Grammar Phrases English => Chinese HSK2 Flashcards
I am still thinking over this matter.
这 件 事情 我 还 在 考虑 。
Zhè jiàn shìqing wǒ hái zài kǎolǜ.
(continous action still happening)
It’s already noon and he’s still sleeping?
已经 中午 了 ,他 还 在 睡 ?
Yǐjīng zhōngwǔ le, tā hái zài shuì?
(continous action still happening)
You’re still playing video games? Don’t you have an exam tomorrow?
你 还 在 玩 游戏 ?明天 不是 有 考试 吗 ?
Nǐ hái zài wán yóuxì? Míngtiān bù shì yǒu kǎoshì ma?
(continous action still happening)
I told him not to buy it, but he still bought it.
我 让 他 不要 买 ,他 还是 买 了 。
Wǒ ràng tā bùyào mǎi, tā háishì mǎi le.
(还是 has a sense of ‘still’ and ‘despite’)
The doctor told her to stop drinking, but she still drinks.
医生 不 让 她 喝酒 ,她 还是 喝 。
Yīshēng bù ràng tā hējiǔ, tā háishì hē.
(还是 has a sense of ‘still’ and ‘despite’)
We’ve been waiting for half an hour, but the teacher still hasn’t arrived.
我们 等 了 半 个 小时 了 ,老师 还 没 到 。
Wǒmen děng le bàn gè xiǎoshí le. Lǎoshī hái méi dào.
(还 没 or 还 不 emphasises what should be happening)
I’ve explained it so many times, and you still don’t get it?
我 解释 了 这么 多 遍 ,你 还 不 懂 ?
Wǒ jiěshì le zhème duō biàn, nǐ hái bù dǒng?
(还 没 or 还 不 emphasises what should be happening)
He’s just the person that you’re looking for.
他 就是 你 要 找 的 人 。
Tā jiùshì nǐ yào zhǎo de rén.
(Specifically) That guy is her new boyfriend.
那个 人 就是 她 的 新 男朋友。
Nàge rén jiùshì tā de xīn nánpéngyou.
He didn’t travel only because he doesn’t want to spend the money.
他 不 去 旅游 就是 不 想 花钱 。
Tā bù qù lǚyóu jiùshì bù xiǎng huāqián.
(就是 can mean ‘only (because)’)
She’s just pretty; she doesn’t have any other strengths.
她 就是 漂亮 ,没 别的 优势 。
Tā jiùshì piàoliang, méi biéde yōushì.
(就是 can mean ‘only (because)’)
I just like him.
我 就(是) 喜欢 他。
Wǒ jiù shì xǐhuan tā.
My parents simply won’t let me go alone.
我 父母 就是 不 让 我 一个人 去 。
Wǒ fùmǔ jiùshì bù ràng wǒ yīgèrén qù.
A lot of my friends have cars.
我 的 很 多 朋友 都 有 车。
Wǒ de hěn duō péngyou dōu yǒu chē.
A lot of kids don’t like to go to school.
很 多 孩子 都 不 喜欢 上学。
Hěn duō háizi dōu bù xǐhuan shàngxué.
Is everyone here?
大家 都 来 了 吗?
Dàjiā dōu lái le ma?
Does everyone like eating spicy food?
大家 都 喜欢 吃辣 吗?
Dàjiā dōu xǐhuan chī là ma?
The teacher comes late every day.
老师 每天 都 迟到。
Lǎoshī měi tiān dōu chídào.
Mom cooks dinner for us every day.
妈妈 每天 都 给 我们 做 晚饭。
Māma měi tiān dōu gěi wǒmen zuò wǎnfàn.
None of my family members has been to China.
我 的 家人 都 没 去 过 中国。
Wǒ de jiārén dōu méi qù guo Zhōngguó.
It’s about to rain.
就 要 下雨 了 。
Jiù yào xiàyǔ le.
(就 要 = about)
The class is almost over. Are there any other questions?
就 要 下课 了 ,还有 别的 问题 吗 ?
Jiù yào xiàkè le, hái yǒu bié de wèntí ma?
(就 要 = about)
I get off work in 10 minutes.
还有 十 分钟 我 就 下班 了 。
Háiyǒu shí fēnzhōng wǒ jiù xiàbān le.
(还有 + 就 (要) + 了 = something impending)
I go on vacation in 5 days.
还有 五 天 就 要 放假 了 。
Háiyǒu wǔ tiān jiù yào fàngjià le.
(还有 + 就 (要) + 了 = something impending)
We’ll come again next year.
我们 明年 再 来 。
Wǒmen míngnián zài lái.
(再 is for the future)
You should review it again.
你 应该 再 复习 一 遍 。
Nǐ yīnggāi zài fùxí yī biàn.
(再 is for the future)
I want to read this book again.
这 本 书 我 要 再 看 一 遍 。
Zhè běn shū wǒ yào zài kàn yī biàn.
(再 is for the future)
Eat some more.
再 吃 一点 。
Zài chī yīdiǎn.
Give me another three days.
再 给 我 三天 时间 。
Zài gěi wǒ sān tiān shíjiān.
Can I take two more?
我 能 不 能 再 拿 两 个 ?
Wǒ néng bu néng zài ná liǎng gè?
Keep looking.
再 找找 。
Zài zhǎozhao.
(再 can have a sense of ‘keep’)
Keep asking.
你 再 问问 。
Nǐ zài wènwen.
(repetition of verb has the sense of ‘keep doing’)
Wait a little longer.
再 等 一会儿 。
Zài děng yīhuǐr.
Keep talking for a little bit.
再 聊 一会儿 。
Zài liáo yīhuǐr.
It’s already nine o’clock!
都 九点 了!
Dōu jiǔ diǎn le!
(dou + time + le means ‘already’, and implies the other party should stop doing something. For example, this could be followed by ‘get out of bed!’)
The milk’s gone bad.
牛奶 都 坏 了
Niúnǎi dōu huài le
(dou + predicate + le means ‘already’)
I’ve said it three times already
我 都 说 了 三 遍 了
Wǒ dōu shuō le sān biàn le
(dou + predicate + le means ‘already’)
They’ve already left.
他们 已经 走 了
Tāmen yǐjīng zǒu le
(yijing + verb phrase + le = already)
It’s already really late. Let’s go.
已经 很 晚 了,我们 走 吧。
Yǐjīng hěn wǎn le, wǒmen zǒu ba.
(yijing + … + le = already)
I have already been studying Chinese for a year.
我 学习 中文 已经 一 年 了
Wǒ xuéxí Zhōngwén yǐjīng yī nián le.
(yijing + … + le = already)
I don’t like you anymore.
我 已经 不 喜欢 你 了
Wǒ yǐjīng bù xǐhuan nǐ le.
(yijing + bu + Verb + le = not…anymore)
I don’t need my parents’ money anymore.
我 已经 不 需要 父母 的 钱 了
Wǒ yǐjīng bù xūyào fùmǔ de qián le.
(yijing + bu + Verb + le = not…anymore)
I want to eat ice cream and I also want to eat a hamburger.
我 想 吃 冰淇淋,还 想 吃 汉堡。
Wǒ xiǎng chī bīngqílín, hái xiǎng chī hànbǎo.
(hai is used when 1 subject does 2 things)
She washed the dishes too.
她 也 洗 了 碗。
Tā yě xǐ le wǎn.
(ye is used when 2 subjects do 1 thing)
She got married a long time ago.
她 早就 结婚 了 。
Tā zǎo jiù jiéhūn le.
(早就 means ‘long ago’)
We graduated a long time ago!
我们 早就 毕业 了 。
Wǒmen zǎo jiù bìyè le.
(早就 means ‘long ago’)
Don’t laugh!
别 笑!
Bié xiào!
After drinking alcohol, don’t drive.
喝酒 以后 别 开车。
Hējiǔ yǐhòu bié kāichē.
This dish is a little spicy.
这个 菜 有点 辣 。
Zhège cài yǒudiǎn là.
(Subj. + 有点(儿) + Adj. means ‘a little too’ something. Must be used with adjective. Is only used with negative adjectives)
This month the company is a little bit busy.
这个 月 公司 有点 忙 。
Zhège yuè gōngsī yǒudiǎn máng.
(Subj. + 有点(儿) + Adj. means ‘a little too’ something. Must be used with adjective. Is only used with negative adjectives)
My house is close to my office.
我 家 离 公司 很 近。
Wǒ jiā lí gōngsī hěn jìn.
(Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 + Adv. + 近 / 远 is used to talk about how near or far away 2 places are)
The USA is far from China.
美国 离 中国 很 远。
Měiguó lí Zhōngguó hěn yuǎn.
(Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 + Adv. + 近 / 远 is used to talk about how near or far away 2 places are)
That bar is too far away from here. I don’t want to go.
那 个 酒吧 离 这儿 太 远 了, 我 不 想 去。
Nàge jiǔbā lí zhèr tài yuǎn le, wǒ bù xiǎng qù.
(Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 + Adv. + 近 / 远 is used to talk about how near or far away 2 places are)
Is your house far away from the supermarket?
你家 离 超市 远 吗?
Nǐ jiā lí chāoshì yuǎn ma?
(Use Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 (+ Adv.) + 近 / 远 + 吗?to ask if two places are close/far away from each other)
Is your company close to the metro station?
你们 公司 离 地铁站 近 吗?
Nǐmen gōngsī lí dìtiězhàn jìn ma?
(Use Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 (+ Adv.) + 近 / 远 + 吗?to ask if two places are close/far away from each other)
How far is it from your home to school?
你 家 离 学校 多远?
Nǐ jiā lí xuéxiào duō yuǎn?
(Use Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 (+ 有) + 多远?to ask how far away place 1 is from place 2)
How far is it from this hotel to the airport?
这个 酒店 离 机场 有 多远?
Zhège jiǔdiàn lí jīchǎng yǒu duō yuǎn?
(Use Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 (+ 有) + 多远?to ask how far away place 1 is from place 2)
Stay away from me.
你 离 我 远 点 儿 !
Nǐ lí wǒ yuǎn diǎnr!
(this is a colloquial phrase)
I want to find an even more handsome boyfriend.
我 想 找 一 个 更 帅 的 男朋友
Wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yī gè gèng shuài de nánpéngyou.
(更 + Adj. = even more)
I like buying books online because it’s cheaper.
我 喜欢 在 网上 买书,因为 更 便宜。
Wǒ xǐhuan zài wǎngshàng mǎi shū, yīnwèi gèng piányi.
(更 + Adj. = even more)
His current girlfriend is even more beautiful than his previous one.
他 现在 的 女朋友 比 以前 的 更 漂亮。
Tā xiànzài de nǚpéngyou bǐ yǐqián de gèng piàoliang.
(A 比 B + 更 + Adj. = A is EVEN MORE adj than B)
The houses in Beijing are even more expensive than those in Shanghai.
北京 的 房子 比 上海 更 贵。
Běijīng de fángzi bǐ Shànghǎi gèng guì.
(A 比 B + 更 + Adj. = A is EVEN MORE adj than B)
the food that mom cooks
妈妈 做 的 菜
māma zuò de cài
the clothes that mom buys for me
妈妈 给 我 买 的 衣服
māma gěi wǒ mǎi de yīfu
the foreigners that don’t / didn’t like Chinese food
不 喜欢 中国菜 的 老外
bù xǐhuan Zhōngguó cài de lǎowài
what he wrote
他 写 的
tā xiě de
what I draw
我 画 的
wǒ huà de
Which teacher is the best?
哪 个 老师 最 好?
Nǎge lǎoshī zuì hǎo?
The puppy is the cutest.
小狗 最 可爱 了
Xiǎogǒu zuì kě’ài le.
(the le is optional but adds emphasis)
What is your favorite animal?
你 最 喜欢 什么 动物?
Nǐ zuì xǐhuan shénme dòngwù?
I love Chinese food most.
我 最 爱 中国 菜。
Wǒ zuì ài Zhōngguó cài.
When you are not here, I’ll miss you.
你 不 在 的时候,我 会 想 你。
Nǐ bù zài de shíhou, wǒ huì xiǎng nǐ.
Don’t play with your phone while walking.
走路 的时候 不要 玩手机。
Zǒulù de shíhou bùyào wán shǒujī.
My mother is over fifty.
我 妈妈 已经 五十 多 岁 了。
Wǒ māma yǐjīng wǔshí duō suì le.
There are a few books on the table.
桌子 上 有 几 本 书。
Zhuōzi shàng yǒu jǐ běn shū.
I have quite a few roommates.
我 有 好几 个 室友 。
Wǒ yǒu hǎojǐ gè shìyǒu.
(好几 + Measure Word + Noun = quite a few)
We’ve been to Beijing quite a few times.
我们 去 过 好几 次 北京 。
Wǒmen qù guo hǎojǐ cì Běijīng.
(好几 + Measure Word + Noun = quite a few)
I’ll read, and you listen.
我 读 ,你 听 着 。
Wǒ dú, nǐ tīng zhe.
(zhe at the end - The main idea here is that the action won’t just happen and stop immediately; it will continue for a while.)
She likes to eat standing up.
她 喜欢 站 着 吃饭
Tā xǐhuan zhàn zhe chīfàn.
(Verb 1 + 着 + Verb 2 = ‘while’. Note that the first verb must describe the state)
Smiling, he said, “I’m sorry.”
他 笑 着 说 “对不起”
Tā xiào zhe shuō “duìbuqǐ”.
(Verb 1 + 着 + Verb 2 = ‘while’. Note that the first verb must describe the state)
I don’t understand English songs. I just listen to them for fun.
我 听不懂 英文 歌 ,只 是 听 着 玩 的 。
Wǒ tīng bu dǒng Yīngwén gē, zhǐshì tīng zhe wán de.
(Subj. + 是 + Verb + 着 + 玩 + 的 = verb for fun/verb as a joke)
Don’t be mad. I was just joking.
你 不要 生气 ,我 是 说 着 玩 的 。
Nǐ bùyào shēngqì, wǒ shì shuō zhe wán de!
(Subj. + 是 + Verb + 着 + 玩 + 的 = verb for fun/verb as a joke)
Have you ever studied Chinese?
你 学 过 中文 吗?
Nǐ xué guo Zhōngwén ma?
(Subj. + Verb + 过 + Obj. = ‘have (ever) done’)
Have you seen this movie?
你 看 过 这 个 电影 吗 ?
Nǐ kàn guo zhège diànyǐng ma?
(Subj. + Verb + 过 + Obj. = ‘have (ever) done’)
We’ve been to this place before.
我们 来 过 这 个 地方。
Wǒmen lái guo zhège dìfang.
(Subj. + Verb + 过 + Obj. = ‘have (ever) done’)
I’ve also eaten Japanese food before.
我 也 吃 过 日本菜。
Wǒ yě chī guo Rìběn cài.
(Subj. + Verb + 过 + Obj. = ‘have (ever) done’)
I’ve never thought about this question before.
我 没 想 过 这 个 问题。
Wǒ méi xiǎng guo zhège wèntí.
(Subj. + 没 + Verb + 过 + Obj. = have NEVER done something)
Mom has never bought any expensive clothes before.
妈妈 没 买 过 很 贵 的 衣服。
Māma méi mǎi guo hěn guì de yīfu.
(Subj. + 没 + Verb + 过 + Obj. = have NEVER done something)
Have you never seen beautiful girls before?
你们 没 见 过 美女 吗?
Nǐmen méi jiàn guo měinǚ ma?
(Subj. + 没 + Verb + 过 + Obj. = have NEVER done something)
Have you never seen beautiful girls before?
你们 没 见 过 美女 吗?
Nǐmen méi jiàn guo měinǚ ma?
She has eaten (already).
她 吃 过 了。
Tā chī guo le.
(Verb + 过 + Obj. + 了 = has (already))
We’ve seen it (already).
我们 看 过 了。
Wǒmen kàn guo le.
(Verb + 过 + Obj. + 了 = has (already))
I called him (already).
我 给 他 打 过 电话 了。
Wǒ gěi tā dǎ guo diànhuà le.
(Verb + 过 + Obj. + 了 = has (already))
Xiao Li is taller than Xiao Zhang.
小李 比 小张 高
Xiǎo Lǐ bǐ Xiǎo Zhāng gāo .
(Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + Adj. = noun 1 more adj. than noun 2)
The subway is more convenient than the bus.
地铁 比 公交车 方便 。
Dìtiě bǐ gōngjiāochē fāngbiàn.
(Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + Adj. = noun 1 more adj. than noun 2)
Is Shanghai bigger than New York?
上海 比 纽约 大 吗 ?
Shànghǎi bǐ Niǔyuē dà ma?
(Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + Adj. = noun 1 more adj. than noun 2)
Your boyfriend is even more handsome than mine.
你 男朋友 比 我男朋友 更 帅 。
Nǐ nánpéngyou bǐ wǒ nánpéngyou gèng shuài.
(Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + 更 + Adj. = noun 1 even more adj. than noun 2)
Your problem is even more troublesome than mine.
你的 问题 比 我的 问题 更 麻烦。
Nǐ de wèntí bǐ wǒ de wèntí gèng máfan.
(Noun 1 + 比 + Noun 2 + 更 + Adj. = noun 1 even more adj. than noun 2)
Pour tea for the guests.
给 客人 倒茶 。
Gěi kèrén dàochá.
(Subj. + 给 + Recipient + [Verb Phrase] = for)
Mom cooks for the kids.
妈妈 在 给 孩子 们 做饭 。
Māma zài gěi háizi men zuòfàn.
(Subj. + 给 + Recipient + [Verb Phrase] = for)
Could you buy me a cup of coffee?
可以 给 我 买 一 杯 咖啡 吗 ?
Kěyǐ gěi wǒ mǎi yī bēi kāfēi ma?
(Subj. + 给 + Recipient + [Verb Phrase] = for)
She’s lived alone since she was 18 until now.
她 从 18岁 到 现在 都 一个人 住。
Tā cóng shíbā suì dào xiànzài dōu yīgèrén zhù.
(从 + Time 1 + 到 + Time 2 = from…to…)
You can’t eat nothing from morning to night.
你 不 能 从 早 到 晚 不 吃 东西。
Nǐ bù néng cóng zǎo dào wǎn bù chī dōngxi.
(从 + Time 1 + 到 + Time 2 = from…to…)
From the hotel to the airport is not too far.
从 酒店 到 机场 不太 远。
Cóng jiǔdiàn dào jīchǎng bù tài yuǎn.
(从 + Place 1 + 到 + Place 2 = from…to…)
From here to our company, you’ll see many beautiful girls.
从 这里 到 我们 公司,你 会 看见 很 多 美女。
Cóng zhèlǐ dào wǒmen gōngsī, nǐ huì kànjiàn hěn duō měinǚ.
(从 + Place 1 + 到 + Place 2 = from…to…)
Look up there.
往 上 看 。
Wǎng shàng kàn.
(往 + Direction / Place + Verb = indicates direction of action)
Go straight ahead.
一直 往 前 走 。
Yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu.
(往 + Direction / Place + Verb = indicates direction of action)
Keep talking.
往 下 说 。
Wǎng xià shuō.
(往下 as “Keep Going”: implying that the process has been interrupted before. The verbs that follow are usually communication or sensory verbs)
Keep reading and you’ll see.
你 往 下 看 就 知道 了 。
Nǐ wǎng xià kàn jiù zhīdào le.
(往下 as “Keep Going”: implying that the process has been interrupted before. The verbs that follow are usually communication or sensory verbs)
Keep reading.
往 下 读 。
Wǎng xià dú.
(往下 as “Keep Going”: implying that the process has been interrupted before. The verbs that follow are usually communication or sensory verbs)
The baby smiled at me.
宝宝 对 我 笑 了 。
Bǎobao duì wǒ xiào le.
(Subj. + 对 + Person + Verb = to/towards/at, Note that you shouldn’t be plugging in just any old verb here; the ones that work with 对 are limited.)
You shouldn’t talk to your parents this way.
你 不 应该 这样 对 父母 说话 。
Nǐ bù yīnggāi zhèyàng duì fùmǔ shuōhuà.
(Subj. + 对 + Person + Verb = to/towards/at, Note that you shouldn’t be plugging in just any old verb here; the ones that work with 对 are limited.)
My son is very interested in learning foreign languages.
我 儿子 对 学 外语 很 感 兴趣 。
Wǒ érzi duì xué wàiyǔ hěn gǎn xìngqù.
(对⋯⋯有兴趣 (yǒu xìngqù) to have an interest in…)
You should be responsible for your job.
你 应该 对 自己 的 工作 负责 。
Nǐ yīnggāi duì zìjǐ de gōngzuò fùzé .
(对⋯⋯负责 (fùzé) to be responsible for…)
The boss is not very satisfied with you.
老板 对 你 不 太 满意 。
Lǎobǎn duì nǐ bù tài mǎnyì.
(对⋯⋯满意 (mǎnyì) to feel satisfied with…)
The audience is very disappointed with the result of the game.
观众 对 比赛 结果 非常 失望 。
Guānzhòng duì bǐsài jiéguǒ fēicháng shīwàng.
(对⋯⋯失望 (shīwàng) to be disappointed in/with…)
My younger daughter is curious about all animals.
我 的 小 女儿 对 所有 动物 都 很 好奇 。
Wǒ de xiǎo nǚ’ér duì suǒyǒu dòngwù dōu hěn hàoqí.
(对⋯⋯好奇 (hàoqí) to be curious about…)
Do you want tea or coffee?
你 要 茶 还是 咖啡?
Nǐ yào chá háishì kāfēi?
(Subj. + 要 + Noun = want + noun)
I want to go with you.
我 要 跟 你 一起 去。
Wǒ yào gēn nǐ yīqǐ qù.
(Subj. + 要 + Verb = want to + verb)
You need to go to bed earlier.
你 要 早 点 睡觉。
Nǐ yào zǎo diǎn shuìjiào.
(Subj. + 要 + Verb = need to)
It’s going to rain tomorrow; you need to bring an umbrella.
明天 下雨, 你 要 带 伞。
Míngtiān xiàyǔ, nǐ yào dài sǎn.
(Subj. + 要 + Verb = need to)
They are going to get married next year.
他们 明年 要 结婚 了。
Tāmen míngnián yào jiéhūn le.
(Subj. + 要 + Verb = is going to + verb. often includes a mention of a time when something is going to happen.)
We are going to have a meeting on Friday.
星期五 我们 要 开会。
Xīngqīwǔ wǒmen yào kāihuì.
(Subj. + 要 + Verb = is going to + verb. often includes a mention of a time when something is going to happen.)
After you are 21 years old, you may drink alcohol.
二十 一 岁 以后 可以 喝酒。
Èrshí-yī suì yǐhòu kěyǐ hējiǔ.
(kěyǐ = MAY/(can), indicating permission)
I like to buy food to cook for myself on the weekend.
周末 我 喜欢 自己 买 菜 做饭。
Zhōumò wǒ xǐhuan zìjǐ mǎi cài zuòfàn.
Let’s eat dinner together.
我们 一起 吃 晚饭 吧。
Wǒmen yīqǐ chī wǎnfàn ba.
Will you live together with your parents after you get married?
结婚以后,你 和 父母 会 一起 住 吗?
Jiéhūn yǐhòu, nǐ hé fùmǔ huì yīqǐ zhù ma?
Could you please read it again?
你 能 再 读 一 遍 吗 ?
Nǐ néng zài dú yī biàn ma?
(Verb + Number + Measure Word)
We’ve been there twice.
我们 去 过 两 次 。
Wǒme qù guo liǎng cì.
Don’t leave.
不要 走。
Bùyào zǒu.
(不要 + Verb = don’t)
Don’t drink coffee at night.
晚上 不要 喝 咖啡。
Wǎnshang bùyào hē kāfēi.
(不要 + Verb = don’t)
I’ll give it a try.
我 试 试。
Wǒ shìshi.
(verbs can be reduplicated to indicate that they happen briefly or “a little bit.”)
Talk a little bit about your ideas.
说 说 你 的 想法。
Shuōshuo nǐ de xiǎngfǎ.
(verbs can be reduplicated to indicate that they happen briefly or “a little bit.”)
discuss it
讨论 讨论
tǎolùn tǎolùn
(verbs can be reduplicated to indicate that they happen briefly or “a little bit.” - note ABAB repetition)
Do you live in Shanghai?
你 住 在 上海吗?
Nǐ zhù zài Shànghǎi ma?
(Subj. + [Special Verb] + 在 + Location - zai can only go after verb with certain special verbs)
He sits next to the boss.
他 坐 在 老板 的 旁边。
Tā zuò zài lǎobǎn de pángbiān.
(Subj. + [Special Verb] + 在 + Location - zai can only go after verb with certain special verbs)
I placed that book on the table.
那 本 书 我 放 在 桌子 上 了。
Nà běn shū wǒ fàng zài zhuōzi shàng le.
(Subj. + [Special Verb] + 在 + Location - zai can only go after verb with certain special verbs)
I study in the library.
我 在 图书馆 学习。
Wǒ zài túshūguǎn xuéxí.
They have already arrived at the bar.
他们 已经 到 酒吧 了。
Tāmen yǐjīng dào jiǔbā le. (到 (dào) is used when you talk about arriving at a place, emphasizing the destination.)
I’ll be home this afternoon. You can come to my house.
我 下午 在 家 ,你 可以 到 我家 来 。
Wǒ xiàwǔ zài jiā, nǐ kěyǐ dào wǒ jiā lái.
(到 + Place + 来 / 去 = coming/going to a place. 到 (dào) is used when you talk about arriving at a place, emphasizing the destination.)
The boss is going to the office right now.
老板 马上 到 办公室 去 。
Lǎobǎn mǎshàng dào bàngōngshì qù.
(到 + Place + 来 / 去 = coming/going to a place. 到 (dào) is used when you talk about arriving at a place, emphasizing the destination.)
I often go to Karaoke to sing songs with friends.
我 跟 朋友 经常 到 KTV 唱歌 。
Wǒ gēn péngyou jīngcháng dào KTV chànggē.
(Subj. + 到 + Place + Verb Phrase = going to a place and performing an action. 到 (dào) is used when you talk about arriving at a place, emphasizing the destination.)
Where will you all go to eat food this evening?
你们 晚上 到 哪儿 吃饭 啊?
Nǐmen wǎnshang dào nǎr chīfàn a?
(Subj. + 到 + Place + Verb Phrase = going to a place and performing an action. 到 (dào) is used when you talk about arriving at a place, emphasizing the destination.)
This pen is easy to use.
这 个 笔 很 好用。
Zhège bǐ hěn hǎo yòng.
(好 + Verb = easy/good to verb)
Sandwiches are easy to make.
三明治 很 好做。
Sānmíngzhì hěn hǎo zuò.
(好 + Verb = easy/good to verb)
Your new bag looks good.
你 的 新 包 很 好看 。
Nǐ de xīn bāo hěn hǎokàn.
(好 + Verb = easy/good to verb)
The food mom makes is delicious.
妈妈 做 的 菜 很 好吃 。
Māma zuò de cài hěn hǎochī.
(好 + Verb = easy/good to verb)
Please wait a little bit.
请 你 等 一下.
Qǐng nǐ děng yīxià.
(Subj. + Verb + 一下 + Obj. - To express that a verb is carried out briefly or “a little bit,” you can add 一下 (yīxià) after it. Sometimes 一下 (yīxià) can soften the tone.)
Could you introduce yourself briefly?
你 能 介绍 一下 自己 吗 ?
Nǐ néng jièshào yīxià zìjǐ ma?
(Subj. + Verb + 一下 + Obj. - To express that a verb is carried out briefly or “a little bit,” you can add 一下 (yīxià) after it. Sometimes 一下 (yīxià) can soften the tone.)
Yesterday someone gave me a bouquet of flowers.
昨天 有 人 送 给 我 一 束 花 。
Zuótiān yǒu rén sòng gěi wǒ yī shù huā.
(Subj. + Verb + 给 + Recipient + Obj. OR Obj. + Subj. + Verb + 给 + Recipient - 给 (gěi) sometimes comes before the verb and sometimes after.)
I sent you that email already.
邮件 我 已经 发 给 你 了 。
Yóujiàn wǒ yǐjīng fā gěi nǐ le.
(Subj. + Verb + 给 + Recipient + Obj. OR Obj. + Subj. + Verb + 给 + Recipient - 给 (gěi) sometimes comes before the verb and sometimes after.)
Don’t give him a phone call now.
现在 不要 给 他 打 电话 。
Xiànzài bùyào gěi tā dǎ diànhuà.
(Subj. + 给 + Target + [Verb Phrase])
Who can explain this to me?
谁 能 给 我 解释 一下 ?
Shéi néng gěi wǒ jiěshì yīxià?
I want to tell you the good news.
我 想 告诉 你 一 个 好 消息 。
Wǒ xiǎng gàosu nǐ yī gè hǎo xiāoxi.
(Subj. + Verb + [Indirect Obj.] + [Direct Obj.])
The boss just gave me my pay for last month.
老板 刚 发给 我 上个月 的 工资。
Lǎobǎn gāng fā gěi wǒ shàng gè yuè de gōngzī.
(Subj. + Verb + [Indirect Obj.] + [Direct Obj.])