Gross pathology of cattle- liver Flashcards
Cause of fibrinopurulent omphalophlebitis
Always related to colostrum deficiency
Navel ill- local infection
Joint ill- systemic, liver abscesses
Other name for Foothill Abortion
Epizootic Bovine Abortion
Causative agent of Epizootic Bovine Abortion (EBA)
Pajaroellobacter abortibovis
Gross lesions with Epizootic Bovine Abortion (EBA)
Aborted fetus with:
Cobblestone liver (granulomatous hepatitis)
Granulomatous splenitis
Granulomatous thymitis (nothing else causes this)
Cause of centrilobular necrosis in young ruminants (worse in sheep)
Rift Valley Fever (bunyavirus)
Gross lesions with Rift Valley Fever
Hemorrhage (small petechiae to severe GI bleeds)
Characteristic hepatocellular centrilobular necrosis
Cause of multifocal to coalescing white dots of variable sizes (necrotizing or suppurative hepatitis)
Gram negative sepsis
-In very young, coliforms and umbilical infection
-In older animals, Salmonella dublin
What gross lesion does Salmonella dublin cause (other than sepsis, hepatitis, or GI issues)
Fibrinonecrotic cholecystitis
Cause of infarcts in liver (well-demarcated areas of necrosis)
Fusobacterium necrophorum- flat, blanched, well-demarcated, secondary to ruminal acidosis
Cause of yellow granular granulomas in liver
Mycobacterium bovis
Three main liver flukes
Fasciola hepatica- lives in bile ducts, results in Clostridium hemolyticum and redwater (bacillary hemoglobinuria)
Dicrocoelium dendriticum- within bile ducts, causes veryyyy prominent BDs
Fascioloides magna- too big to live in bile ducts, within liver
Gross lesion of clostridium hemolyticum (other than hemoglobinuria)
Ischemia, infarcts in liver
Other bacterial infection secondary to liver flukes
Clostridium novyi (Black Disease)
Gross lesion caused by clostridium novyi
Multiple hepatic infarcts
Cause of hydatid cyst in liver
Echinococcus granulosus
What causes nutmeg liver (entire pathogenesis)
Hypoxia secondary to chronic passive congestion (altitude disease, heart disease, etc.) –> centrilobular hepatocyte necrosis –> fibrosis between central veins
Gross appearance with hepatic toxins
Centrilobular necrosis with replacement with hemorrhage
ex. sawfly ingestion
Toxin that causes shrunken fibrotic liver
Sporidesmin toxicity from Pithomyces chartarum (fungus)
What toxin causes a shrunken floppy dish rag liver?
Lantana toxicity
What causes a small, putty colored liver
Copper toxicity