General Overview Flashcards Who is responsible for safeguarding AF property and may be held pecuniary liable for negligent loss or destruction of such property
All personnel
Management of property issue to the ANG personnel must also comply with what code?
32 code of federal regulations (CFR) Who establishes policy and procedures for managing medical material for peacetime in wartime support to the Airforce medical service (AFMS)
Who manages the Air Force working capital fund medical – dental division (AFWCF/MDD)
Who provides liaison between AF medical Logistics ( AFML) activities and the defense logistics agency (DLA), General services administration (GSA), and other sources of supplies
Who supports development, Procure, build, distribute, retrofit and reconstitute contingency response assemblages, including war reserve material (WRM), pandemic influenza (PI) and medical counter chemical biological radiological and nuclear ( MC-CBRN) assemblages?
Who maintains and updates AF medical allowance standards (AS) for medical units; provide guidance for determining medical material allowances for non-medical activities
Who requests DOD activity address codes ( DoDAAC) for new stock record accounts?
Conducts site visits to assist base level medical logistics activities in maintaining an optimum standard medical logistics support
Sources all medical expense equipment requirements and approve/source all investment equipment requirements for the AFMS
Who appoints a medical service Corps officer as Accountable Base Medical Supply Officer( ABMSO)
MTF commander
If an officer is not assigned to the Medical Logistics Flight, who do you submit a waiver in coordination with Major Command Administrator (MAJCOM/SGS)
Chief, Medical Logistics Division , AFMOA/SGAL
Who appoints property custodians to support Medical Logistics in the requisition, management, accountability, and maintenance of supplies and equipment in using activities
MTF COMMANDER ( but can be delegated down to Medical Squadron commanders)
MTF commander can appoint property custodians to support medical Logistics but this authority can be delegated down to who?
Medical squadron commanders
How many days can the property custodian be absent before he must transfer his account ?
45 days.
True or false property custodian may be appointed for more than one using activity?
Who designates a unit report of survey (ROS) monitor?
MTF Commander
Can a member of the medical logistics flight be a MTF ROS monitor?
Who appoints disinterested investigating officers for Report of Survey (ROS)?
MTF commander( but can be delegated down to Medical squadron commander )
MTF commanders appoints disinterested investigating officers but this authority can be delegated to who ?
Medical squadron commanders
What AFI do you find more information on Reports of survey for Air Force property ?
AFMAN 23-220
Who appoints and MTF vehicle control officer VCO and/or vehicle control noncommissioned officer (VCNCO) ?
MTF commander
who maintains and accounts for all property and financial records on the medical stock record account in the DMLSS system ?
What does DMLSS stand for ?
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support
true or false. MTF commander approval is not required for AF units designated as TLAMM when supporting other DOD requirements.
who approves or designates an authorized clinical representative to approve all requests for medical material from non-medical units supported by the MTF?
MTF commander
who will ensure a DMLSS SA is assigned in DMLSS system Services IAW with AFMAN 41-216?
what does AFMOA/SGAL stand for?
Medical Logistics Division, Air Force Medical Operations Agency
who will maintain the physical accountability of all AFWCF/MDD owned assets (operating & WRM) and in-use equipment?
who will approve the acquisition and issue of all medical supplies and equipment for medical and non-medical organizations on base
who will procure and maintain all AFWCF/MDD materiel in DMLSS?
who will issue medical materiel to non-medical units with the approval of the MTF commander?
true or false. approval is not required for AF units designated as a TLAMM when supporting other DOD requirements?
what does TLAMM Stand for ?
Theater Lead Agent for Medical materiel
who will ensure appropriate and auditable management controls are in place to minimize occurrences of fraud, negligence, theft etc.
who will provide job qualification training for medical logistics personnel not assigned to a stock record account. (e.g. Reservist)
who will appoint an NCO or GS-04 or higher civilian as the MTF linen Supply Officer?
who will be responsible for all MEMO controlled organizational equipment charged to the using activity’s account?
Property Custodians.
who will assist Medical Logistics in determining appropriate items and quantities stocked in the using activity, as well as resupply frequency for required medical and non-medical supplies?
Property Custodians
who will prepare requests for equipment, supplies & services needed by using activity?
Property Custodians
who will designate personnel as authorized representatives to request and receive materiel?
property Custodians
who will notify medical Logistics whenever contacted by vendors for procurement or maintenance issues?
Property Custodians
who will manage the MTF Vehicle Program? 1.2.6
who will submit requests to establish a new Stock Record Account Number (SRAN) to AFMOA/SGAL for approval?
Major Commands or Combatant Commanders (COCOMs)
the ABMSO must Transfer the Stock Record Account prior to what? 1.3.2
if the ABMSO is absent for an extended period of time who will determine when a re-appointment is necessary?
MTF Commander
who will sign the certificate of transfer ?
the in-coming & out-going ABMSO
who will keep a copy of the certificate of transfer?
the in-coming & out-going ABMSO
who will notify AFMOA/SGAL when officially notified by the MAJCOM that an account will be deactivated?
Medical Logistics Flight Commander
the MLFC will schedule an inventory of Medical Property items including assessment of asset conditions with how many months of approval of closure? 1.3.4.
6 months
what AFI is the clinical Engineering Programs? (BMETS) 1.4
AFI 41-201
the MTF Linen Supply Officer will ensure the linen and laundry programs are managed IAW? 1.5
AFI 44-108
who must enter into a support agreement with the host base IAW 25-201
Detached medical units
who will not procure non-medical materiel, services, & rentals for detached medical units?
Medical Logistics
who will receive required medical materiel from their assigned host Medical Logistics Activity?
Aeromedical Evacuation Squadrons (AES)
who will provide initial training for property custodians and their representatives designated to request and receive materiel?
Customer Service Program
follow-on custodian & rep Training is required how often?1.7.1.
at least annually
who will provide orientation for newly assigned MTF personnel?
Customer Service Program
Customer Service Program must train newly assigned MTF personnel on ?
electrical Safety , personnel responsibilities and liabilities for the proper care of AF property, and implications of unauthorized obligations
what must be conducted when there is evidence of abuse, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate unauthorized use, fraud, theft, or if negligence is suspected in the case of supply system stocks or property book items?
what must be conducted when adjustments for operating, WRM, MC-CBRN, PI, & PMI supplies with unit costs exceeding $16K or total inventory adjustments exceeding $50K
what must be conducted when all validated losses of equipment happens?
an ROS may be disregarded if the value of the loss, damage, or destruction of a equipment value is less than?
what must be conducted when validated losses of controlled items occur?
Medical Logistics will forward the information required to complete blocks 1-8 of DD form 200 to MTF ROS monitor with how many days?
10 days of loss validation
Medical Logisticswill adjust accountable property records no later than how many days of discovery of the loss?
50 days
who will maintain file copies of information provided to the MTF ROS monitor as source documents for inventory adjustments processed as a result of ROS actions?
Medical Logistics