Grevemeyer's Articles Questions Flashcards
- Which of the following is false about the donkey?
- Nasogastric tube often gets entrapped in the enlarged pharyngeal recess
- A smaller diameter nasopharyngeal tube is required for the donkey in comparison to the horse
- The donkey has 5 lumbar vertebrae while the horse has 6
- The cutaneous colli muscle covers the lower 1/3 of the jugular furrow
The cutaneous colli muscle covers the lower 1/3 of the jugular furrow – MIDDLE 1/3
A female donkey is called
A male donkey is called a
A castrated donkey is a
A jack bred to a mare produces a
A stallion bred to a jenny produces a
T/F Horses and donkeys have the same number of chromosomes.
FALSE - Donkey – 62, Horse – 64
A wound is considered infected when there are more than _______ bacteria
10^6 per gram tissue
- All of the following will decrease wound healing when present in the wound EXCEPT
- IPFs
- Hemoglobin
- Glove powder
- Ferric iron
- All of the above decrease wound healing
All of the above decrease wound healing
- The product ketanserin used recently in equine medicine to aid in wound repair has what mechanism of action?
Serotonin receptor
- Wounds created by impact injury are 100x more likely to develop a wound infection then those by shearing forces.
- TRUE – Impact injury, such as a kick from a horse creates a substantial amount of soft tissue damage while simultaneously cutting off blood supply to that area.
- The product ketanserin is best used to accomplish which goal in wound management?
Decrease the development of proud flesh
- Large animal wound infection rates are higher then small animal wound infection rates.
- Hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, and povidone iodine are all recommended for lavage of wounds.
- Hydrogen peroxide has a narrow antimicrobial spectrum and disrupts fibroblasts & vasculature
- Povidone iodine has killing affect against FUNGI but chlorhexidine does not.
TRUE – also there is no report of antimicrobial resistance against povidone iodine. Whereas proteus and pseudomonas have been reported to be resistant to CHX
- All of the following are possible desirable affects of sugar or honey when applied to a wound EXCEPT:
- Macrophage activation
- Antimicrobial properties
- Initiation of epithelialization
- Up regulation of cytokines
- Inhibition of fibroplasia
Inhibition of fibroplasia
- T/F:
- Without surgical or chemical debridement by the surgeon or veterinarian, the body has no mechanisms with which to debride the wound
FALSE - Neutrophils & other phagocytes are the natural debriders of the wound world
- T/F: The stage in which the veterinary surgeon has the most influence is the proliferative stage.
If one of the testes cannot be located during routine castration
- Neither testis should be removed and the horse should be referred or scheduled for cryptorchid castration
- The horse is a monorchid
- Ventral midline laparotomy should be done immediately to locate the intraabdominal testis
- The descended testis should be removed and the horse should be referred to a sx facility for removal of the retained testis
Neither testis should be removed and the horse should be referred or scheduled for cryptorchid castration
T/F: Post-castration EDEMA
- Is common, usually self-limiting and resolves with adequate exercise and drainage
Excessive HEMORRHAGE during castration
- Usually originates from the vascular spermatic cord and may result from improper or inadequate emasculation of the vascular structures
- Predisposes the horse to eventration
- Is rarely life threatening and requires no additional therapy
- Should be addressed by reapplication of the emasculator or placement of a clamp or ligature
- A and D
A and D:
Usually originates from the vascular spermatic cord and may result from improper or inadequate emasculation of the vascular structures
Should be addressed by reapplication of the emasculator or placement of a clamp or ligature
Incision of the CORPUS CAVERNOSUM penis during castration
- Requires sx reapposition of the tunic to avoid further complications
- Is of little consequence and can be left to heal by second intention
- Is a frequent complication of castration
- Requires immediate penile amputation
Requires sx reapposition of the tunic to avoid further complications
- Postcastration eventration:
- Only occurs after use of the open technique of castration
- Can occur up to 6 days after castration
- Is usually self limiting and reduces spontaneously
- Is more likely to occur in arabs and other high strung breeds
- C and D
Can occur up to 6 days after castration
Prolapse of the omentum from the scrotal wound:
- Warrants euthanasia because of the poor prognosis
- Should be corrected by transrectal palp and steady traction on the abdominal portion of the omentum
- Can be managed by emasculation of the prolapsed tissue in simple cases but may require sx correction thru an inguinal approach
- Can occur months to years after castration
- A and D
- Can be managed by emasculation of the prolapsed tissue in simple cases but may require sx correction thru an inguinal approach
Schirrous cord:
- Refers to chronic low grade staph infx that results in formation of abscesses and fibrous tissue
- Warrants euthanasia because of the poor prognosis
- Can occur months to years after castration
- Is caused by a clostridial infx of the scrotal wound
- A and C
A and C
Refers to chronic low grade staph infx that results in formation of abscesses and fibrous tissue
Can occur months to years after castration
Postcastration peritonitis
- Is considered septic when nucleated cell counts of the abdominal fluid exceed 10,000 cells/ul
- Is more likely to result from the open technique of castration
- Is usually inflammatory and self limiting, but sepsis should be suspected if degenerative neuts and phagocytized bacti are evident on cytologic studies
- Does not occur because the vaginal tunic does not communicate with the abdomen
- A and B
Is usually inflammatory and self limiting, but sepsis should be suspected if degenerative neuts and phagocytized bacti are evident on cytologic studies
Persistent masculine behavior after castration
- Results from failure to remove the epididymis during castration
- Can result from failure to remove testicular tissue during castration of a cryptorchid animal
- Does not occur
- Can be controlled with admin of benztropine mesylate
Can result from failure to remove testicular tissue during castration of a cryptorchid animal
Hydrocele is
- A common complication of the closed technique of castration
- A result of infx of the spermatic cord
- The accumulation of serous fluid within the vaginal cavity
- More common following the open technique of castration
- C and D
C and D
The accumulation of serous fluid within the vaginal cavity
More common following the open technique of castration
Cryptorchidism: Abdominal retention of the testis
- Is most common on the right side
- Is most common on the left side
- Is equally common on both sides
- Does not occur
Is most common on the left side
The testis usually enters the scrotum
- At day 100 – 150 of gestation
- At day 275 of gestation to 10 days before birth
- At day 315 of gestation to 10 days after birth
- 3 wks after birth
At day 315 of gestation to 10 days after birth
The fetal mesenchymal attachment from the caudal aspect of the fetal testis to the scrotum is the
- Inguinal canal
- Gubernaculum
- Epididymis
- Vaginal process
Cryptorchidism is caused by
- Mechanical factors
- Hormonal factors
- Genetic factors
- Mechanisms that are not precisely known
Mechanisms that are not precisely known
The superficial inguinal ring is
- Slit in the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique muscle
- Slit in the aponeurosis of the internal abdominal oblique muscle
- Bound cranially and caudally by the rectus abdominus muscle
- None of the above
- Slit in the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique muscle
Geldings generally have a serum testosterone conc of how many pg/ml?
- 200 – 300
- 100 – 200
- Greater than 75
- Less than 40
Less than 40
The hCG stim test stimulates testosterone production by which cells of the testis?
- Leydigs
- Cortical
- Sertoli
- None of the above
Histo section of a retained testis will demonstrate
- Spermatogenesis
- Signs of hyperplastic seminiferous tubules
- Inhibition of spermatogenesis
- Enlarged sertoli cells
Inhibition of spermatogenesis
Comparison of left and right sided testicular retention indicates
- A greater frequency on left
- A greater frequency on the right
- A greater frequency on the left in horses up to 3yrs old
- Nearly equal frequency on both sides
Nearly equal frequency on both sides
The cranial, caudal and ventromedial borders of the deep inguinal ring are the
- Caudal edge of the external abdominal oblique muscle, the pelvis and inguinal lig and the rectus abdominis muscle and prepubic tendon
- Caudal edge of the internal abdominal oblique muscle, the pelvis and inguinal lig and the external abdominal oblique muscle and prepubic tendon
- Caudal edge of the internal abdominal oblique muscle, the pelvis and inguinal lig, and the rectus abdominis muscle and prepubic tendon
- Caudal edge of the rectus abdominis muscle, the pelvis and inguinal lig and the rectus abdominis muscle and prepubic tendon
Caudal edge of the internal abdominal oblique muscle, the pelvis and inguinal lig, and the rectus abdominis muscle and prepubic tendon