Ascites and Jaundice Flashcards
Portal HTN
Cirrhosis accounts ofr 85%.
Cardiac ascites ocurs in setting of RHF…most common causes of this are LHF and constrictive pericarditis
Inc CVP that is trnasmitted back to liver
Cancers and infiltrative dz can also obstruct
Primary peritoneal dz
Peritoneal carcinomatosis secrete protein rich fluid that draws fluid from EC space into peritoneum
Infectious causes are uncommon - typically from TB of fungi
TB - hematogenous spread to peritonuem
Other causes
Pancreatisis - leakage of enzymes
Nephrotic syndrome - hypoalbuminemia
Lymphomas - lymphatic obstruction leading to chylous ascities
Features of cirrhosis, cardiac ascitses, periotneal mesothelioma
Cirr - alcohol abuse, IV durug abuse, liver dz
Card - hx of HF or pericarditis…dyspnea, chest pain, LE edema, renal probs
perit - hx of asbestos expsorue…weigth loss, crampy pain, small to mod ascites with inc girth
Bulging flank
Flank dullness
Shifting dullness
Fluid wave
Supine - sides bulge outward
Horizonal border of flank sep areas of dullness and tympany
Perc of abdomen procudes dulllness that shifts as pt rolls
With on hand on either, tapping against lat wall will produce fluid wave that is felt as tap by other hand
Almost all will also have peripheral edema
Dx of ascites by appearance
Normal appearance of straw yellow/clear with portal HTN
Turbin or cloudy = infection
Milky - inc TGs…chylous ascites
Pink or bloody - inc erythrocyte, traumatic paracentesis but also amybe peritoneal mesothelioma
SAAG and ascitic fluid protein
Under 2.5 and over 1 - cirrhosis and non-cirrhotic portal HTN
UNder 2.5 and under 1 - neprhtoic syndrome
Over 2.5 and over 1.1 - cardiac ascities or infiltrative dz
Over 2.5 and under 1 - peritoneal carciomatosis, chylous, pancreatitis, TB
Fluid with high neutros - infection
High lymphos - TB or malignancy
MG of ascites
If cirrhosis - sodium restriction
If that does not work - spironolactoen and furosemide
Slow titration up to prevent IV volume depletion
Path of jaundice up to excretion of liver
Heme oxygnase breaks down heme into CO and biliverdin
Biliverdin to bilirubin by biliverdin reductase
Bilirubin insoluble so bound to albumin and taken to liver
Within hepatocytes, bilirubin conjugated by UGT1A! to form water soluble conjugated bilirubin….then excreted by ABC-C2
Bilirubin after excretion from liver
Bac in colon reduce conjugated to unconjugated and then to urobilinogen and stercorbilinogen
Unconjugated can be reabsored back into portal along with urobilinogen and
Remianing fecal urobilinogens and stercobiliigens excreted in stool
Jaundice process
Inc bilirubin production
Dec conjugation of bilirubin in hepatocytes
Cholestasis previting excretion
inc enteroheptic circulation
Common in newborn infants due to hsort RBC lifespan which inc heme degradation, enzymatic process of conj slow and inc circulation
Any processes that slows colonic passage of bile increase enterohepatic circulation
Gilbert syndrome/Crigler=najjar
Dubin-johnson yndrome/rotor
Others in infants
Look for hemoglobinopathies or immune mediated hemolysis
Gil - def of bili metab….mut in promoter of UGT1A1…diff from Crigler-Najjar where mutations in UGT1A1 gene its which is worse
D-J - mut in ABC-C2 membrane protein so dec excretion….rotor - gene mutations in hepatocyte transport proteins so less eff uptake and excretion
Most serious is biliary atresia
unconjugated and conjugated hyperbili in adults
Un - hemolysis, crticial illness, or impaired conjugated
Conj - anything that disrupts bile cnalaliculus or bilary system…common causes of intra includie damage….extra most lilely from gallstones or other cholestasis
CM of jaundice in infants
Progresses from head to toe
3-7 - icterus
15 - entire skin
Neurotoxin so may get acute bili encephalopathy….inititally hypotonia and progress to get severe hypertonia
Shrill cry…can progress to resp failure and status epilepticus
biliary atreia is fibroinflam desturction of extrahep biliary tract….jaundice bt birht and 2mos…may have acholic stools and dark urine
Dx of jaundice in infants
Check within 2 days
If abnormally high, do a blood type and Coombs test along with CBC and smear
Check for conjugated hyperbili….if pos, then get US of liver and biliary sx….biliary atresia if gallbladder not visualized or if inc echogeneiticy in periportal area
CM of jaundice in children/adults
Rarely sx
Cong disorders also normally asx
Gilbert - IM episdoes of jaundice
Crigler-Najjar - verying degrees of jaundice ranging from isolated icertus
Dubin and rotor - mild jaundice iwth isolated icuters
Dx of jaundice in children and adults
If isolated hyperbilirubinemia - then think non hepatic dz like hemolysis or drug effecct
Gilbert - noram llevel during periods of healthy and only jaundice in periods of stress
Crgiler - wide range but higher during stress
Crigler and gilbert - normal conjugated
Others - abnormal conjugated