Genki Ch 11 Flashcards
How do you express a hope or aspiration?
Use a verb stem and add たいです
What effect can たいです have on particles?
Words that take the particle を can take を or が
How does たい conjugate?
As an い adjective.
If you want to express a desire you have had for a long time, what can you use instead of たいです?
What are a way that たい sentences are not used?
To express another’s desire.
How do you express someone else’s desire?
When expressing another’s desire, how do you conjugate たがる?
As an う verb.
What particle does たがる take?
If you want to describe activities that you did, but do not want to imply that they are the only activities that you did, how do you do this?
Activity A たり Activity B たりする
How do you make the たり form of a predicate?
Just add り to the past tense short form of a predicate.
How do you say that you either did something or that something happened in earlier times
Take the past tense short form of the verb and add ことがある
In addition to と, what can you use to connect two nouns?
When would you use や instead of と to connect nouns?
That the nouns connected are not exhaustive.