Genki Lesson 2 Flashcards
【第2課ー1】What do we do when we want to talk about things that we do not know the names of?
In Japanese we use これ、それ、あれ、どれ when we want to say “this thing” “that one” and so forth.
Disse ordene fungerer som substantiver, og står alene foran partikkel. Dette, det, det der borte, hvilken
【第2課ー1#2】これ refers to….
a thing that is close to you, the speaker.これはほんです。
【第2課ー1#3】それ refers to….
something that is close to the person you are talking to (“that thing in front of you”)それはいすです。
【第2課ー1#4】あれ refers to….
refers to a thing that is neither close to the speaker nor the listener (“that one over there”)あれはとしょかんです
【第2課ー1#5】どれ refers to….
どれ refers to “which”.
どれですか - which one is it (that you are talking about)
【第2課ー1#6】Question words like どれ,どの and なに cannot be followed by what particle ?
…cannot be followed by the particle “は”. instead, you must use the particle “が”.
どれがあなたのじてんしゃですか。- which one is your bicycle ?
どれがあなたのペンですか。- which one is your pen?
This also goes for どの ; you must use が, and cannot use the particle は.
【第2課ー2】If you want to be slightly more specific than kore, sore and are, you can use ….
…you can use kono, sono and ano together with a noun. MUST be used with a noun.
これはいくらですか - how much is this?
このとけいはいくらですか - how much is this watch?
【第2課ー2 #2】The re series must always ___, while the no series must always be followed with a __
The re series must always stand alone, while the no series must always be followed with a noun.
【第2課ー2 #3】For det japanske ko-so-a-do systemet så bruker vi ordsett nr 2 når.. ?
Dette bruker vi når vi vil være litt mer spesifikke, og snakke om spesifikke ting, som en klokke.
Disse ordene fungerer som determinativer (bestemmerord), og står foran substantiver. Dette, det, det der borte, hvilken
【第2課ー3】 For det japanske ko-so-a-do systemet så bruker vi ordsett nr 3 når.. ?
Dette bruker vi når vi vil prate om plasser. Disse ordene er også substantiver (deiktiske stedsord).
【第2課ー4】What is the japanese question word for “who” ?
the question word for “who” is だれ.
あなたはだれですか - who are you?
【第2課ー4 #2】What is the japanese question word for “whose” ?
the question word for “who” is だれ, and for “whose” we simply add the particle の。
これはだれのかばんですか。 - whose bag is this
それはたかしさんのかばんです。- that is takashi’s bag.
あなたはだれですか - who are you?
【第2課ー5】Hva gjør も partikkelet?
mens は mener “Item A is this, Item B is that”, så sier も at “Item A is this, and item B is this too”.
A is B (は)
C TOO is B (も)
【第2課ー5 #2】Hvordan kan du bruke も partikkelet til å beskrive at noe/noen er flere ting?
du kan bruke det på en beskrivende og repeterende måte.
これもこれもこれもこれもをおねがいします。 - jeg tar den og den og den og den.
【第2課ー6 】How do you negate a statement with the form X は Y です, where Y is a noun?
In this case you replace です with じゃないです.
山田(やまだ)さんは学生じゃないです。- Yamada er ikke student.