G + D toddler Flashcards
biological growth
age 1-3
gain 5-6lbs/year
grow 5”/year (50% of adult height at 2)
2.5 cm head circumference growth during year 2
teeth - 20 baby teeth by 3 yo
pot bellied, slightly bowed legs, lordosis
motor development - gross
15 mo: walk w/o help
18 mo: throw
24 mo: stairs, runs well
2.5 yo: jump, kick
walk with unsteady gait for better mobility
become more coordinated
3 yo: peddle
motor development - fine
15 mo: cup, round peg in board, scribble (full hand), 2 cubes, spoon and spill
18 mo: 3-4 cube, spoon
24 mo: 6-7 cubes
24 - 30 mo: hold crayon
30 mo: good hand-finger coordination
2 yo: copy circle and line
dress self
sensory development
visual acuity 20/40
12 mo: know name
18 - 24 mo: short sentences (>2 words), geometric forms
2 y: simple directions, 300 words, fully developed object permanence
3 y: remember and repeat 3 numbers (dont know what they mean)
ritualism - repetition, comfort
stress and coping
sources: separation, dark, loud noises, strangers or new situations
violence, loss of security object
signs: negativism, regress, rigidity, lack of sociability, tantrums, self-centeredness
explore body, masturbation and self stim, parental reactions important, learn vocab - teach!, sex role differences evident - may imitate what they see from adults
individuation and separation
differentiation between self and others - esp mom
assumes individual characteristics
away from parents for short time
less stranger fear when parents are present
help child prepare for events (trips, dentist, etc.)
can do simple tasks
language development
comprehension increases
~300 words by 2 - multiword sentences
3y: ~65% understandable
critical period
promoted with: talk, listen, sing, read, repeat back
parallel play - next to but not with
imitate, dress up, push-pull, domestic (stove)
focus on increasing control of body, gross motor development
multiple use of senses
danger in toys - mouth, rough and tumble play
psychosocial development
differentiate self from others
tolerate separation from parents
can withstand delayed gratification
control over bodily function
acquisition of socially acceptable behavior
verbal means of communication
interact with others in a less egocentric manner
autonomy vs shame and doubt
set limits
negativism and ritualism
let them dress themselves and go with it if its wrong
basic level
little concern form why something is wrong, behave bc of boundaries or freedoms they are given
action is good or bad depending on reward or punishment
sensorimotor - intelligence takes form of motor actions
13-18 mo: tertiary circular reactions - apply knowledge and experience to new situations, reciprocal responses, aware that things still exist when they cant see them
egocentrism: see world from own eyes (take toys from others), difficulty sharing
pre operational (2-7): egocentric speech - repeat, concerned with why and how
carries over from infancy but negativism is present in all developmentally normal toddlers
interventions: discipline influenced by temperament, need warnings and clearly communicated limits on behavior (so they know what to expect)
potty training
physical: sphincter control (18-24 mo), bladder capacity increases (retain for 2 hr at 14-18 mo)
psychophysiological: must be able to recognize urge and hold it (and communicate to someone), motivation to please parents or others
interested as expression of autonomy
set aside time!
common concerns
sibling rivalry - protect infant
temper tantrums - dont give in but keep safe, ignore
give choice! but not a question where no is possible