Endocrine Pathology 6 Flashcards
What’s diabetic keto acidosis?
Describe the clinical features of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Describe the investigations of diabetic ketoacidosis
Describe the management of diabetic ketoacidosis
Describe the etiology of Hyperosmolar hyperosmotic syndrome
Describe relative insulin deficiency if hyperosmolar hyperosmotic syndrome
How do we manage hyperosmolar hyperosmotic syndrome?
Fluid replacement and insulin
What are the chronic complications of hyperosmolar hyperosmotic syndrome?
What are the mechanisms of chronic complications of hyperosmolar hyperosmotic syndrome?
What is diabetic nephropathy?
What are the 3 lesions are encountered of diabetic nephropathy?
Describe pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy
What does diabetic nephropathy in an electron microscope?
Describe how diabetic nephropathy looks on PAS stain
What does diabetic nephropathy look like in histology?
Describe the diabetic retinopathy
What does the duration of diabetic neuropathy depend on?
What are the management guidelines for diabetic neuropathy?
How do we detect, prevent, or manage diabetes related complications?
Summarize hormonal control of calcium
What are the types of hyperparathyroidism ?
What is parathyroid adenoma?
What is the etiology of hyperparathyroidism?