Gross Anatomy (Thorax) Flashcards
The upper compartment of the trunk is separated from the abdomen by
The diaphragm
The upper compartment of the trunk, that is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm is called
The Sternum, Ribs and Thoracic vertebrae collectively make up the?
The bony thoracic cage, heart, lungs, and other neurovascular bundles make up what region?
The thoracic region
The sternum is also known as
The sternum comprises 3 parts namely
- Manubrium (head)
- Body
- Xiphoid process
The curved surface between the manubrium and body of sternum is known as
Sternal angle
There are how many rib pairs?
True ribs are also known as
Vertebrosternal ribs
False ribs are also known as?
Verterbrochondal ribs
True ribs are numbered from?
Rib 1- 7
False ribs are numbered from ?
Rib 8-10
Floating ribs are also called
Free ribs
Floating ribs are numbered
Rib 11 and 12
The 2 classification of ribs are?
Typical and Atypical ribs
Ribs 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are classed as?
Typical ribs
Ribs 1,2,10,11,12 are classed as
Atypical ribs
Ribs that follow a generalised structure consisting of head, neck and body are called
Typical ribs
They are heart shaped, they have demifacets on the sides, and costal facets on transverse process. All these are properties of what type of thoracic
Typical thoracic
Thoracic vertebrae that display variation in the number and location of their facets are called
Atypical thoracic
What rib does not move at all during breathing?
Rib 1
- Manubriosternal joint
- Xiphisternal joint
- Costovertebral/costotransverse joint
- sternocostal joint
- Sternoclavicular
- Costochondral joints, and
- Interchondral joints
Are joints found in what region
Thoracic region
The space within the bony thorax, the diaphragm and suprapleural membrane is called the
Thoracic cavity
The Thoracic cavity has two openings, namely;
- Thoracic inlet, and
- Thoracic outlet
The superior border of the thorax is bounded by?
The superior thoracic aperture or inlet
The inferior border of the thorax is bounded by the
Inferior Thoracic aperture or outlet
The anterior border of the thorax is bounded by the?
The posterior border of the thorax is bounded by
Thoracic vertebrae T1 - T12
The lateral border of the thorax is bounded by
Mid axial line along the ribs
The inferior thoracic aperture is largely filled by?
The diaphragm
An unpaired dome shaped skeletal muscle sheath located in the trunk is known as the?
What closes the inferior thoracic aperture and separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?
The diaphragm
The primary muscle that is active in inspiration is
The origin and insertion of the diaphragm is
The xiphoid process (anteriorly),
11th and 12th rib (laterally) and
Lumbar vertebrae (posteriorly)
At rest the right dome of the diaphragm rests slightly higher than the left. This is because of the presence of what organ?
The Liver
Some important structures that Pierce the diaphragm?
Vena cava
The oesophageal opening
Aortic hiatus
Blood supply to the diaphragm is via
Subcostal arteries and inferior intercostal arteries
The involuntary periodic contraction of the diaphragm causes
A space in between any 2 consecutive ribs is called
Intercostal space
Examples of intercostal muscles are;
Internal intercostal muscle
External intercostal muscle
Innermost intercostal muscle
The external intercostal muscle acts to?
Elevate the ribs
The internal intercostal muscle acts to?
Depress the ribs
In males, the nipple lies in the what intercostal space?
The 4th
The 2 ribs which are not easily palpable are?
The 1st and the 12th
The sternal angle corresponds to what thoracic vertebrae
Where can the trachea be felt?
At the suprasternal notch (at the upper border of the sternum
The suprasternal notch is also known as?
Jugular notch
The sternal angle is also known as
Angle of louis, or manubriosternal junction
The upper margin of the heart, the beginning and end of the arch of aorta, are all important landmarks of the?
Sternal angle
The scapula begins and ends at what thoracic vertebrae?
Begins: t2
Ends at: t7
The cardiac notch lies?
Behind the 5th and 6th costal cartilages
the deep divisions or grooves that separate the lobes within the lungs are known as
Fissures of the lungs
The tricuspid valve lies?
Behind the centre of the sternum
The pulmonary and aortic cardiac valves lie?
Deep to the left 3rd sternocostal junction
The thick mass of tissue which occupies the middle of the thoracic cavity and lies between the two lungs is called?
The Mediastinum
The Mediastinum is divided into 2, namely?
- Inferior mediastinum
- Superior mediastinum
The borders of the mediastinum include?
Anteriorly: manubrium
Posteriorly: upper 4 thoracic vertebrae
Superiorly: thoracic inlet
Inferiorly: line below T4 &T5
The inferior Mediastinum is divided into?
Anterior, middle, and posterior
The narrow space between the pericardium and sternum is called?
Anterior mediastinum
The heart, phrenic nerves and large blood vessels are contents of what part of the mediastinum?
The middle mediastinum
The space between the pericardium and vertical part of the diaphragm is
The posterior mediastinum
What part of the heart is attached to the diaphragm?
The pericardium
The mediastinum ascends in position when?
The abdominal wall is distended e.g pregnancy, or a full stomach
The oesophagus, descending aorta, hemiazygous veins, and thoracic duct, are longitudinal structures found in what part of the mediastinum
The posterior mediastinum
The upper border of the manubrium
The upper border of the manubruim corresponds to vertebral discs ?
The sternal angle corresponds to what vertebral disc?
The Xiphisternal junction corresponds to what vertebral disc?
The superior angle of the scapula corresponds to what vertebral disc?
The inferior angle of the scapula corresponds to what vertebral disc?
The root of the scapula spine corresponds to what vertebral disc?
In males, the nipple lies?
At the 4th intercostal space,
4inches from midline
The apex best of the heart is palpated at?
5th intercostal space
The spinous process of the thoracic vertebrae can be palpated where?
Below C7
The spinous process of the thoracic vertebrae can be palpated where?
Below C7
The superior margin of the heart is between?
The beginning and end of the ascending and descending aorta is at?
The sternal angle (T4/T5)
The trachea bifurcates at what level?
Sternal angle (T4/T5)
The root of the lungs correspond to?
The part of the pleura that covers the apex of the lungs is called?
Cervical pleura
______ begins at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage in the neck?
The lung is _____ in shape?
The apex of the lungs is found where?
Behind the middle ⅓ of clavicle.
It reaches above the first run into the root of the neck
When remembering the anterior border of pleura, remember?
A part of the pericardium of not covered with pleura. This is because?
The pericardium fuses with the diaphragm
Posteriorly, the pleura spans ________
T1 - T12
The ________is important for surgeons especially during kidney operations?
Lower border of pleura, at 10th rib
The 8th rib corresponds to?
Midclavicular line
The 10th rib corresponds to?
Midaxillary line
The 12th rib lies _______ ?
Opposite Lateral border of sacrospinalis muscle
The lower border of the pleura reached its lower limit at?
Mid axillary line
The anterior border of the right and left lungs are different.
True or false?
The lower border of both lungs are the same in neutral position.
True or false
The lower border of the lungs are 2 ribs higher than the lower border of pleura.
True or false?
The cardiac notch lies behind?
5th and 6th costal cartilages
The posterior border of the lungs in both right and left are not the same.
True or false
They are the same
The point at which structures enter it exit the lungs is called?
Root of the lungs
The area of the heart that is not covered by the lungs is called ________?
Area of complete dulliness of the heart
The lungs have 2 fissures, namely?
- Oblique fissure
- Horizontal fissure
Which fissure of the lung is found only in the right lung?
Horizontal fissure.
The size of the heart in each person is ______?
It corresponds to the size of each person’s clenched fist
The location of the heart of described using 4 points, name them
Point 1: lower border of the 2nd left costal cartilage
Point 2: upper border of 3rd right costal cartilage
Point 3: 6th right costal cartilage
Point 4: lower border of 5th left intercostal space
The width of the body is the sternum is ___
_____ separates the atria from the ventricles, and is also known as Coronary sulcus
Atrioventricular sulcus
The tricuspid valve lies behind the central sternum at _____
4th intercostal space
The opening and closing the pulmonary valve is best heard at
2nd sternocostal junction