GI week: Hx & Ex Flashcards
Cardinal symptoms in GI history
- painful mouth
- difficulty swallowing
- heartburn
- abdominal pain
- nausea, haematemesis
- bowels
- rectal bleeding
- flatulence
- jaundice
- fever
- weight loss
GI causes of clubbing
- Liver cirrhosis
- malabsorption
What causes palmar erythema and spider naevi in GI conditions
Excess oestrogen due to reduced hepatic breakdown of sex steroids
Causes of leukonychia
conditions leading to lack of protein
- hypoalbunimaemia
- Kwashiokor (protein malnutrition)
- Coeliac’s (protein losing enteropathy)
- Nephrotic syndrome (prolonged proteinuria)
Causes of Dupytrene’s contracture
- Alcohol related chronic liver disease
- Congenital
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- High cholesterol
What might bilateral parotid swelling indicate
- Chronic alcohol abuse
- Bulimia
Difference between telangiectasia and spider naevi
- direction of flow
- blanching characteristics
Telangiectasia flow from outside in
Spider naevi flow from inside out
Telangiectasia do not blanch with pressure
Spider naevi blanch with pressure
What GI condition might mouth ulcers indicate
What are iritis and episcleritis associated with
IBD (Crohn’s, UC)
What might glossitis and angular stomatitis indicate
Iron deficiency anaemia/ B12/ folate deficiency
How to feel difference between expansile and pulsatile aorta on palpation
Expansile: fingers pushed apart from each other
Pulsatile: fingers pushed away from abdomen
What 4 features on examination indicate liver failure
- Fetor hepaticus (stale mousy smell)
- Flapping tremor
- Varied mental state (from drowsy to coma)
- Late neurological features - spasticity and extension of arms and legs. Extensor plantar responses
Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer
- in which do you lose/ gain weight
Lose weight with peptic ulcer
Gain weight with duodenal ulcer
What do the following GI pains suggest:
- worse during eating
- better with eating
- just after eating
- a little more time after eating
Worse during eating: stomach problem
Better during eating: duodenum
Just after eating: reflux
A little more time after eating: problem further down in bowels
What might cause dysphagia with solids
Strictures from reflux or cancer
stuck in oesophagus