GDS Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is a typeface?
The design of a single set of characters unified by consistent visual properties.
How is height measured?
In points.
How is width measured?
In picas.
What are em units?
The width of the uppercase M in the parent face and point size.
What is the baseline?
The bottom of letters, excluding descenders.
What is a character?
A letterform, numeral, punctuation mark, or any single unit in a font.
What is a counter?
The space enclosed by the strokes of a letter.
Describe a serif.
A small stroke added to the upper or lower end of the main stroke of a character.
What is the x-height?
The height of a lowercase letter, excluding ascenders and descenders.
Explain type family.
A type family includes many style variations of a single typeface.
Before choosing a typeface, what should you consider?
The audience, the tone, personality, and attitude of what you are communicating, as well as historical and aesthetic meaning.
Define readability vs legibility.
Readability is the ease in which text is read; legibility is how easily a person can recognize the letters in a typeface.
Rules for typeface pairing.
Limit mixing and select for contrast and variation, pair complementary typefaces, pair typefaces with different textures, and choose within type family, extended family, or super family.
What is typographic texture?
The overall density or tonal quality of a mass of type on a field.
What is letterspacing?
The spatial interval between letters. Adjusting this is called kerning.
What is line spacing?
The spatial interval between two lines of type measured vertically from baseline to baseline, which is traditionally called leading.
In regards to spacing, check for…
…word spacing, line length, unevenness, and widows and orphans.
What is a widow?
A very short line of text or a word that appears at the end of a paragraph.
What is an orphan?
A very short line of text or a word that appears at the beginning or end of a column that is separated from the rest of the paragraph.
How can you make content more appealing?
Break it into modules.
What arrangement of text is best for screen-based communication?
What does pacing involve?
Creating a visual sense of rhythm, creating variation and allowing the reader’s eyes to rest somewhere in the text.
What do margins do?
Allow the reader to focus in on the text.
How are type size and leading indicated?
By placing type size over point leading.