GI TRACT (lecture) Flashcards
Transabdominal imaging of
Esophagogastric Junction

normal stomach

colonic houstra

fluid in bowel

CT confirming fluid in the bowel

keyboard sign
= vavlulae conniventes

proven lymphoma in HIV patient

Haustral Folds
there is fluid in this bowel (poop would be bright white because it is more solid)

vascular anatomy

vascular anatomy
The superior mesenteric artery supplies the gut from halfway down the second part of the duodenum to the distal third of the transverse colon.

what are the layers of the bowel wall?

1) Fluid/Mucosa Interface-Innermost layer Echogenic
2) Mucosa Lamina Propria /Muscularis Mucosa-Deeper – Hypoechoic
3) Submucosa- Below the Muscle- Echogenic
4) Muscularis Propria- Deeper –Hypoechoic
5) Serosa Final Layer- Echogenic
you are going from inside to outer layer of the bowel
our book says:
- mucosa: directly contacts the intraluminal contents; lined with epithelial folds; echogenic
- submucosa: contains blood vessels & lymph channels
- muscularis: contains circular and longitugdinal bands of fiber
- serosa: thin, loose layer of connective tissue
- mesothelium: covers intraperitoneal bowel loops

Sagittal image of a fluid-filled stomach; rugae are seen along the peripheral margins of the wall

trans. image of stomach and rugae

Contracted stomach after fluid has passed through the pylorus.

Prominent small bowel with valvulae conniventes

When filled with a small amount of fluid (arrows), the duodenum serves as an excellent landmark for the head of the pancreas (P).A, Aorta; IVC, inferior vena cava.

Prominent small bowel with valvulae conniventes.

fluid filled colon
target or bullseye sign.

Transverse image of the left upper quadrant (LUQ) demonstrates a complex tumor in the region of the stomach that was diagnosed as leiomyoma.

leiomyoma of the stomach

malignant tumors: gastric carcinoma

malignant tumor: lymphoma

Malignant Tumors: Leiomyosarcoma

Malignant Tumors: Metastatic Disease

the bowel is surrounded by ascitic fluid

trans image of prominent fluid filled loops of bowel

large intestines because we see haustra
inflammation of the bowel deonstrates prominent dilated loops of bowel shown as circular target structures ( bulls eye) in the lower abdomen

inflammatory reaction of the bowel

GI tract

normal appendix

acute appendicitis


acute appendicitis

acute appendicitis

inflammed appendicitis




Meckel Diverticulitis

chrons disease

chrons disease w/ increased vascularity

crohns disease



colon cancer