Growth & Development Flashcards
Developmental milestones: gross motor
3 months
Little or no head lag on being pulled to sit
Lying on abdomen, good head control
Held sitting, lumbar curve
Developmental milestones: gross motor
6 months
Lying on abdomen, arms extended Lying on back, lifts and grasps feet Pulls self to sitting Held sitting, back straight Rolls front to back
Developmental milestones: gross motor
7-8 months
Sits without support (Refer at 12 months)
Developmental milestones: gross motor
9 months
Pulls to standing
Developmental milestones: gross motor
12 months
Walks with one hand held
Developmental milestones: gross motor
13-15 months
Walks unsupported (Refer at 18 months)
Developmental milestones: gross motor
18 months
Squats to pick up a toy
Developmental milestones: gross motor
2 years
Walks upstairs and downstairs holding on to rail
Developmental milestones: gross motor
3 years
Rides a tricycle using pedals
Walks up stairs without holding on to rail
Developmental milestones: gross motor
4 years
Hops on one leg
Developmental milestones: fine motor and vision
3 months
Reaches for object
Holds rattle briefly if given to hand
Visually alert, particularly human faces
Fixes and follows to 180 degrees
Developmental milestones: fine motor and vision
6 months
Holds in palmar grasp
Pass objects from one hand to another
Visually insatiable, looking around in every direction
Developmental milestones: fine motor and vision
9 months
Points with finger
Early pincer
Developmental milestones: fine motor and vision
12 months
Good pincer grip
Bangs toys together
Developmental milestones: fine motor and vision
building bricks
15 months Tower of 2
18 months Tower of 3
2 years Tower of 6
3 years Tower of 9
Developmental milestones: fine motor and vision
drawing milestones
18 months Circular scribble 2 years Copies vertical line 3 years Copies circle 4 years Copies cross 5 years Copies square and triangle
Developmental milestones: fine motor and vision
book milestones
15 months Looks at book, pats page
18 months Turns pages, several at time
2 years Turns pages, one at time
hand preference before ?months is abnormal and may indicate cerebral palsy
hand preference before 12 months is abnormal and may indicate cerebral palsy
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
3 months
Quietens to parents voice
Turns towards sound
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
6 months
Double syllables ‘adah’, ‘erleh’
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
9 months
Says ‘mama’ and ‘dada’
Understands ‘no’
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
12 months
Knows and responds to own name
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
12-15 months
Knows about 2-6 words (Refer at 18 months)
Understands simple commands - ‘give it to mummy’
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
2 years
Combine two words
Points to parts of the body
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
2½ years
Vocabulary of 200 words
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
3 years
Talks in short sentences (e.g. 3-5 words)
Asks ‘what’ and ‘who’ questions
Identifies colours
Counts to 10 (little appreciation of numbers though)
Developmental milestones: speech and hearing
4 years
Asks ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions
Developmental milestones: social behaviour and play
6 weeks Smiles (Refer at 10 weeks) 3 months Laughs Enjoys friendly handling 6 months Not shy 9 months Shy Takes everything to mouth
Feeding milestones
May put hand on bottle when being fed 6 months
Drinks from cup + uses spoon, develops over 3 month period 12 -15 months
Competent with spoon, doesn’t spill with cup 2 years
Uses spoon and fork 3 years
Uses knife and fork 5 years
Dressing milestones
Helps getting dressed/undressed 12-15 months
Takes off shoes, hat but unable to replace 18 months
Puts on hat and shoes 2 years
Can dress and undress independently except for laces and buttons 4 years
Play milestones
Plays 'peek-a-boo' 9 months Waves 'bye-bye' Plays 'pat-a-cake' 12 months Plays contentedly alone 18 months Plays near others, not with them 2 years Plays with other children 4 years
Development problems - Referral points
doesn’t smile at 10 weeks
cannot sit unsupported at 12 months
cannot walk at 18 months
Gross motor problems
most common causes of problems:
variant of normal, cerebral palsy and neuromuscular disorders (e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy)
Speech and language problems - always check?
always check hearing
other causes include environmental deprivation and general development delay
General contraindications to immunisation
confirmed anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of a vaccine containing the same antigens
confirmed anaphylactic reaction to another component contained in the relevant vaccine (e.g. egg protein)
Situations where vaccines should be delayed
febrile illness/intercurrent infection
Contraindications to live vaccines
DTP: vaccination should be deferred in children with
an evolving or unstable neurological condition
Immunisation schedule
At birth
BCG if risk factors
At birth the BCG vaccine should be given if the baby is deemed at risk of tuberculosis (e.g. Tuberculosis in the family in the past 6 months).
Immunisation schedule
2 months
‘6-1 vaccine’ (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib and hepatitis B)
Oral rotavirus vaccine
Men B
Immunisation schedule
3 months*
‘6-1 vaccine’ (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib and hepatitis B)
Oral rotavirus vaccine
Immunisation schedule
4 months
‘6-1 vaccine’ (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib and hepatitis B)
Men B
Immunisation schedule
12-13 months
Hib/Men C
Men B
Immunisation schedule
2-8 years
Flu vaccine (annual)
Immunisation schedule
3-4 years
‘4-in-1 pre-school booster’ (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio)
Immunisation schedule
12-13 years
HPV vaccination
Immunisation schedule
13-18 years
‘3-in-1 teenage booster’ (tetanus, diphtheria and polio)
Children in the UK receive two doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine before entry to primary school. This currently occurs at
12-15 months and 3-4 years as part of the routine immunisation schedule
Contraindications to MMR
severe immunosuppression
allergy to neomycin
children who have received another live vaccine by injection within 4 weeks
immunoglobulin therapy within the past 3 months
MMR pregnancy should be avoided for at least ?month following vaccination
pregnancy should be avoided for at least 1 month following vaccination
Adverse effects MMR
malaise, fever and rash may occur after the first dose of MMR. This typically occurs after 5-10 days and lasts around 2-3 days
Normal changes in puberty
gynaecomastia may develop in boys
asymmetrical breast growth may occur in girls
diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland may be seen
first sign is testicular growth at
around 12 years of age (range = 10-15 years)
Testicular volume ?ml indicates onset of puberty
esticular volume > 4 ml indicates onset of puberty
Males maximum height spurt at ?yrs
maximum height spurt at 14
first sign is breast development at around ?years
11.5 years of age (range = 9-13 years)
Females height spurt
reaches its maximum early in puberty (at 12) , before menarche
Females menarche at
13 (11-15)
factors which point towards child abuse include:
story inconsistent with injuries
repeated attendances at A&E departments
late presentation
child with a frightened, withdrawn appearance - ‘frozen watchfulness’
Possible physical presentations of child abuse - fractures
particularly metaphyseal, posterior rib fractures or multiple fractures at different stages of healing
Possible physical presentations of child abuse include sexually transmitted infections e.g. Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Trichomonas
Possible physical presentations of child abuse include torn frenulum: e.g. from forcing a bottle into a child’s mouth
Neglect comes under the umbrella of abuse and includes things like Failure to seek medical advice which compromises the child’s health
Child who is persistently smelly and dirty
adults often do not believe children’s allegations of abuse
Sexual abuse higher incidence in children with
special educational needs
Features which may be present in a sexually abused child include sexually precocious behaviour
Features which may be present in a sexually abused child include enuresis and encopresis
Features which may be present in a sexually abused child include recurrent symptoms e.g. headaches, abdominal pain
Child health surveillance - antenatal
Ensure intrauterine growth
Check for maternal infections e.g. HIV
Ultrasound scan for fetal abnormalities
Blood tests for Neural Tube Defects
Child health surveillance - Newborn
Clinical examination of newborn
Newborn Hearing Screening Programme e.g. oto-acoustic emissions test
Give mother Personal Child Health Record
Child health surveillance - GP examines baby ? weeks after birth?
6-8 weeks
Heel-prick test occurs when?
day 5-9
Heel-prick test covers?
hypothyroidism, PKU, metabolic diseases, cystic fibrosis, medium-chain acyl Co-A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD)
meningitis B has now been added to the routine NHS immunisation.
Three doses are now given at:
2 months
4 months
12-13 months
Otoacoustic emission test is performed on newborns
A computer generated click is played through a small earpiece. The presence of a soft echo indicates a healthy cochlea
Distraction test is a hearing test for newborns and infants
for 6-9 months
Auditory Brainstem Response test is routinely performed on newborns and infants
May be done if otoacoustic emission test is abnormal
Hearing test for 18 months - 2.5 years comprises of?
Recognition of familiar objects Uses familiar objects e.g. teddy, cup. Ask child simple questions - e.g. ‘where is the teddy?’
Which hearing test is Done at school entry in most areas of the UK
Pure tone audiometry
Obesity in children consider tailored clinical intervention if BMI
91st centile or above
Obesity in children consider assessing for comorbidities if
BMI at 98th centile or above
Asian children: four times more likely to be obese than white children
obesity more common in male children
taller children: children with obesity are often above the ?th percentile in height
taller children: children with obesity are often above the 50th percentile in height
Cause of obesity in children
growth hormone deficiency hypothyroidism Down's syndrome Cushing's syndrome Prader-Willi syndrome
Consequences of obesity in children
orthopaedic problems
slipped upper femoral epiphyses, Blount’s disease (a development abnormality of the tibia resulting in bowing of the legs), musculoskeletal pains
Consequences of obesity in children
orthopaedic problems psychological consequences sleep apnoea benign intracranial hypertension long-term consequences
Precocious puberty
‘development of secondary sexual characteristics before 8 years in females and 9 years in males’
thelarche is
the first stage of breast development
adrenarche is
the first stage of pubic hair development
Precocious puberty - FSH & LH raised suggests?
Gonadotrophin dependent ('central', 'true') cause due to premature activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
Precocious puberty - FSH & LH lowered suggests?
Gonadotrophin independent ('pseudo', 'false') due to excess sex hormones
Precocious puberty - in males gonadotrophin release from intracranial lesion presents with?
bilateral enlargement of testes
Precocious puberty - in males gonadal tumour presents with?
unilateral enlargement of testes
Precocious puberty - in males adrenal cause (tumour or adrenal hyperplasia)
presents with?
small testes