Genki Lesson 12 Flashcards
「第12課1」There are two distinct ways to make a statement in japanese; reporting the facts, and the mode of explaining things. what is the difference, and how do you use “explaining mode of speech “?
The explaining mode of speech is to use ~んです after the short form of a predicate.
1) reporting facts : a report is an isolated description of a fact. When you are late for an appointment, you can report in japanese like so :
バスが来(き)ませんでした - the bus didn’t come.
This sentence does not have the right apologetic tone, because it isn’t offered as an explanation, . If you want to mention the buses failing to run on time as an excuse for being late, you will need to use the explanation mode of speech and say:
バスが来(こ)なかったんです - (As it happens) the bus didn’t come.
• 毎朝(まいあさ)プールでおよぎます
(helt nøytral fremstilling)
• 毎朝(まいあさ)プールでおよぐんです
(+ “nemlig, du skjønner”)
Situasjon: Du har vått hår, og forklarer hvorfor:(髪(かみ)、どうしたんですか?)
「第12課1」What are the two components of an explanation?
バスが来(こ)なかったんです - (As it happens) the bus didn’t come.
One is explicitly described in the sentence (the bus not coming), and another, which is implied, or explained, by it (you being late for the appointment). The sentence-final expression んです serves as the link between what the sentence says and what it accounts for. compare:
明日(あした)テストがあります. - I have an exam tomorrow ( a simple observation)
明日(あした)テストがあるんです。-I have an exam tomorrow (so I can’t go out tonight)
トイレに行(い)きたいです - I want to go to the bathroom ( declaration of one’s wish)
トイレに行(い)きたいんです - I want to go to the bathroom ( so tell me where it is)
「第12課1」Explain んです, and what it does to a sentence.
Tempus og modalitet markeres på slutten avsetningen, etter verbkjernen.
Det er på slutten vi ser om setningen er et spørsmål, en påstand, invitasjon, tillatelse e.l. Her modifiseres det foregående i setningen.
〜んですer et slikt modalt uttrykk. Svært vanlig og naturlig form, særlig med よ、か、ね
”Det er sånn å forstå at…”, ”Det er slik at…”, ”nemlig”
- んer en forkortet form av の, som er vanligere i skrift:
- 毎朝(まいあさ)プールでおよぐのです。
- Muntlig, uformelt:•
Situasjon: Du har vått hår, og forklarer hvorfor:
「第12課1」What is the shortform of んです, and when do you use it?
The short form of んです is んだ, and it is used in casual exchanges.
In casual questions, んですか is replaced by の。
「第12課1」How do you use んです with verbs?
• Føyes på kort, final form (nåtid, fortid, positiv, negativ):
- およぐんです
- およいだんです
- およがないんです
- およがなかったんです
「第12課1」How do you use んです with い-adjectives?
- Føyes på kort, final form (nåtid, fortid, positiv, negativ) med い-adjektiv:
- おいしいんです
- おいしかったんです
- おいしくないんです
- おいしくなかったんです
「第12課1」How do you use んです with nouns+な-adjectives?
- na-adjektiv/substantiv
- 元気(げんき)なんです
- 元気(げんき)だったんです
- 元気(げんき)じゃないんです
- 元気(げんき)じゃなかったんです
- (husk at なer en form av kopula だ)
「第12課1」Explain how you use んです in a sentence?
~んです goes after the short form of a predicate. The predicate can be either in the affirmative or in the negative, either in the present tense or the past tense.
んです itself is invariant and does not usually appear in the negative or the past tense forms. In writing , it is more common to find のです instead of んです。
せいせきがよくないんです - (in response to the question “why do you look so upset?”) (as a matter of fact) My grade is not good.
試験(しけん)がおわったんです。(explaining to a person who has caught you smiling) - The Exam is over (that’s why i’m smiling).
- ここが大学(だいがく)なんです。Dette er dette som er universitetet.
- あ、そうなんですか。Å, sier du det?
- そうなんですよ。Ja, det er sånn det er.
- あ、そうなの?
- そうなのよ。
「第12課1」What happens to んです when it follows a noun or a な-adjective?
When んです follows a noun or a な-adjective, な comes in between.
report explanation
な-adjective 静(しず)かです 静(しず)かなんです
noun: 学生(がくせい)です 学生(がくせい)なんです
「第12課1」What can you use んです for in a question sentence, and what question words is んです often used together with?
You can use んです in questions to invite explications and further clarifications from the person you are talking to. It is very often used together with question words, such as どうして (why) and どうした (what has happened).
Siden det uttrykker en svak forklaring, så passer det godt ispørresetninger med どうして
- どうして帰(かえ)らないんですか。
- どうして言(い)わなかったの?
- なんでみんな残業(ざんぎょう)するのかな。
Q: どうして彼(かれ)と別(わか)れたんですか。- Why did you break up with your boyfriend (you’ve got to tell me)
A: 彼(かれ)、ぜんぜんお風呂(ふろ)に入(はい)らないんです。oh, him. He never takes a bath. (that’s a good enough reason, isn’t it?)
Q: どうしたんですか。- what happened? (you look shattered.)
A: 猫(ねこ)がしんだんです。My cat died. (that should explain how i look today)
んです kan også brukes i spørresetninger med 何(なん)、だれ、どこ、どう
- どこへ行(い)くんですか。
- あの人(ひと)はだれなんですか。
- 何(なに)なんですか、それ。
- どうしたんですか。
- どうしたの。
「第12課1」Should you use んです in written language as well ?
In the written language, you see のです instead of んです. It has the same functions, but is stylistically more formal.
「第12課1」Can you use んです to provide additional comments on something that has just been said? (similarly to like an FYI)
Yes, You can also use んです to provide an additional comment on what has just been said.
A: とてもいいきょうかしょですね。 - That’s a great textbook you’re using.
B:ええ。私(わたし)の大学(だいがく)の先生(せんせい)が書(か)いたんです。You bet. the professors at my university wrote it (for your information).
「第12課1」What is the proper way to answer a どうしたんですか question?
It is best answered by a んです sentence with the subject marked with the particle が rather than は , as in this example:
Q: どうしたんですか。- what happened? (you look shattered.)
A: 猫(ねこ)がしんだんです。My cat died. (that should explain how i look today)
See lesson 8 for a related discussion.
「第12課 2」How can you proclaim that you have done “too much” of something, or that you’ve done something “to excess” ?
Verb stems may be followed by the helping verb すぎる, which means “too much” or “to excess”.
すぎる conjugates as a regular ichidan-verb
- stamme + sugi-ru = for mye
- はたらき+すぎる arbeide for mye
- 食(た)べ+すぎる spise for mye
- 大(おお)き+すぎる være for stor
早(はや)く起(お)きすぎました - I got up too early.
たべすぎてはいけません - You must not eat too much
「第12課 2」Can すぎる follow い- and な-adjectives, or is it limited to verbs?
すぎる can follow い and な-adjectives (the parts which do not change in conjugations). You drop the い and な at the end of the adjectives and then add すぎる。
(高(たか)い) - この本(ほん)は高(たか)すぎます。- This book is too expensive.
(静(しず)かな)- この町(まち)は静(しず)か過(す)ぎます - This town is too quiet