Abdominal Trauma, Hirschsprung Disease, Malrotation, and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Flashcards
Blunt truama, gun penetrating and knife penetrating
Blunt typically affects more solid - spleen and liver
Penetrating is more viscus - bowel, liver
Blunt abdominal trauma in general and
Children more susceptible bc larger liver and spleen
Splenic injuries result in subcapsular hematomas and or laceration of hilar vessels leading to splenic rupture or devasc…any injury resulting in extravasaiton of blood outside spenen can rapidly lead ot life-threating intra-abdominal hemorrhage
Liver - subcapsular hematomas or laceration of vesicles leading to avulsion or disruption…life-threatening hemorrhage
Blunt trauam
Crushing bowel between spine and device of impact
Rapid deceleration injuries…most time referable to abdominal wall…may develop acute panc
Kidney is most common…decelerating avuldion of renal pedical or artery dissection…weakest bladder area is periotneal surface of the dome so low ab injuries can result in contusion or rupture
Penetrating ab trauma
Diaphragmatic can result in lacerations…may present as a herniation or paralysis
Anterior ab injuries tend to lead to bowel injuries…pay att to RUQ injuries which can affect colon and liver
Flank and back could lead to kidney, ureter, or aortic in addition to bowel
Eval of injuries
Diaphragm/ab wall - breathing
Spleen/liver/vasc - hemorrhage
Seat belt sign - hollow viscous
Rib fracture - hepatic contusion or splenic injury
CUllen’s sign or Grey Turner’s sign - intraperiotoneal or retroperitoneal
ID free intraperiotenal fluid indicavtive of intrab bleeding
Limitation is that it cannot ID the source of fluid
Get a CT
Lab tests in trauam
Hb/Hct - hemorrhage
Urinalysis - renal/uretral/bladder
AST/ALT - hepatic
Lipase - pancreatic
Hirsch patho
4th week of gestation…neroblasts begin migrating in craniocaudal direction of GI tube…integrate into wall to form ganglia to control peristalsis and motitliy
By 7th weke, arrive at distal colon
Hursch means failure to migrate…RET proto-oncogene?
Gnaglion cells are responsbiel for smooth muscle relaxation so will see a contracted distal segment…this means intraluminal contents cannot pass so area proximal is dilated
Epidem of Hirsch and CM
10% have downs
Most will fail to pass meconium within first 48 hours of life
If extensive, could get intestinal obstruction
Less extensive may not be dx til later…present iwht lifelong hx of constripation
May have squirt sign
Dx and tx of Hirsch
Rectal biopsy is gold standard..will see absence of ganglion cells
On radiograph see dec of absent air in rectum and dilated coonic loops prox to obstruction
Surgical resection of aganglionic segemtn
Malrotation path
During early embryonic development, around 6th week, primary intestinal loop hernaites into umbilicus rotating 90 deg counterclockwise
Small intestines formm jejunla ileal loops while cecum and appendix grow
At 10th week, primary intestinal loop retracts into ab cavity and rotats another 180deg counter
During 11th week, completes rotation
Midgut malroaton occurs bc of failred counterclockwide roation of mesenteric root at end of 10th week…cecum becomes logated in mid-upper abdomen and fixed to wall by peritoneal bands
Ladd bands cross over duodenum leading to extrinsic compression and maybe obstruction
ALSO, mesentery on right is shorted which means excessive mobility and potential for bowel sichemia
Epi and CM of malroatation
Most becomes sx before age 5…associated with other dzx
Duodenal obstruction or volvulus (twisting of mesenteric base)
Infants mostly present within 1st mo of life
Duodenal obstruction presents with recurrent episodes of bilious emesis and ab pain…some with failure to thirve
Volvulus over first few mos and prresent with acute onset of vomiting…progress rapdily to shock
Dx and mg of malrotation
Acutely ill should get surgical consult
If stable, can get upper GI series
Surgicial repair
Path of TE fistula
4th week of gestation…2 primordial lung buds arise from ventral foregut endoderm
Lateral septation through formation of tracheoesophageal ridge should sepatate trachea from digestive tube…this lateral septation is incomplete
Most common is proximal esophageal atrea with a distal TEF
Associations of TEF
VACTERL Vertebral (most common) Anal atresia Cardiac def TE fistula Renal anomoly Limb
CHARGE Coloboma Heart Choanal atresia Retardation Genital ab Ear ab (most common)
Pt with esoph atresia will typically have polyhydramnios noted during mothers pregnancy…preventsd swalling oral secretions so may drool or choke
Dx, mg, prognosis of TEF
Dx - commonly made when can’t pass catheter from mouth to stomach…flueorscopy with water soluble will confirm
Mg - surgical repair
Prog - isolated has a good prognosis…chromosoomal abnormality is more complicated