Fetal Abdomen and Abdominal Wall Flashcards
Hypoechoic curved line separating lungs from liver and stomach on superior aspect
Left lobe is larger than the right with fluid filled gB inferior to liver margin
Seen in upper left abdomen posterior to stomach
After midgut rotation contains return to abdominal cavity by 11/12th week and no later than 14 weeks
abdominal wall
Can contain bowel stomach and bladder
o Protrusion of intestines/loops of bowel through open defect in anterior abdominal wall
o NO SAC usually on the RIGHT sided adjacent to umbilical cord
o NOT associated with other chromosomal abnormalities
o Associated with ↑ MSAFP
o Failure of intestines and other abdominal contents to return into abdomen after midgut rotation
o Mass is contiguous with umbilical cord, CENTRALLY located
o SAC covering herniated organs (INCLUDING LIVER)
o HIGH association with other congenital anomalies
o M/C Trisomy 13, 18 or cardiac defects *** on TEST
o Midline defect of lower abdominal wall with protrusion of urinary bladder.
o Can be associated with other genital anomalies
Bladder Exstrophy
o Abnormal development of diaphragm usually occur on left side
o Stomach, Spleen, colon, liver or bowel could herniate into chest
o Associated with pulmonary hypoplasia and polyhydramnios
o Heart is displaced towards the right
Congenital Diaphgramtic Hernia
o Umbilical Vein courses to the left side of the fetal abdomen
Persistent right Umbilical vein
difficult to image unless fetus is swallowing or there is stenosis
- left side on transverse view seen in upper left abdomen. If muscular layer is thickened= hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
mixed echogenicity to cystic in appearance. Peristalsis seen in late second trimester
mixture of bile swallowed vernix, fetal skin and hair
discontinuation of esophagus accompanied by a distal tracheo esophageal fistula; can get anywhere in GI tract
o Associated with cardiac, GI, genitourinary and musculoskeletal anomalies
o S/S: small to absent fluid filled stomach and POLY
Esophageal atresia
failure of recanalization of the duodenum
o “Double bubble sign”- simultaneous distention of stomach and first portion of duodenum & POLY
o Assoc with cardiac and vertebral anomalies & Downs syndrome
Duodenal atresia
obstruction of intestine w/ small bowel diameter >7mm
o Increased peristalsis on fluid filled loops and POLY
Intestinal atresia
occurs after bowel perforation.
o Associated with cystic fibrosis
o Sono: bright echogenic intra-abdominal foci with shadow, Fetal ascites, POLY
Meconium Peritonitis
congenital germ cell tumor arising from sacral area
o Pre-sacral- arises anterior aspect of sacrum and grows internally into the fetal pelvis
o Sacrococcygeal- arises from the posterior sacrum/ coccyx and projects externally/ exophytically from the fetal sacrum
o Sono: a large complex mass, cystic solid and calcified components and hypervascular