Gastrointestinal Hormones Flashcards
Stimulus : alkaline pH in duodenum
Produced by: M-cells
Going to: circulation and pancreas
Function: Motility, peristaltic contractions in SM
Stimulus : stomach distention, N. vagus, AA in stomach
Produced by: G-cells
Going to: Parietal cells (pylorus, duodenum, pancr.)
Function: Stimulates secretion of HCl
Stimulus : precense of FA or AA in chyme, duodenum
Produced by: I-cells
Going to: liver & pancreas
Function: stimulate digestion of fat and protein
Stimulus : low duodenal pH (2-4,5)
Produced by: S-cells
Going to: pancreas
Function: neutralize pH in duodenum, allowing digestive enzymes to function properly.
Stimulus : gastrin
Produced by: ECL (enterochromaffine like cells)
Going to: parietal cells
Function: induce uptake of CO2 and water from blood –> incr prod. of HCl
Stimulus : low pH
Produced by: D-cells, pancreas
Going to: parietal, chief and ECL cells (G-protein coupled receptors)
Function: inhibits activation hormones
Stimulus : insulin
Produced by: Adipocytes
Going to: Hypothalamus
Function: satiety, antagonist of ghrelin
Stimulus : empty stomach
Produced by: ghrelinergic cells in GIT
Going to: hypothalamus
Function: incr. hunger and gastric acid secretion
Substance -P
Stimulates vomiting reflex, released from sensory nerves
VIP - vasoactive intestinal peptide
Stimulus : nerve signals
Produced by: nerve cells
Going to: gut, pancreas (G-protein coupled receptors)
Function: relaxes SM in GIT, inhibits gastric acid prod.
GIP - gastric inhibiting peptide
Stimulus: high level of glucose in duodenum
Produced by: K- cells
Going to: pancreas (B-cells)
Function: increase insulin production