Group 6.C - Aluminum Storefronts and Entrances, Part III: Fundamental Design Factors and Specification Development Flashcards
The frame of a storefront installation must be designed to: support it's own weight support the structure of the building support the weight of glazing withstand live loads all of the above
support it’s own weight
support the weight of glazing
withstand live loads
The primary live load(s) imposed on storefront installations is:
Occupants / floor loads Wind loads Seismic loads Mechanical system pressure all of the above
Wind loads
Structural design and calculation in storefront assemblies is critical to:
maintain the narrow sightlines and use of narrow profiles
support the building
maximize glass for better merchandising
maintain energy efficiency
maintain the narrow sightlines and use of narrow profiles
maximize glass for better merchandising
The distance by which the frame overlaps the glass edge to hold the glass in place is called:
pressure bar
glazing bead.
The minimum distance by which the frame overlaps the glass edge (called _____) is at least ___ inch for single glazing or ___ inch for insulating glass units.
Failure to provide adequate clearance and proper bite can result in: lower u factor costly glass failure higher wind loads hazardous glass blowout.
costly glass failure
hazardous glass blowout.
_____ are used to provide Appropriate clearance
between the edge of the glass and the metal frame.
Rubber seals
Glazing bead
Setting blocks
Type II sealant
Setting blocks
Setting blocks used to support glazing panels should have a Short ‘A’ durometer of:
65 +/- 5
95 +/- 5
85 +/- 5
75 +/- 10
85 +/- 5
In general, two setting blocks should be placed
under the lower edge of each panel of fixed glass.
They should be chosen to limit the load from the
glass to ___ psi, but in no case should they be less
than ____ inches in length.
60 / 4
80 / 2
100 / 2
40 / 4
60 psi,
no less than 4 inches in length.
Setting blocks should be positioned no closer to the vertical edges of the glass than ___inches or _____ of the glass width, whichever is greater.
6 / 1/4
4 / 1/8
4 / 1/4
6 / 1/8
6 / 1/8
A minimum of ___ (qty) ___ inch (minimum) edge blocks should also be located at both jambs of the glass to prevent the glass from “walking” in the opening after installation.
1 / 5
3 / 3
2 / 4
2 / 2
2 / 4
Edge blocks should be located at both jams, at the _____ of the glass panels.
top and bottom edges
quarter points
approximate center
top edges
top and bottom edges
The standard reference for determining the strength
of various aluminum profiles is data from:
The Aluminum Association
AAMA 300
The Aluminum Association
The analytical procedures used in the engineering
design of aluminum framing members apply to:
the design of glass or opaque infill panels
simply-supported beams under uniform lateral (wind) loading
the design of glass or opaque infill panels
determination of and prevention of air infiltration and water penetration
determination of impact resistance
all of the above
The analytical procedures used in the engineering
design of aluminum framing members apply to
unwelded, single-span, simply-supported beams
subjected to bending under uniform lateral loading,
from forces such as wind.
They do not apply to the design of glass or opaque
nfill panels. Neither are they applicable to such
other considerations as air infiltration, water
penetration or impact resistance.
The analytical procedures used in the engineering
design of aluminum framing members apply to:
*the design of glass or opaque infill panels
simply-supported beams under uniform lateral (wind) loading
*the design of glass or opaque infill panels
*determination of and prevention of air infiltration and water penetration pressure ratings.
*determination of impact resistance
*all of the above
The analytical procedures used in the engineering
design of aluminum framing members apply to
un-welded, single-span, simply-supported beams
subjected to bending under uniform lateral loading,
from forces such as wind.
They do not apply to the design of glass or opaque
infill panels. Neither are they applicable to such
other considerations as air infiltration, water
penetration or impact resistance.
The analytical procedures used in the engineering
design of aluminum framing members set forth calculation methods for the fundamental factors of:
• Load distribution and magnitude
• Section properties
• Strength
• Connections
• Deflection
You don’t need to know this.
Just sayin.
If allowances are not made for thermal expansion in a storefront system design or the framing is installed in a manner that restrains the framing from expanding, the sections will be subjected to ____.
lateral loading
thermal expansion
axial compression
wind loads
axial compression
The load used in the calculations is assumed to act
against the exterior face of the storefront and
perpendicular to it. For the sake of structural analysis of a given framing member, this load is considered to be distributed in a _______ or ______ pattern.
square or rectangular
arcing or circular
triangular or trapezoidal
triangular or trapezoidal
If a member supports two or more areas
of glass and/or panels, the individual triangular or trapezoidal areas within the load distribution
diagram must be either_____ or _____ in order to obtain the total load on the member. (Choose two)
Added together before multiplying by the
applicable wind load
Multiplied by each other before adding to the applicable wind load.
Multiplied by the wind load and the
resulting products then added together
Added together before multiplying by the applicable wind load or Multiplied by the wind load and the resulting products then added together
The performance of a member having a given cross-section configuration or profile made of a given
aluminum alloy, and under a given set of loading
conditions, depends principally on two physical
properties: (Select two)
The Moment of Inertia, denoted by the letter I
The Cross-sectional Area of the member denoted by the letter a
The Mass per linear foot of the member profile, denoted by the letter M
Section Modulus, denoted by the letter S
The Moment of Inertia, denoted by the letter I
Section Modulus, denoted by the letter S
In engineering, the term “moment” indicates a
turning force or torque acting at a distance that
tends to either cause or resist rotation of an object
about a point or an axis. Mathematically, moments and torques are defined as a _____ multiplied by a
force / duration
force / distance
area / force
area/ duration
force / distance
As a simple example, for a uniform rod of length (L)
in meters and mass (m) in kilograms, with negligible
thickness, the moment of inertia about its center of
mass is given by this equation.
Intertia (center of mass)
1/12 of mass (kg) * Length sqared
The section modulus (S) is a geometric property for
a given cross-section _ a direct measure of the _____in a framing member when it is subjected to given loading conditions.
Section properties for many sizes of symmetrical
geometric shapes such as solid rectangles, square
bars, round rods, square tubes, etc. are given in technical data from:
The Aluminum Association
AAMA 300
The Aluminum Association
This is just a way of getting this rote stuff in front of you again.
For a given cross-section, the moment of inertia tells us what kind of ______ to expect, and the section
modulus tells us what kind of ______ to expect.
bending / load
stiffness / strength
stiffness / bending
bending / strength
stiffness / strength
The modulus of elasticity for a specific material is a measure of its stiffness. More precisely, it is the ratio of the applied force, or stress, to the resulting ____, or ______. It is denoted by the letter E.
(try to remember)
strain, or deformation
Which of the following is not among the aluminum alloys and tempers almost universally used in storefront applications? 6063-T5, 6063-T52 6063-T38 6063-T6
the modulus of elasticity for the aluminum alloys and tempers almost universally used in storefront applications is ____ kpsi
By way of comparison, the Moment of Inertia (I)
indicates the ______ stiffness of the member -
that is, how the material is arranged – whereas the
Modulus of Elasticity (E), which indicates the
_______ of the member, is based on the material of
which it is made.
optimal / yield strength
geometric / stiffness
minimal / bending point
geometric / stiffness
By way of comparison, the Moment of Inertia (I)
indicates the ______ stiffness of the member -
that is, how the material is arranged – whereas the
Modulus of Elasticity (E), which indicates the
_______ of the member, is based on the material of
which it is made.
optimal / yield strength
geometric / stiffness
minimal / bending point
geometric / stiffness
The _______is the line in a beam or other member subjected to a bending action in which the material immediately on either side of the axis is neither stretched nor compressed and where the longitudinal stress is zero.
Modulus of Elasticity
Moment of Intertia
Section Axis
Neutral Axis
Neutral Axis
In engineering mechanics, bending – also known as
______ – characterizes the behavior of a slender structural element subjected to an external load
applied ________ to the element’s longitudinal axis.
tension / perpendicularly
flexure / perpendicularly
tension / parallel
flexure / parallel
flexure / perpendicularly
See examples in the module notes. Group 6 - pp 48
Once the proper bending moment is determined for
a given case, the maximum stress on the
longitudinal “fibers” of the beam that are _______
from the neutral axis can be calculated. Recall that
these extreme fibers are normally the ________
surface if the neutral axis runs through the beam’s
on / farthest from the farthest / outermost closest / innermost outboard of / above farthest / outermost
farthest / outermost
In computing allowable stresses, the values provided in these specifications may be increased by _____ when stresses are produced by wind or seismic loading, acting alone or in combination with the design dead and live loads.
The end connections holding the storefront
assembly together and the anchoring components
must be capable of standing up to the imposed
loads. This means that the ____ and ______
strength must be calculated and analyzed.
tensile / compressive
flexure / yield
shear / bearing
parallel / perpendicular
shear / bearing
The total strength in shear, or resistance to a
______ load as provided by the fasteners, must
equal or exceed the shear load at that connection.
axial compression
_________ provides a measure of the load-carrying
capacity of a material.
Modulus of elasticity
Bearing strength
Tensile strength
Moment of intertia
Bearing strength
_________ provides a measure of the load-carrying
capacity of a material.
Modulus of elasticity
Bearing strength
Tensile strength
Shear strength
Bearing strength
________ is roughly defined as the maximum bearing load that can be placed on a material before it will fail, divided by the area that is bearing the weight.
Modulus of elasticity
Bearing strength
Tensile strength
Shear strength
Bearing strength
The total maximum deflection perpendicular to the
plane of the wall may not exceed _____ of the
overall length of the member.
The total maximum deflection (of a storefront frame member) perpendicular to the plane of the wall may not exceed _____ of the overall length of the member.
When a plastered surface subjected to bending is
affected, the deflection cannot exceed _____ of the
The maximum deflection of any horizontal storefront frame member in a direction parallel to the plane of the wall, when carrying its full dead load, should not reduce the glass bite below ___ percent of the design dimension.
A deflected frame member must retain at least a __ inch minimum clearance between itself and the top of a fixed panel or glass immediately below; clearances
between the member and an operable window or
door must remain at least ___ inch.
1/8 - 1/4
1/16 - 3/8
1/4 - 3/8
1/8 - 1/16
1/8 - 1/16
When developing a complete specification for a
storefront and entrance system, the architect or
designer must specify a number of parameters.
These include, for example: (6 given)
1 for structure
2 for environment/energy
2 for production/engineering
1 for loose ends
Loads - Design-load types and magnitudes
Temperatures, min and max for the frame surface.
U-factor and Condensation Resistance Factor (CRF)
Finishes per AAMA 611 or AAMA 2605
Metals, for frames and fasteners
Hardware list, detailed inventory w/ dimension and operating specs.
_______ provides a guide specification to aid the architect or designer in the preparation of storefront and entrance specifications to cover these and other variables.
The Aluminum Association
AAMA 300
The AAMA Storefront Manual
The guide specification is presented in the three-part
format recommended by the Construction
Specifications Institute. These are:
(Hint GPE)
Part 1 – General
Part 2 - Product
Part 3 - Execution
Part 1 of the system specification should include all but two of the below:
Description of product, work included performance and testing requirements references fasteners submittals sealants and fabrication. delivery and warranty
sealants and fabrication.
Part 2 of the system specification should include all but two of the below:
Metals, fasteners, protective coatings finishes framing systems entrance doors performance and testing requirements panels, glass and plastic glazing materials sealants fabrication inspection
performance and testing requirements
Part 2 of the system specification should include all but two of the below:
Execution Lines and grades inspection installation erection tolerances, anchorage, welding panels, glass and plastic glazing materials sealing, field glazing protection and cleaning delivery and warranty
panels, glass and plastic glazing materials
delivery and warranty
One option to simplify specification is to
Using the AAMA guide-specification without alteration.
select a complete, ready-to-install entrance unit from a
specific manufacturer in which the door, frame and
components are designed as a package to work
developing a custom design to achieve a unique architectural appearance.
select a complete, ready-to-install entrance unit from a
specific manufacturer in which the door, frame and
components are designed as a package to work
Most ready-to-install standardized entrance systems observe the following dimensions:
• Frame thickness of ___ inch
• Door widths of __ inches (for pairs only), 36
inches or 42 inches
• Door heights of __ inches
1 3/4 / 30 / 84
1 3/4 / 32 / 96
2 / 32 / 96
2 / 32 / 84
1 3/4 30 / 84
Package entrances offer several important
advantages, including all but one of the following:
Integrated design of the complete entrance unit ensures that materials are wholly compatible, proper reinforcement and clearances are provided and appropriate hardware is used.
Increased strength due to superior materials and component profiles used in pre-packaged system, higher capacity fasteners and more expertise in assembly.
Single and complete responsibility on the part of the door manufacturer, who supplies all of the parts, for satisfactory performance.
On-schedule delivery is more likely because entrance packages are typically available from stock and can be shipped promptly.
Cost savings are possible due to the economy of scale in production runs, and savings in shipping costs may result from the use of compact, pre-engineered
containers with a minimum of weight and bulk.
Increased strength due to superior materials and component profiles used in pre-packaged system, higher capacity fasteners and more expertise in assembly.
It is important to reiterate that no entrance, however perfect its design and manufacture, will function properly unless it is correctly installed. Key installation and substrate considerations include:
Frame plumb and square Frame firmly secured to solid supports Adequate provision for thermal movement Minimal framing member cross section Stable threshold foundation All welded connections Flat surface for revolving doors Precise installation of floor closers.
Minimal framing member cross section
All welded connections
Yes, this was just a ruse to get you to read all of those. Worked though, didn’t it?
The floor surface under revolving doors
must be level within __ of an inch over the entire
circular area covered by the doors,
Quiz Question 1:
What is the major live load that a storefront must be designed to withstand?
storefront framing
building framing
Quiz Question 2:
IGU glazing bite must be at least:
Quiz Question 3:
What physical property / properties determine the strength and stiffness of the framing member?
moment of inertia
section modulus
moment of inertia and section modulus
modulus of elasticity
moment of inertia and section modulus
Quiz Question 5:
Packaged entrance systems:
are more acceptable to code and building departments if they are certified to NAFS
require more field labor to install than custom designs
are more thermally efficient than custom designs and are lighter in weight
provide single responsibility, typically faster delivery and potential cost savings.
provide single responsibility, typically faster delivery and potential cost savings.