Group 4.A - Building Codes - Evolution Types and Requirements Flashcards
Learn evolution of building codes, their current provisions related to windows, doors and skylights, certification programs and some state-specific requirements.
BOCA, ICBO and SBCI combined in the 1970’s to form:
Council of American Building Officials (CABO)
CABO initially published two codes
CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code
CABO Model Energy Code (MEC)
In what year was the ICC formed?
Year that the first edition of the ICC International Building Code was published
Year that BOCA, ICBO, SBCI absorbed into the ICC and ceased to exist.
IRC Applies to what buildings?:
1 & 2 family detached homes
Multiple single-family dwellings 3 stories or less (with separate egress and accessory structures)
IBC applies to what buildings?
All buildings not specifically included in the IRC.
For fenestration, the I-Codes (IRC and IBC) reference what industry standards?
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440
North American Fenestration Standard/Specification (for windows doors and skylights) or NAFS.
The basic codes requirements for fenestration place limits on three pillars of fenestration performance. What are they?
Air infiltration Resistance
Water Penetration resistance
Structural Capability.
Other IBC Requirements beyond NAFS include
Fire resistance rating of fenestration near adjacent buildings.
The I-codes define a skylight as a:
Fenestration product installed at an angle greater than 15 degrees from vertical. Anything less than 15 degrees from vertical is still a ‘window’.
Per NAFS what is the maximum air infiltration rate for all LC, CW, R and sliding-seal AW windows, (except jalousies), as well as skylights and sliding doors?
0.3 cfm / s.f.
What ASTM standard is referenced by NAFS for lab testing of window air infiltration rates?
What ASTM standards are referenced for testing of Water Penetration resistance:
ASTM E331 for AW products.
The rate of water application onto the sample window for ASTM E547 and E331 testing is __ GPH/S.F.
Structural provisions of the codes rely on which referenced standards for each of the following:
a. Wind Loads
b. Assembled products
c. Glazing
a. ASCE/SEi 7
b. ASTM E330
c. ASTM E1300
The first attempt at a uniform building code was the ____developed by the ___
National Building Code (NBS)
American Insurance Association
According to NAFS, what is the maximum allowable air infiltration rate for jalousie windows and what pressure are they to be tested at?
1.2 cfm/s.f. (4 times the normal rate)
1.6 p.s.f.
about 1/4 the pressure for AW and the same as R, LC, and CW
What pressure are various window types tested at for air infiltration, according to NAFS?
- 2 Psf. for AW products
- 6 psf for LC, R, CW products
- 6 psf for Jalousies
Per NAFS: What is the allowable air infiltration rate for AW fenestration with either fixed sashes or compression seals?
At what pressure differential are they to be tested?
0.1 cfm/s.f. at 6.2 psf.
According to NAFS, what window type, grades or classes are required to demonstrate 0.1 cfm / s.f. or less air infiltration at 6.2 psf? A. All AW class windows. B. All fixed or compression-seal windows (like casements) C. Fixed windows D. AW class fixed or compression seal windows (like casements).
AW class fixed or compression seal windows (like casements).
The rate of water application per ASTM E547 and E331 is equal to what rate of rainfall?
8 inches/hr.
The air pressure difference applied to windows per ASTM E547 and E331 is equal to what percent of the design pressure?
How is this different for AW (Architectural) windows?
15% for most class 20% for AW class
Which defines maximum wind loads and performance grades and class under NAFS? ASCE 7 or Local codes for the building site.
Local codes may differ and their requirements should be known and references in determining grade and class.
AW, LC, CW, R, etc refer to window:
a. Grades
b. Classes
c. Types
d. Standards
ASTM E 330 is used to test the _____ of windows and to determine their______.
Structural integrity
Design Pressure
Structural capability addresses what qualities in windows and doors?
What additional criteria is added for skylights.
The ability to withstand loading due to wind.
Ability to withstand snow loads.
ASTM E1300 makes what assumptions regarding stiffness of the support system?
The glass edge support system limits deflection to less than 1/175 of the length of the panel at a specified design load.
The acceptable probability of breakage per ASTM 1300 is generally held to be:
8 broken panes out of 1000 tested.
ASTM E1300 assumes that deflection of the center of the glass panel will_____
…not result in displacement of the panel from the frame.
Per ASTM E1300, higher loads require ____ glass.
Procedures to determine the load resistance of specified glass types are described by what ASTM Standard?
ASTM E1300
The three glass types considered by ATM E1300 are:
Annealed, heat-treated, laminated
A rectangular piece of glass being analyzed per ASTM E 1300 can be assumed to be supported by___ edges?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. any of the above
e. any of the above
Raises the obvious question as to how the glass is supported on just one edge.
What is the primary force of loading on an exterior window or door.
Wind force.
Design Pressure (DP) is defined as: DP provides:
The amount of force exerted by the maximum wind likely to impact a window.
DP provides a localized maximum wind load expected at the installation site.
Design Pressure is the same a performance rating or Performance Grade for fenestration T or F
DP is the starting point not a performance rating.
For horizontal cladding and skylights, Design Pressure encompasses what (2) additional loads, beyond wind?
Snow loads
Dead loads
ASCE 7 provides two paths for determining the Design Pressure of building cladding, what are they:
Analytical method
Wind tunnel approach.
The four key factors affecting wind loads on a building are:
R - RISK Category
S - Basic wind SPEED
H - Building HEIGHT
Risk Category refers to the risk to ____ posed by ___
human life and welfare
damage or failure of the building
Exposure category refers to the
…type of terrain around a building.
Risk category for a project may be made by:
ASCE 7 provides:
…the Authority Having Jurisdiction over the project
…general guidance in determining the risk category.
There are three exposure categories per ASCE 7. What are they and what do they include?
B - Rough terrain, Urban Areas with closely spaced obstructions.
C - Flat Open Grassland with Scattered Obstructions
D -Mud flats, open water, ice plains
Wind loads in ASCE 7 are based on what wind measurement and duration?
3 second gust
Wind loads vary exponentially, or linearly relative to wind velocity?
List the ASCE 7 Risk Categories:
I: Low risk, ag. facilities, storage.
II: Buildings not in I, III, or IV.
III: Substantial hazard: Public assembly, college buildings >500 people, public utility facilities not in IV
IV: ESSENTIAL facilities: Fire, rescue, shelters, ER and surgery facilities.
Wind pressure on a wall can be calculated based on this simplified equation:
Vp=.000256 x (V x V)
The simplified formula for velocity pressure is modified by additional factors based on:
H - Building HEIGHT A - Facade AREA R - Roof Geometry E - Exposure Category E - Enclosure Category
Design Pressure is acquired based on the….
Largest absolute value of the positive and negative loads, rounded to the nearest 5 psf.
____ pressures generally exceed _____ pressures, so NAFS 17 allows products to include a secondary designator for _____design pressure separately.
(negative or positive pressure)
Where are negative wind pressures found on a building, and what effect to they have.
On the leeward, downwind, side.
To pull windows or cladding outward, to the exterior.
Under both IBC and IRC windows used in coastal areas where the design wind speed is >100 mph or more than 120 mph within one mile of the coast must be….
What ASTM standards are referenced for testing?
Impact resistant
ASTM E1886
Fenestration products used in the HVAZ in Florida are required to meet what standards specified in the Code?
TAS 201, 202 and 203.
HVHZ refers to what, with respect to fenestration standards?
High Velocity Hurricane Zone
Generally describe locations where Safety Glazing must be used (per IBC and IRC requirements):
In “hazardous locations” where a person might fall or otherwise impact the glazing.
Name some specific locations where safety glazing would be required per IBC requirements. What quantity of force must such glazing withstand.
Doors, sidelights, at stairwells or ramps, near pools, tubs, etc.
450 lbs of force.
How is safety glazing distinguished visually?
It must bear a permanent identifying mark or “bug”.
For fall protective windows, what is the minimum sill height (above floor) allowed and at what height above grade is this required?
24” min sill height
windows >72” above grade.
What exceptions are provided for the minimum sill height fall protection requirements?
Hint (4, OC)
Windows that don’t fully open more than 4”
Windows with Opening Control devices (WOCD) that limit the opening to 4”
What standard defines opening control devices used on windows for fall protection?
ASTM F2090
What is the max amount of force allowed to release a window opening control device?
15 lbs.
What are the sill height, width and clear opening requirements for egress openings in the IRC for sleeping rooms, habitable basements and attics.
44” max ht.
20” min width
5.7 s.f. min open area.
Sometimes 5.0 s.f. for at grade opg.
Are skylights and roof window permitted as emergency escape openings? If so, under what conditions?
Yes, if they meet the size requirements for egress windows and the bottom of the opening is within 44” of the floor below.
Habitable rooms (except bathrooms and utility spaces) must have a source of natural light. What size is required?
8% of the floor area
10 s.f. minimum.
Fire rated doors must meet additional standards including:
Describe building efficiency standard goals for new buildings in the California energy code for
a. Residential buildings
b. commercial buildings
Residential: Net zero by 2020
Commercial: All new and 50% retrofit to Net zero by 2030
What does it mean to be a ‘net zero energy’ building?
A building consumes only as much energy annually as can be generated on site.
Codes like IBC, IRC, IECC have the force of law on their own?
They must be adopted by individual jurisdictions.
Florida Products Approval System basic requirements, products must be evaluated by:
by nationally accredited and state-approved entities
by state licensed engineers and architects.
What four methods may be used to demonstrate that a product meets the standards prescribed under the Florida Products Approval System?
A test REPORT from an approved testing lab
LISTING or labeling by an approved testing lab.
Evaluation report from approved evaluation entity
Evaluation report from a Fl registered engineer or ARCHITECT
IRC, IBC and IECC reference and defer to what standard for fenestration products?
What three criteria form the cornerstone of this standard?
A - Air-infiltration
W - Water penetration
S - Structural Integrity
Does AAMA certification qualify products under the Florida Product Approval process
Why are third party certifications (like AAMA) better than the code-allowed self-certification by manufacturers?
Verified test results (independently)
Follow-up inspections.
Compliance is verified independently and on an ongoing basis.
Third-party certification programs have four parties to the process, what are they:
Hint: MALI
M - Manufacturer
A - Administrator
L - Laboratory test facility (approved)
I - Inspector or Auditor
IRC and IBC require a permanent certification label for fenestration products for what reason?
As proof that the product’s compliance with NAFS has been verified through independent third party testing and that verification is ongoing.
IRC and IBC fenestration labeling requirements applied to what product types?
1-panel unit Skylights (factory built)
Is the AAMA-issued NAFS compliance label authorized only to AAMA members?
Who is authorized for use the AAMA fenestration NAFS-compliance label?
All licensee manufacturers who comply with AAMA cert program rules and regulations may use the label.
What does the AAMA label demonstrate?
2 key criteria.
Fulfillment of the requirement of NAFS and the applicable underlying standards.
Compliance with AAMA Certifications Program rules and regulations.
Specific, additional performance options (in addition to NAFS) , for which manufacturer’s may elect to have a product tested include:
(Sorry - no good acronym for this. Think about other criteria NOT on the standard label. )
Thermal performance Forced Entry Resistance Impact Resistance Negative Design Pressure HUD UM111 Compliance Mulled Assembly performance Production model tested.
Many fenestration products are subject specialized regulations and regional codes, such as
ADA and CPSC requirements for shatter-proof safety glazing.
What essential information is included on the AAMA fenestration label?
(Two types - Product info and standards info)
Manufacturer (Code # / name) Product Class and Grade Maximum Size Tested Series Number (Manufacturer) Specification ID (NAFS Edition and/or NFRC) NFRC Product Line Identification Number.
ADA Window requirements limit the operating force for windows intended to be occupant operated to
5 pounds.
List three ADA requirements for hardware, like locks, cranks, door pulls and latches:
1 hand operation
No twisting of the wrist
48 max ht. for door hardware.
Door opening requirements for ADA compliance include: Minimum clear opening of: A. 30" B. 32" C. 36"
Max ext. sliding door threshold ht:
A. 3/4”
B. 1/2”
C. 1”
B: 32”
A: 3/4”
(1/2” for other types of doors).
What is the maximum slope allowed on a beveled surface at floor level changes or thresholds?
Controversy around performance impacts of ADA requirements for threshold heights led to an alternative…
…water penetration and testing method for exterior side-hinged doors.
What are the two standards addressing the use of safety glazing:
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) - 1 CFR 1201
ANSI Z97.1
What are the different roles of CPSC 16 CFR 1201 and ANSI Z97.1?
CPSC 16 CFR 1201 establishes:
Test methods
Procedures for determining safety performance,
Mandates where/when and what kind to use
ANSI Z97.1 provides only voluntary:
Performance specification and
Test Method
Seismic performance in glazing assemblies are based on
Seismic portions of ASCE 7
Side Hinged Entry doors present a special case in performance rating due to these factors:
(3 items)
Opened and closed more frequently
disadvantage in sealing against wind/rain
Customer-substituted hardware components
The three AAMA Standards developed to define and verify side-hinged door performance are:
AAMA 920 - Operating Cycle Performance
AAMA 925 - Vertical Load Resistance
AAMA 930 - Hardware Load & Water Penetration Resistance
AAMA 1304 -
This rating concept was developed to address the wind-driven rain issue with side-hinged doors:__
LW - Limited Water.
What does the LW rating mean.
Products with the ‘Limited Water” (LW) rating are suggested for installation only in weather-protected areas. (i.e. under a porch)
Are NAFS requirements for ESHD (Exterior Side Hinged Doors) included in the I-codes? Why?
Because of the common practice of component substitution (hinges, hardware) to satisfy customers.
Is there any standard for testing, certification and labeling of ESHD’s?
Yes, There is abbreviated 3rd party program based on AAMA 930.