Abnormal Liver Function Tests and Hepatic Neoplasms Flashcards
Catalyze transfer of alpha amino groups from aspartate to generate oxalacetic acid (AST) and from alaine to generate ALT
Alny inflammation or destruction
Vit B6 def will dec ALT activity so may have higher AST than ALT
Also present in other places so could be myosisits or hemolysis
Alk phos
Cell trnapsort…obstruction (cholestasis)….elevation can occur with bony tunroever and in pregnancy as well…add in children
GGT not specific but if both alk phos and GGT, then from liver and not bone
Must be conjugated by hepatocytes…hepatocellular and cholestatis damage
Etiologies of elevated enzymes
Mold to mod elevations of AST/ALT can be caused by both acute and chornic
Chronic more likely if low albukim, inc PT or INR and more Alk phos elevation
If over 1000, then acute viral hep, ischemic hepatopathy or drug/toxin exposure….although other LFTs are normla, massive haptic necrosis can have low albumin and elevated PT/INR
If pt has no other abnormal LFTs besides alk phos, think non-hepatic etiology….children and adlescents, over 60, group O and B, 3rd trimester is normal
Acute viral hepatitis
Fever more with A or E…liver becomes enlarged…can get jaundice….AST and ALT elevated during prodrome…then bilirubin with both peaking at same time
Recorver is mos with A and E…more common chronic in hep C….Hep B - polyarteritis nodsa, membranous neprhopathy and aplastic anemia
Hep C - mixed cryoglobulinemia and membranoproliferative glomeruloneprhitis
Alcohol hep
Acute - over 15 pint years….sx immediately after yse…hepatic enceph and ascitis….elevated transminases with AST/ALT ratio of over 2
Chronic - steatosis, steatohep and cirrhosis…AST/ALT over 2
NAFLD - hepatic fat acumulation….can progress to inflammation, fibrosis and icrrhoissi….often have metabolic syndrome…mildly elevated AST and ALT
HFE mutations that inc iron absorption….hepatomeaglay and cirrhosis
Wilsons dz
AI hep
Defective cellular transport of copper leading to organ accumulation
1/2 will get liver dz before 30
Also common to have nuerpsy dz…suspect in pts with hemolytic anemia, lowcopper and low cerulosplasm
AI - CMI damage to hepatocyte…same as viral in dx…most have hypergammaglobulineia.
Tyope 1 - young women with pos ANA or smooth muscle AB
Type 2 - liver-kidney microsome AB and liver cytosol AB
alpha 1 AT def
Acute liver failure
Defined by comps of hepatic encephalopathy and coagulopathy….aminotransferases over 1000….oftne thrombocytopenia as well
Dx of hep B, hep C, hemochromatosis, NAFD, hep A, toxin/drugs
Mild elevation
Hep B tests
Hep C AB
Serum iron, TIBC
IgM anti-hep A
Hep B
Heb C AB and viral load
acetominophen level
Primary biliary cholngitis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
If lodge n bile duct or without bact infection, look for inc alk phos and bilirubin….May have elevation in AST and ALT as welll…triad of fever, RUQ pain, and jaundice
Women 40-60 with insidous onset of sx….frequenyl other AI dz and get hypercholesterolemia and pos anti-mito AB
Young men 20-30 with IBD….asx with eventual jaundice and prutirs
Dx of cholestatic conditions
If inc alk phos, get US to localize the location….if dilated, then extraheptic cholestasis
If extra - assume to have cholengitis and get ERCP to confirm
Sclerosing - string of beads areas of stensosi with mixed dilation
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Hyperplastic regn responsr to hyperperfusion
ANomalous artery in center of a nodule or noram lappearing hepatocytes
Not a problem
Hepatic adenoma
Most in premenopausal women 30-50 who take OCPs
More in the right lobe and have normal tests….rise in AFPs can mean malignant.l…tx with dec estrogen …
Hepatic hemangioma
Most common and between 30-50 females….most related to vascular malformations
Hepatic metastases
Most common
Most through portal venous system but can also be lung and breast
From precurosor cells in the liver
Association with FAP, beckwith-wiedemann syndrome, trisomy 18 and trisomy 21
Large and asx abdominal mass….can get constitutuonal sx as it progress
Dx by CT or MRI….sually AFP elevation as welll
HCC path and CM
Most in setting or chronic liver dz or chronic viral hep
Hep B associated - integrates into hepatocyte DNA and activates MAP and JAK/STAT baths that inhibt apoptosis
Chronic inflamm liver dz - inc hepatocyte turnover, dminish signals inhibiting, and ROS
Most are asx - comps when into the portal venous system
HYpoglycemia - secretes IGF
Erythrocytosis - secrete EPO
Dx, mg of HCC
Annual ultrasound and AFP
CT or MRI can help
HCChas greater enhancement or arterial phase and lesser on venous
Large multinucelated giant cells with central necoriss
Surgery or ablation…maybe liver trnasplant…only chemo is TK inhibitor sorafenib