GIEL 1 Flashcards
SOP: @ (place)
What nature dependant on ppl for?
enjoy nature areas, sustainable manner w/o irreversable dmg
- organise conservation
- restore natural habitats
- tend nearby nature areas
- (collective raise awareness encourage )
how else (beside ecosystem svcs) nature areas benefit ppl
- low air temp
- remove pollutants
- provide recreation space
beside ecosystem svcs
nature areas benefit ppl
L__ a__ T__
Direct benefits to ppl.
lower air temp
1. vegetation, shade, reduce direct sunlight -> surface
2. evapotranspiration (water, plants absorb -> release, cool surrounding air)
combi of both
beside ecosystem svcs
nature areas benefit ppl
R__ P__
- vegetation absorb co2, air pollutants, release o2
- small particles intercepted, leaves, washed 2 ground by rain
- wetland plants absorb excess nutrients, water improve water quality
beside ecosystem svcs
nature areas benefit ppl
P__ R__ S__
provide recreation space
1. outdoor activities
2. direct, freq interactions nature, reduce severity health conditions
disadvantages ppl -> nature
nature -> ppl
1 soil erosion, dmg vegetation
walk off designated trails
- soil compaction, prevent rainwater, infiltrate surface, higher surface flows/runoff
2 trample vegetation, affect growth
3 worsen pollution, natural areas
4 disturb wildlife
- choked, hurt, from mistaking litter as food
5 feed wildlife
- dependant, human-wildlife conflict
6 protect own interests > env protection
- local comm. percieve protect nature, expense of needs
- proritise own needs page 12
why increase human-wildlife conflict?
- Urban expansion
- increase interest outdoor recreation
- Greening efforts, state
describe human-wildlife conflict
- ppl who dunno how deal w/ wildlife unintentionally provoke -> attacks
- animals confused, fear, unfamiliar urban places increase probability attack
Increase frequency human-wildlife conflicts
U__ E__
Urban Expansion
1. wildlife habitat shrink
2. wildlife go out of nature areas -> search food
Increase frequency human-wildlife conflicts
G__ i__ O__ R__
Growing interest Outdoor Recreation
1. spend more time, nature areas
2. increase probability
Increase frequency human-wildlife conflicts
G__ E__, s__
Greening efforts, state
1. SGP aim bring nature -> city
2. increase probability
sense of place
- relationship ppl <-> place
- formed from associating meanings + memories w/ locations
- which are formed from experiences,interaction w/ others built, natural env
- and interpretation of experiences at that place
- which are based on our lifestyle, needs
- therefore it is highly personal, subj
Associate it with a real place you have a lot of connection with, easier to memorise!
how to acquire sense of place?
- repeated encounters, objects/ppl
- signficant events @ local landmarks, gathering place
aquiring sense of place
R__ E__, O__ P__
repeated encounters, obj, ppl
- recall character, features, places
- create meaning, memories
- sense of belonging
SOP -> meaning, memories is a big word
acquiring sense of place
s__ e__, @ l__ l__, g__ p__
significant events, @ local landmarks, gathering places
1. landmarks -> highly visible , ez rmb
2. sumetime symbolic, historical purposes
3. sumetime in memory, loved ones // tragedy
4. everyday areas/gathering places -> community event -> memorable
- Most churches have a big cross on top, very visible, ez rmb
- war memorial
- jejuair crash
- birdwatching @ sunshine park
how Sense of Place represented?
- individual, organisations
- ideas of significance that place has // memories
- text, audio, still/moving img
- print, internet-based media
e____, c___
how does media affect our sense of place -> neighborhood
- enhance/contradict
- respond well, representations, agree w/ how we feel, neighborhood
- potential reveal interesting info, add new layers meanings
- contradict SoP, defensive response, dismiss media content, distortions, untruth
regions definition
1 areas, similar phys/human/env characteristic
- geographical location
- vary size
2 sphere, influence, svcs, events, obj
affect other location
region boundaries, effect of svc, event, obj largely absent
environmental: nature vs built up
human char: commercial, residential
geographical location: east, west
spatial patterns definition
- non-random arrangements
- appear as shapes, clusters, geometry,
- non-repeated occurences
- understand world around us
- easily identified maps
page 17
define spatial associations
- tendency, pair svcs, events, objs located near each other
- connections btwn these svcs
- enhances everyday living
define spatial scales
extent area
phenomenon/process takes place - diff heirachies (i.e. residential unit -> precinct -> neighborhood -> town)
understand events, processes on one spatial scale -> affect another spatial scale event
define nested areas
smaller areas located within larger areas
spatial scales
help us?
- diff perspectives based off spatial patterns, trends
- understand events, processes on one spatial scale -> affect ppl, nature other spatial scale
burnt buildings
sg no. of towns
> 20
spread across sg
wat town center for (sg)
- commercial, social hub, residents
- may have integrated transport hubs, near shopping mall, (i.e. mrt station)
- convinient, able, large shopping malls
- low travelling costs, time (due 2 integrated travelling hubs, more options), businesses -> there
- may have, large gathering places
woodleigh mall
town centers, more of town planning gimmick :D, not actual location in map
wat town centers help us understand
sg larger, long-term goals
sg spatial hierachy
residential unit -> precinct -> neighborhood -> town
each residential unit
part of precinct, which is part of neighborhood
sg precinct characteristics
- 400-800 residential units
- some close proximity facilities, serve everyday needs
- some spread further out
i.e. bus stop
sg neighborhood characteristics
- 4k-6k residential units
- neighborhoods, surround town center
many neighborhoods -> town
sg town characteristics
- wide range, facilities, features, enhance convinience, everyday needs
- neighborhood, precinct facilities complement
- sometimes integrated facilities, amenities under 1 roof
how town planning done, sg (goals)
town planning (sg goals)
distinct precinct, neighborhood, town lvls
- serve residents, provide for nature
- complement, connections btwn facilities → sustainability
- by ensuring, promoting sufficient job opportunities, town self-sufficient
how town planning
s__ r__, p__ n__ (distinct categories)
serve residents, provide nature (distinct categories)
- housing, industrial, commercial development -> land
- roads, parks, other essential facilities
development, facilities
how town planning
c__, c__ p__, n__, t__ -> s___
complement, connection, precinct, neighborhood town -> sustainability
1. optimise scarce land rescource
2. cater diverse needs, now, future gen
sg 1 challenge, town planning
- sovereign city state
- accomodate other svcs, typically not cities
- i.e. waste treatment plant