Gross Pathology of Avian Species Flashcards
What does aviadenovirus cause?
Inclusion body hepatitis
Pancreatic necrosis
Egg drop syndrome
Cause of sepsis in a duck
Rhimerella anatipestifer
Causes of fibrinoheterophilic valvulitis in avians
Colibacillosis: Staph, coliforms, and enterococcus fecalis instead of strep
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (turkeys and psittacines)
What disease does Salmonella pullorum cause? Lesions?
Pullorum disease aka fowl typhoid; Granulomas, myocarditis
The heartworm of poultry
Sarconema eurycerca
Classic lesion for Newcastle disease; type of virus?
Proventricular gland hemorrhage; avian paramyxovirus type 1
Sick bird with cyanosis, edema (widespread thrombosis), sepsis; chronic signs
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae; infarctions, amyloidosis
Cause of clear, serous nasal discharge and sinusitis
Avibacterium paragallinarum (infectious coryza)
Cause of “swollen head syndrome” in chickens- air sacs, orbital sinuses full of frothy mucoid exudate
Avian metapneumovirus
Swollen infraorbital sinus in a turkey
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
What does mycoplasma gallisepticum cause in finches/passerines?
Severe lymphocytic conjunctivitis and sinusitis (crusty eyes)
Frothy air sacs in a turkey (soap bubble air sacculitis)
Mycoplasma meleagridis
Cause of sinusitis with tracheal collapse in turkeys? Pathogenesis?
Bordetella avium; toxins lyse cartilage
Cause of epithelial hyperplasia, conjunctivitis, difficulty breathing
Cryptosporidium baileyi
Cause of infectious bronchitis; gross signs; species
Avian coronavirus; Soap bubble air sacculitis and poor egg quality; ONLY chickens
Cause of infectious laryngotracheitis
Gallid herpesvirus-1
Classic ILT lesion
Yellow casts in larynx/trachea
Cause of granulomatous air sacs/lungs or airway plugs
Other cause of fungal pneumonia; more common presentation
Ochroconis gallipava; encephalitis in young poultry
Acute and chronic signs seen with fowl cholera; agent
Acutely- Hemorrhagic lung lesions with infarcts and fibrin
Chronically- Lesions of footpads, wattles, combs, tendon sheaths
Pasteurella multocida
Cause of cloudy and opaque air sacs with fibrin; associated lesions
Chlamydia psittaci; splenic and liver necrosis
Gapeworm- red worms in Y shape in trachea; associated lesion
Syngamus trachea; granulomas apparent on serosal surface
Intermediate host of syngamus trachea
Tracheal mite; significance?
Sternostoma tracheacolum; death in Lady Gouldian finches