Gynecologic Sono Overview Flashcards
The area located posterior to the broad ligaments adjacent to the uterus which contains the ovaries and Fallopian tubes
A protein produced by the fetal yolk sac fetal gastrointestinal tract and the fetal liver ; may also be produced by some malignant tumors
Birth defect in which the external genitalia appear neither recognizably male nor female - frequently associated with TURNer syndrome
or Monosomy X
Ambigious genitalia
Absence of menstruation
A collection of abdominal fluid within the peritoneal cavity
A tumor marker in blood that can indicate certain types of cancers such as cancer of the ovary endometrium , breast, gastrointestinal tract and lungs stands for cancer antigen 125
difficult or painful menstruation
painful sexual intercourse
painful or difficult urination
a pregnancy located outside the endometrial cavity of uterus
ectopic pregnancy
excessive hair growth in women in areas where hair growth is normally negligible
a hormone produced by the trophoblastic cells of the early placenta may also be used as a tumor marker in nongravud patients and males
HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin
decreased or scant menstrual flow regular timed menses but light flow
inability to conceive a child after 1 year of unprotected intercourse
a common form of birth control in which. small device is placed within the endometrium to prevent pregnancy also referred to as an intrauterine contraceptive device
Intrauterine device (IUD)
an enzyme found within the blood that may be used to monitor renal function may also be used as a tumor marker for some ovarian tumors
Lactate dehydrogenase
ascites and pleural effusion in the presence of some begning ovarian tumors
Meigs syndrome
Excessive or prolonged bleeding between periods
Abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation
irregular menstrual bleeding between periods ; inter menstrual bleeding
having multiple chambers or compartments
growth or masses attached to the wall of a structure most likely a cyst
mural nodules
an abnormality that results from ovary twisting on its mesteneric. connection consequently cutting of the blood supply to ovary
ovarian torsion
an infection of the femal genital tract that may involve the ovaries uterus and or fallopian tubes
pelvic inflammatory disease
a syndrome characterized by anovulatory cycles infertility, hirsutism, amenorrhea, and obesity. also referred to as stein-leventhal sydrome
Polycistic ovary syndrome
Separations structures that divide something into separate sections
a anechcoic round mass that has smooth walls and demonstrates through transmission
simple cyst
a sonographic procedure that uses saline instillation into endometrial cavity and fallopian tubes to evaluate for internal abnormalities
a breast cancer drug that inhibits effects of estrogen in breast
having one chamber or comparmtnet
changes within female that are caused by increased androgens may lead to deepening of voice and hirsutism
without echoes
ex : simple ovarian cyst
Having both cystic and solid components ex : pelvic access can have internal debris separations mural nodules fluid-fluid level frequent sonograms needed
structure that reduces echoes
ex : pelvic ligaments
of differing composition
ex : irregular endometrium
of uniform composition
ex : normal uterus
having many echoes
ex : endometrium in secretory phase
having few echoes
ex : leiomyoma
Having same echogenicity
ex : normal ovaries
Must meet certain criteria to be referred to as ___ cyst
STAR criteria
SImple cyst Smooth , thin wall Through transmission Anechoic Round or oval
Patients typically required to drink 32 ounces of water before this examination
Advantage : provides a global view of entire pelvis
disadvantage : lacs detail of endovaginal imaging b/c transducer is much farther away from organs
Does not require full bladder
Advantage : offers improved resolution of endometrium , uterus and ovaries especially for obese patients
disadavtange : possibility of unintentionally omitting pathology that is not within FOV
Transvaginal sonogram
Number of pregnancies
How many of the pregnancies were actually full term
May suffer. from
- polycystic ovarian syndrome
- ovarian torsion (common)
- ectopic pregnancy
- (RARE) malignant ovarian neoplasm
Between pubic bone and urinary bladder
also referred to as Space of Retzius
Retropubic space
Extended alongside the ascending and descending colon on both side of the abdomen
Parabolic gutters
Between the uterus and rectum; also referred to as Pouch of Douglas and rectouterine pouchh
Posterior - cul- de - sac
Between urinary bladder and uterus also called vesicouterine pouch in females
Anterior cul-de-sac
What term best describes the echogenicity of a simple ovarian cyst?
a. anechoic
b. hypoechoic
c. echogenic
d. hyperechoic
The “s” in the STAR criteria stands for:
a. simple
b. sound
c. smooth walls
d. septations
Which of the following is defined as pain during intercourse?
a. Dysuria
b. Dysmenorrhea
c. Dyspareunia
d. Hirsutism
Which of the following is defined as excessive hair growth in women in areas where hair growth is normally negligible? a. Dyspareunia b. Hirsutism C. Meigs syndrome D. Polycystic Ovary syndrome
Which of the following laboratory test may be used as a tumor marker for an ovarian dysgerminoma ? a. lactate dehydrogenase b. Alpha-Fetoprotein C. cancer antigen 125 (CA-125) d. Tamoxifen
All of the following are associated with acute pelvic pain except:
a. pelvic inflammatory disease
b. Ruptured ovarian hemorrhagic cyst
c. perforated intrauterine contraceptive device
d. Asherman syndrome
Which of the following is best defined as intermenstrual bleeding?
a. dysmenorrhea
b. menorrhagia
c. menometrorrhagia
d. metrorrhagia
Having the same echogenicity means:
a. anechoic
b. isoechoic
c. echogenic
d. hypoechoic
Which of the following would typically not be associated with amenorrhea?
a. Asherman syndrome
b. polycystic ovarian syndrome
c. pregnancy
d. Adenomyosis
Which of the following is best defined as difficult or painful menstruation?
a. dysmenorrhea
b. dyspareunia
c. dysuria
d. menorrhagia
What term relates to the number of pregnancies a patient has had?
a. Para
b. Menarche
c. Menorrhagia
d. Gravida
Which of the following definitions best describes the term adnexa?
a. the area posterior to the uterus, between the uterus and rectum
b. the area located posterior to the broad ligaments and adjacent to the uterus
c. the area anterior to the uterus, between the uterus and urinary bladder
d. the area lateral to the iliac crest and posterior to the pubic symphysis
All of the following statements are true of endovaginal imaging except:
a. endovaginal imaging requires a full urinary bladder
b. endovaginal imaging leads to reduced waiting time and quicker medical management
c. endovaginal imaging offers improved resolution of the endometrium, uterus, and ovaries, especially in the obese patient
d. endovaginal imaging is contraindicataed for pediatric patients, and for those with an intact hymen
What laboratory value would be most useful to evaluate in a patient with suspected internal hemorrhage?
a. white blood cells
b. lactate dehydrogenase
c. amylase
d. hematocrit
What abnormality results from the ovary twisting on its mesenteric connection?
a. pelvic inflammatory disease
b. Fitz- Hugh- Curtis disease
c. Ovarian torsion
d. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Which of the following most often leads to an elevation of CA-125?
a. Ovarian carcinoma
b. Fitz- Hugh- Curtis disease
c. Ovarian torsion
d. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
When does the Centers for Disease Control recommend that alcohol-based handrub not be used by the sonographer?
a. after performing a sonogram
b. before performing a sonogram
c. when your hands are visibly soiled
d. between patients
The best way to communicate with a patient who speaks a language other than your own is to:
a. use sign language
b. use proper body cues
c. use an online search engine
d. use a trained medical interprete
What artifact would be seen posterior to a tooth within a cystic teratoma?
a. ring-down
b. reverberation
c. through transmission
d. shadowing
Which of the following is best described as an artifact that is produced by a strong reflector and results in a copy of the anatomy being placed deeper than the correct location?
a. reverberation
b. mirror image
c. acoustic shadowing
d. comet tail
Which of the following statements is not true concerning transabdominal pelvic imaging?
a. transabdominal imaging of the pelvis provides a global view of the entire pelvis
b. transabdominal imaging lacks the detail of endovaginal imaging
c. obese patients and patients with a retroverted or retroflexed uterus present a unique challenge to the transabdominal technique
d. transabdominal imaging is contraindicated for pediatric patients
Malignant ovarian tumors may leak mucinous material, and this condition is known as:
a. Dandy-Walker syndrome
b. Pseudomyxoma peritonei
c. Asherman syndrome
d. Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
All of the following are proper techniques for providing patient care for patients during a pelvic sonogram except:
a. All transducers and their cords should be cleaned before performing a pelvic sonogram
b. endovaginal transducers should be cleaned with a high-level disinfectant
c. A probe cover should be placed on the transducer for transabdominal imaging to prevent the spread of infection
d. sterile jelly should be used as a lubricant for endovaginal imaging
The breast cancer drug that inhibits the effects of estrogen in the breast is:
a. CA-125
b. Methotrexate
c. Ra-916
d. Tamoxifen
Which of the following statements would be considered an acceptable disadvantage of endovaginal imaging?
a. endovaginal imaging has a limited field of view
b. the resolution of endovaginal imaging is reduced compared to transabdominal imaging
c. Endovaginal imaging is more time consuming than transabdominal imaging
d. endovaginal imaging can be performed only by female sonographers
What artifact could be noted emanating from air or gas within the endometrium in a patient with endometritis?
a. ring-down
b. Mirror image
c. posterior enhancement
d. dirty transmission
What Doppler artifact occurs when the Doppler sampling rate is not high enough to display the Doppler shift frequency? a. Doppler noise b. Aliasing C. Twinkle artifact d. absent Doppler signal
Which of the following would be least likely to cause abdominal distension?
a. Ascites
b. multiple leiomyoma
c. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
d. polycystic ovarian disease
All of the following are common indications for a pelvic sonogram except:
a. evaluation of congenital anomalies
b. evaluation of pelvic anatomy immediately following a motor vehicle accident
c. localization of an intrauterine contraceptive device
d. postmenopausal bleeding
Precocious puberty is best defined as:
a. pubertal development before the age of 8
b. pubertal development before the age of 13
c. Excessive hair growth in girls in areas where hair growth is normally negligible
d. changes within the female that are caused by increased levels of a-fetoprotein
Amenorrhea is defined as:
a. the first menstrual cycle
b. Excessive bleeding after the cycle
c. Lack of menstrual flow
d. Painful menstrual flow
Which of the following would most likely be associated with hirsutism?
a. polycystic ovary syndrome
b. Meigs syndrome
c. Adenomyosis
d. Adenomyomatosis
Which of the following would be caused by a large acoustic interface and subsequent production of false echoes?
a. posterior shadowing
b. acoustic ehancement
c. mirror image
d. reverberation
Which of the following would be best defined as abnormally heavy menstrual flow?
a. menometrorrhagia
b. menorrhagia
c. metrorrhagia
d. hypomenorrhea
Which of the following would be best defined as regularly timed menses but light flow?
a. menometrorrhagia
b. menorrhagia
c. metrorrhagia
d. hypomenorrhea
All of the following would be relevant laboratory tests to evaluate before performing a routine pelvic sonogram except:
a. human chorionic gonadotropin
b. Hematocrit
c. white blood cell count
d. lipase
Which of the following could be described as an infection of the female genital tract that may involve the ovaries, uterus, and/or the fallopian tubes?
a. pseudomyxoma peritonei
b. pelvic inflammatory disease
c. polycystic ovarian disease
d. ovarian torsion
Which of the following diagnostic tests is used to evaluate emitted radiation from the patient to assess the function of organs?
a. magnetic resonance imaging
b. nuclear medicine
c. radiography
d. computed tomography
Endovaginal transducers may by cleaned by submerging in a(n) ________ based solution
a. glutaraldehyde
b. ascites
c. formaldehyde
d. alcohol
Leukocytosis would most likely be associated with:
a. multiple degenerating fibroids
b. ovarian teratoma
c. adenomyosis
d. pelvic inflammatory disease