Gastroesophageal Reflux, Gastritis and Gastropathy, and Gastric Cancer Flashcards
GERD path
Mostly due to LES relaxation…vagally mediated events triggered by gastric distension
More freuqnelty if supine or intra-ab pressure inc
HIatal hernies in 25%
Mucosal damage depending on acidity and amount of times
Retrosternal burning sensation
1/3 may get dysphagia which suggests complication
Infantlile GERD - back arching and lifting the chin during episdoes of reflux
Comps of GERD
Erosive esophagitis from ulcerationf of distal esohageal mucosa is most common comp
May get pelvic stricture
Barrett esophagus is another long term comp related to adenocarcinoma
Dx of GERD and
If sx persist despite PPI therapy…then consider
Erosive esophagitis - dysphagia with GI bleeding or anemia
Peptic strictture - dysphagia with recurrent vomiting
Esoph adenocarcinoma - weight loss
Path of GERD
Simple hypererema on gross inspection
More severe - will see eosinos followed by neutrophils…hyperplasia of basal zone exceeding 20% of total thickness with elongation of lamina propria may also be found
Mg of GERD
Weight loss and elevation of head
Mild and IM - antacids or H2 receptor antagonists
If failed above - PPIs…irreversibly inhibit and hsould be taken prior to meal
If failed PPI - then antireflux surgery
Prognosis of ERD
Screening endoscopy in pts over 50, mnale, and GERD sx
Gastriris/opathy patho
Any imblanace of acid secretion
Acute - H pylori
Chornic - autoimmune or H pulori
Gastropathy - Aspirin, NSAIDs, alcohol, bile refluex
Type B - predominats in antrum but spreads
Acute - neutrophils above basment membrane
Chroonic - subepithali llyhmph oinfiltration
H pylori also associated with MALT and gastric cancer
Type A hronic from CD4 T cells directed aginat parietal cell components…lose vit B
Progressive dec in acid stimulates gastrin release and induces hyperplasia of antral gastrin producing G cells and can form carcinoid tumors
Dx of gastritis
Endoscopy with biopsy is produce of choice
Chronic - patchy atrophic antral mucosa is more of type B…type A is more diffuse atrophic mucosa of body and fundus
Autoimmune - look for vit B12 def, anemia
Also inc serum gstrin and ABs to IF and parietal cells
Pathology of types
Gastropathy - intact surface epithelium with edema of lamina propria…few scattered neutro and lymphos in epithelium
Acute - intact to erosive surface peithelium with edema of propria…dense neutrophil infil
Type A chronic - diffuse mucosal atrophy in body and fundus with loss of P and C cells..muscoal inflam composed of lymphos and macros
B - pathces of mucosal atrophy…mostly in antrum with intraepithelial neurtops ad subepi lymphocytes
Mg of gastritis and gastropathy
Remove the offending agent
Acute and B tx with H pyolri eradictaion
Type A chronic with B 12 supp to prevent sequele of pareital cell loss
Gastric cancer types
Intestinal - cellular adhesion present
INtestinal metaplasia with tubular/glandular formmation
From chronic inflamm or deit/enriovnement
Older pts
DIffuse - defective due to loss of E-cadherin
Infiltrating with signet ring cell
Genetic mutations
Intestinal type path
Non-atrophic gastritis - initially after H pylori…inflmation in the antrum with lymphocytic inflammation with a superimpoased PMN infiltrate
Atrophic gastritis - a subset of pts with H pylori develop loss of gastric glands
INtestinal metaplasia - appearance of glands resembling intestinal glands at jxn of antrum and gastric body…hypochlorhydria
Dysplasia - dysplastic cells appear but ndo NOT penetratr basemebt membrane
Invasive adenocarcinoma - ulcerated mass at jcxn between antrum and body
Diffuse type path
Rapid progression and early metastasis…invade the gastric wall and may get a rigidi and thickened stomach
Most due to CDH1 - E cadherin gene inactivvation
Progression and epi of gastric cancers
Direct exten through gastric wall and may spread to pancreas colon and liver
Peritoneal seeding may lead to ascites or metastasis to the overy or periumbilical region
CM of gastric cancer
GE jxn - dysphagia
Stomach and pylorus - N/V
Hx of gastric ulcer
Most PE findings with later dz
Colonic obstruction - direct spread
Virchows node - supraclavicular LN
Sister mary janes node - periumbilical metast from peritoneal spread
Enlarged ovary - ovarian metastasis from peritoneal space
Blumers shelf - peritoneal metastasis in cul de sac on rectal
Malignant ascities - peritoneal carcinomatosis
Dx of gastric cancers and biopsy findings
Upper endoscopy with exophytic mass (intestinal) or loss of rugal folds (diffuse)
Intestinal - bulky glandular structures with broad cohesive cells…may contain vacuoles with abundant mucin
Diffuse - thickened gastric wall containing signet ring cells
Mg of gastric cancers
Cure - surgical resection
Intestinal more suysceptible t 5-FU and oxaliplatin
Diffuse - more cisplatin
Primary gastric lymphoma
Most common extranodal site for lymphoma
H pylori associated
Almost identical to gastric adenocarcinoma…endoscopic same as intestinla
Biopsy - B cell infiltrated of gastric wall ranging from well-diff (MALT) to poorly diff high grade lymphoma (large cell)
Far more responsive to tx
MALT - AB tx
Gastric Sarcoma
Leiomyosarcoma and GISTs are minority
Rarely metastasive but may spread hematogenously to liver or lung