Haematology Flashcards
Cells present in blood film of coeliac?
Howell- Jolly bodies & Target cells
AB for neutropenic sepsis?
Piperacillin with tazobactam (tazocin)
What do you do for a cancer patient with a VTE?
6 months of DOAC (rivaroxaban)
Starry sky pattern on lymph node biopsy?
Burkitt’s lymphoma subtype
What drug offers benefits alongside chemo in patients with non-hodgkins?
Prophylactic management of sickle cell anaemia?
Stage 1 of staging scale for Hodgkins lymphoma?
Stage1: Single lymph node
Ann-Arbor scale
What is stage 2 H. Lymphoma?
2 or more lymph nodes/regions on same side of diaphragm
Stage 3 ann arbor scale?
Nodes on both side of diaphragm
Stage 4 of Ann ARbor scale?
Spread past lymph nodes
What is thrombocytosis?
Abnormally high platelet count (>400)
Causes of thrombocytosis?
Stress (surgery, iron deficiency)
Essential thrombocytosis
Management of thrombocytosis?
Interferon - a
Low dose aspirin
Fever, chills, hypoT and back pain following blood transfusion?
Acute haemolytic reaction
Management of Transfusion associated circulatory overload?
Slow rate of transfusion and give IV furosemide with O2
Respiratory distress, HT, oedema following transfusion?
Presentation of multiple myeloma?
-Calcium: hypercalcaemia
- Renal: Light chain deposition within renal tubules (dehydration and thirst)
- Anaemia:
- Bleeding: Pain, path fractures
-Infection: Reduction of normal immunoglobulins
If fluids, analgesia and oxygen don’t help a patient in chest crisis what should you do?
Exchange transfusion
This reduces number of sickle red cells and increases number of normal red cells
Which type of hodgkins lymphoma has the best prognosis?
Lymphocyte predominant
Most common leukaemia in adults in western world?
Chronic lymphocytic leaukaemia
Characteristics of CLL?
Peripheral blood lymphocytosis
Uncontrolled proliferation of small, mature lymphocytes in bone marrow, nodes and spleen
Bacteria that is the most common cause of neutropenic sepsis?
S, Epidermis (assoc with central line infections)
What is idarucizumab?
Reversal agent of dabigatran
Most common inherited thrombophilia?
Activated protein C resistance factor (Factor V Leiden)
Prolonged APTT?
VWB Disease
What type of transfusion is anaphylaxis most common in?
Plasma rich blood products such as FFP, cryoprecitate and platelets
Who gets acute intermittent prophyria?
Young women
-Can be precipitated by ABs, hormonal contraception, barbiturates and seizure meds
First line treatment of acute intermittent porphyria?
IV Haem arginate (acts to reduce the overproduction of delta- aminolevulnic acid)
Preventative medication for tumour lysis syndrome?
IV rasburicase or
IV Allopurinol
First line treatment of polycythaemia vera?
Which type of hodgkins lymphoma has the worst prognosis?
Lymphocyte depleted
Treatment for women with past VTE and pregnancy?
Aspirin + LMWH
Abdominal pain, constipation, neuropsychiatric features, basophilic stippling?
Lead poisoning
Sudden anaemia + low reticulocyte count indicates what?
Rate a unit of RBCs is usually transferred in a non-urgent scenario?
90-120 mins
Unexplained petechiae or hepatosplenomegaly in 0-24 year old?
Special assessment for leukaemia
How long should the treatment of an unprovoke VTE last?
6 months
1st line InvgX for multiple myeloma?
Full body MRI
Signs of poor prognosis for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
Increasing age
Stage IV disease
Lymphocyte depleted subtype
B symptoms
Fever and chills following transfusion of packed RBCs, hypotensive + abdominal pain ?
Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction
Stop transfusion, administer IV fluids
AB of choice for neutropenic sepsis? + how that would present?
Fever, rash, flue-like symptoms
Chronic myeloid leukaemia treatment?
Tear drop poilikocytes on blood film?
Features of aplastic anaemia?
Normocytic anaemia
What drug can cause aplastic anaemia?
If someone has a macrocytic anaemia and RA, what should be on your mind for the reasoning of this?
Methotrexate induced folate deficiency resulting in macrocytic anaemia
What is Richter’s transformation?
CLL transforms into more aggressive form of large cell lymphoma
Development of B symptoms and diagnosed with lymph node biopsy
What can myelodysplasia progress to?
Acute myeloid leukaemia
How does Factor V Leiden increase someone’s risk of VTE events?
Activated factor V is inactivated much more slowly by activated protein C
What can malaria prophylaxis trigger?
Haemolytic Anaemia in people with G6PD deficiency
Mycoplasma pneumonia followed by anaemia and juandice with hepatosplenomegaly points towards what diagnosis?
Cold AI haemolytic anaemia
Man with Hb below 110g what should you always do?
Upper and Lower endoscopy with 2 week wait
Pancytopenia 5 years post chemo?
Myelodysplastic syndrome
How is transexamic acid given?
IV Bolus followed by slow infusion