Genotal Tract Infections 2 Flashcards
Describe the clinical presentation of gonorrhea
Describe the biology of Nesseiria gonorrhea
Describe the pathogenesis of Neisseria gonorrhea
Describe the epidemiology of gonorrhea
Describe the diagnosis of gonorrhea
What are the differential diagnosis of genital ulcerations?
Describe the clinical presentation of genital herpes
Describe the biology of HSV-1 & HSV-2
What are the range of HSV clinical manifestations?
Describe the key features of HSV 1 and 2
Describe the diagnosis of herpes simplex infections
Describe the differential diagnosis of genital ulcerations
Contrast primary, secondary and congenital syphilis
Describe the biology of treponema pallidum
Describe the epidemiology of treponema pallidum
Describe the pathogenesis of T. pallidum
Describe the diagnosis of syphilis
Differentiate chancroid and granuloma as genital ulcerations
Describe the. Summary of Chancroid
Give a summary of Granuloma inguinale: Klebsiella Granulomatis
Describe the biology of HPV
What are the carcinogenic HPV genotypes?
Describe the epidemiology of HPV
Describe the pathogenesis of HPV
Describe the prevention of HPV