Group 6F - Curtain Wall Manual, Part V: Contrators Responsibilities and Installation Qualifictions Flashcards
Which is not true: The schedule for installing the curtain wall :
A. represents the process of enclosing the structure
B. is of key importance to the progress of the project
C. is not a critical path item for the overall schedule
D. should be made with a clear understanding of the work to be done
E. doesn’t require input from the participating parties
C. is not a critical path item for the overall schedule
E doesn’t require input from the participating parties
Which are not True? In scheduling, adequate time must be provided for preparatory work, prior to fabrication, such as the:
A. Preparation and approval of shop drawings and samples
B. Procurement of custom materials and their fabrication
C. Material strength testing
D. Assembly and testing of a mockup, if required
E. Procurement of special tooling
F. Development and approval of special finishes
or any other special or custom requirements.
G. Completion of the surrounding building frame.
C and G don’t apply.
Which of the following are NOT among the requirements for setting up and maintaining good working conditions:
A. Floors kept clean of debris and rubbish
B. Furnishing, placement and any required relocation of perimeter safety rails or cables and toe boards at all floor edges
C. Adequate protected areas for storage of curtain
wall material on each floor
D. Parking for all personnel on site
E. Sufficient number of personnel and equipment
F. All accessory and sealant material pre-stocked on each floor
G. Electricity for operating small tools on each
floor, and for welding as required
H. Drinking water and toilets at reasonably
accessible locations
I. No other trades engaged in work on or around the installation floor
J. Protection of curtain wall material, both before
and after installation, from dirt and damage
D, F, and J are fictional
The installation and glazing work _______ specialty subcontractors. Wall contractors _____maintain their own installation crews and _____do their own glazing.
A. must not rely on / must / always
B. are often sublet to / sometimes / a few
C. always utilize / do not / should not attempt to
B. are often sublet to / sometimes / a few
The engineering design and details for the curtain wall:
A. are usually developed by the wall contractor’s in-house engineering staff
B. must be prepared and stamped solely by the project engineer, working for the Architect.
C. are usually prepared collaboratively with the counsel of the wall contractor’s in-house engineering staff.
The _______ prepares shop drawings to provide comprehensive and clearly readable details of all the work to be done, with notations showing what work, if
any, is not included in the wall contract.
General Contractor
Wall Contractor
Structural Engineer
Wall Contractor
All parts of the wall should be identified after fabrication by ___________________in conformance with the
schedule shown on the approved drawings.
A. part type, indicating their general purpose,
B. step numbers, indicating each part’s turn in the sequence of assembly,
C. color codes indicating the material type and structural strength,
D. piece marks clearly indicating their location on the building,
D. piece marks clearly indicating their location on the building,
Which of the following are not among the more important qualifications to be considered in firms bidding the installation work:
A. A background of successful experience commensurate with the requirements of the job being bid
B. Financial responsibility, and sufficient resources
to meet payroll demands and other job costs
C. Ownership of necessary lift equipment and the ability to self-supply elevators for men and materials
D. An adequate supply of, or sufficient funds to acquire all necessary tools and equipment
needed to perform the work efficiently; and
satisfactory references pertaining to work
previously completed
E. Connections at the building department to assure inspectors are favorably disposed toward the expeditious completion of the work.
C isn’t necessary
and E, well, y’know.