Gastrointestinal Pathology 7 Flashcards
What are the types of liver pathologies?
Describe the liver pathologies
What is primary biliary cholangitis?
Describe the epidemiology of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)
Describe the etiopathogenesis of primary biliary cholangitis
Describe the diagnosis of primary biliary cholangitis
Describe the morphological features of primary biliary cholangitis
Describe the histology PBC
What is primary sclerosis cholangitis?
Describe the epidemiology of Primary scleros8s cholangitis
Describe the association of PSC
What are the clinical features of PSC?
Describe the morphological features of PSC
Describe the histology of PSC
Contrast PBC & PSC
What is hemochromatosis?
Describe the classification based on etiology of hemochromatosis
Describe the diagnosis of hemochromatosis
What does the histology of hemochromatosis look like?
Describe how does hemochromatosis affect different organs
What is Wilson disease?
Describe the epidemiology of Wilson disease
What are the morphological features of Wilson disease?
How do we diagnose Wilson disease?
What is alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency?
Describe the etiology of alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency
Describe the pathogenesis of alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
Describe the clinical features of valpha anti trypsin 1
Give the histology of alpha-anti-trypsin 1 deficiency
Give an overview of hepatic masses
What is focal nodular hyperplasia?
What is cavernous hemangioma?
What are hepatic adenomas?
Describe the epidemiology of hepatic adenomas
Describe the clinical features of hepatic adenomas
Describe the classification of hepatic adenomas
What do hepatic adenoma look like?
Describe the epidemiology of hepatoblastoma
What are the clinical features of hepatoblastoma?
What are the hepatocellulat carcinoma epidemiology?
Describe the mirphological features of hepatoblastoma
What are the risk factors of hepatocellular carcinoma?
Describe the gross morphology of hepatocellular carcinoma
Describe the histology of hepatocellular carcinoma
Describe the clinical features of hepatocellular carcinoma
What does a hepatic carcinoma look like?
What is alpha feta protein?
Describe the morphology of fibrolamellar carcinoma
Describe fibromellar carcinoma
What is cholangiocarcinoma?
What are the locations and clinical features of cholangiocarcinoma?
What does cholangiocarcinoma look like?
Describe metastasis/secondaries