndrome: alternating episodes of chills and fevers, irritability, hypochondriac fullness or pain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, dry throat and bitter taste in the mouth.
- T: white coating
- P: Wiry
What are the cautions for Xiao Chai Hu Tang?
Yin and Blood xu
What is the dosage for Xiao Chai Hu Tang?
8-12 pills three times per day
What is the dosage for XIAO YAO SAN?
8-12 pills three times per day
- Chai Hu
- Dang Gui
- Bai Shao
- Bai Zhu
- Fu Ling
- Zhi Gan Cao
- Bo He
- Sheng Jiang
What are the functions of XIAO YAO SAN / JIA WEI XIAO YAO SAN?
- Soothes the Liver
- Regulates Qi
- Nourishes blood
- Strengthens the Spleen
- Harmonises the Liver and Spleen
What are the indications of XIAO YAO SAN / JIA WEI XIAO YAO SAN?
- Liver Qi stagnation with blood xu and dysfunction of the Spleen to transport
- Liver Qi stagnation and Spleen and Blood Xu.
- Premenstrual syndrome, irritability, depression, mood swings, vague non-specific aches and pains, fatigue, frequent sighing, tooth grinding, poor appetite, tension headaches, swollen and tender breasts variable bowel habits, loose stools or constipation, abdominal distension, generalised muscle tightness, fullness in the chest, difficulty getting a satisfying breath, sighing, aggravated by stress and emotional upset
- T: slight pale on the tongue
What are the cautions for XIAO YAO SAN / JIA WEI XIAO YAO SAN?
Use with caution in case of Yin Xu with hyperactive Yang