Genitourinary Flashcards
Adnexal torsion
Twisting of the ovary and sometimes the Fallopian tube, cutting off the blood supply to these organs
Bartholin’s Cyst/ Abscess
Buildup of fluid that blocks one of the Bartholin’s glands/ducts, located on each side of a woman’s labia/vaginal opening
Inflammation of the cervix, that may cause bleeding between periods or changes in vaginal discharge, and often results from a STD
Common STD affecting both genders and can lead to more serious problems if untreated
Symptoms may include painful urination, penis/vaginal discharge, painful sex, testicular pain
The tissue that behaves like the cells lining the uterus grow in other parts of the body causing pain, irregular bleeding, and possibly infertility
Inflammation of the epididymis at the back of the testicle that stores and carries the sperm
Bacterial infection affecting both genders that mostly affects the urethra, rectum or throat, but can also infect the cervix
Ovarian Torsion
Rotation of the ovary to occlude the ovarian artery/vein
PID : Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Infection of the uterus lining, Fallopian tubes, or ovaries
Pregnancy condition where high blood pressure and protein in the urine develop after the 20th week
Sustained erection unrelated to sexual stimulation
Prostate inflammation
Infection of the kidney and ureters
Testicular Torsion
The twisting of the spermatic cord cutting off the blood supply to the testicle and surrounding structures within the scrotum
Inflammation of the vagina and vulva often caused by bacteria, fungal, or parasitic infection that causes vaginal discharge, irritation, and itching
Fallopian tubes and ovaries
The absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age
Acute renal failure; rapid loss of kidney function
Birth control pill
Bladder distention
Medical condition where the bladder is stretched, usually due to urinary retention
Chronic kidney disease or chronic renal disease
Progressive loss in renal function over a period of months or years
Severe uterine pain during menstruation
Painful urination
Ectopic pregnancy
Occurs when the fetus begins to develop outside the uterus. The most common side is within one of the Fallopian tubes
Flank pain
Pain in one side of the body between the upper abdomen and the back; side pain
Foley catheter
Flexible tubes passed through the urethra during urinary catheterization and into the bladder to drain urine
Gravid (Pregnancies)
Para (living children)
Abortions (elective or miscarriages)
Ex: G2 P1 A1
Being pregnant
HCG (Beta HCG)
Hormone released in pregnancy; may either be measured qualitatively (+ or -) or quantitatively (how far long in pregnancy)
Hemodialysis (dialysis)
A method of removing waste products such as creatinine and urea, as well as free water from the blood when the kidneys are in renal failure
Region of the groin
IUD (intrauterine device)
A type of birth control where a T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy
Intrauterine pregnancy
Last menstrual period
External opening of the urethra
An abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period
The spontaneous loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy
Kidney stones
Overflow incontinence
Patients never fee the urge to urinate; the bladder never empties, and small amounts of urine leak continuously
Pelvic pain
Describes pain that occurs mostly or only in the lower abdominal area
Region of the body inferior to the pelvic diaphragm and between the legs
Straight catheter
Removed after urine is drained
Urinary catheterization
A latex, polyurethane, or silicone tube or urinary catheter is inserted into a patients bladder via his or her urethra to allow the patients urine to drain freely from the bladder
Indwelling or Foley catheter
Permanent catheter, not removed after each use
Urinary dribbling
Dribbling of small amounts of urine
Urinalysis frequency
The need to urinate many times during the day, at night (nocturia), or both in normal or less than normal volumes
Urinary hesitancy
Difficulty in the beginning flow of urine
Urinary incontinence
Loss of bladder control
Urinary retention
Inability to urinate
Urinary urgency
A sudden, compelling urge to urinate
Miscarriage risk factors
Age 35+ Uterine/ cervical problems Chronic conditions (diabetes, thyroid) History Invasive prenatal tests Smoking, alcohol, drug use
UTI risk factors
Female Birth control (diaphragms, spermicidal) Use of catheter Sexually active Menopause Urinary tract abnormalities
Kidney stone risk factors
Male Dehydration High protein, sugar, or sodium diets Family/person history UTI’s Obese Digestive diseases 40+
CVA Tenderness (costovertebral angle)
Acute angle formed on either side between the twelfth rib and vertebral column; CVA tenderness is a common finding in pyelonephritis and other infections of the kidney
Guaiac result
Finds hidden (occult) blood in the stool on a rectal exam
the opening of the cervical canal into the vagina is called the external os of the uterus
Female bimanual exam
CMT (cervical motion tenderness) - unpleasant sensation or response elicited on pelvic exam with movement of the cervix by clinician’s gloved hand
Adnexal tenderness
Aborh blood typing
Method of typing for ABO and Rh blood system
Vaginitis DNA probe
Wet prep; vaginal discharge placed on a slide with normal saline and evaluated under microscope for presence of WBC, trichomonas, and other abnormalities like gardnerella and Candida
UA- urine analysis (clean catch or catheter specimen)
An array of tests performed on urine and one of the most common methods of medical diagnosis
Urine culture and sensitivity
A test to detect and id organisms (usually bacteria) that may be causing a UTI, then tests against various antibiotics to determine their sensitivity
Urine pregnancy
Preg Qual Serum- urine sample dipped for presence of HCG
Ultrasound to confirm intrauterine pregnancy
Cystoscopy procedure
Used to look at the bladder, collect collect urine samples, and exam the prostate by using an optic instrument, cystoscope
D&C- Dilation and Curettage
Dilation (widening/opening) of the cervix and surgical removal of part of the lining of the uterus/ contents of the uterus by scraping and scooping (curettage)
Operation to remove a woman’s uterus
Procedure that uses shockwaves to break up stones in the kidney, bladder, or uterus
Removal of one or both ovaries
TURP- Transurethral resection of the prostate
An instrument is inserted up the urethra to remove the section of the prostate that is blocking urine flow
Surgical procedure for male sterilization where the bad deferens are severed and sealed to prevent sperm from entering the seminal stream
Hormones for menstrual or uterine problems
MedroxyPROGRESTERone (Provera)
Antibiotics commonly used for UTI
CefTRIAXone (Rocephin/ Rocephin-ER)- given IVPB
Nitrofurantoin macro crystals (Macrobid)
MetroNIDAZOLE (Flagyl)
Common pain and nausea medications