general GI disease Flashcards
clinical signs of indigestion
cold extremities, dehydrated, gas cap, no rumen motility, mildly acidic
what causes indigestion
feed changes
how to ddx mycotoxins from indigestion
myco is usually more chronic signs, poor doers, hemorrhagic bowels, deaths
who gets abomasal ulcers
sru clinical signs of a gi ulcer
nonbleeding- eating more forage. avoiding grain, adr
stresser situation
treatment for ulcers
mg ox
pantoprazole for sru
nonrums get omeprazole
forage and fluids
very young calf with abdominal distension
atresia, torsion or intussception
extended neck, hypersalivation, off feed, decreased rumen contractions
ddx choke- pass a tube
frothy bloat treatment
take them off pasture, 2 ox poloxalene, ionophores