G + D school aged Flashcards
biologic growth
weight: 4-6lbs/yr
height: 2”/yr
teeth - most permanent by 12, orthodontist
slimmer with long legs
increase in stomach muscle but not very strong
decrease in head circumference in relation to height
thinner waist
F grow faster
maturation of systems
bladder capacity
HR and RR steadily decrease (70-90; 16-24)
immune system more competent - more sick bc no antibodies
dental health
lose deciduous teeth, permanent erupt
avg gain of 28
need orthodontic work
dental caries big health problem:
brush and floss, checkups, limit snacks (high protein, fruits and veggies, low candy)
motor and sensory dev
bone grow faster than muscle - fracture
movements more limber, graceful, coordinated
greater stamina and E
20/20 vision by 6-7 yr
brain growth complete by 10 yrs
fine motor dev
6: tie shoe, cut and paste, print (reverses letters)
7: read
8: script writing
9: mature writing (cursive)
motor dev: 6-8
bike, run, jump, climb, hop
hand eye coordination
prints words and cursive
brush and comb hair
motor dev: 8-10
throw ball skillfully, organized sports, use both hands independently, handles utensils skillfully
motor dev: 10-12
enjoy all physical activities, continue to improve coordination
stress and coping
super natural beings, injury, storms, the dark, staying home alone, separation from parents, things on TV, movies, failure in school, tests, being unattractive
declines slightly but increases during prepubertal growth spurt
increased physical skill, intellectual ability, fantasy
form groups - team, belonging
need for conformity - characterize play along with ritual
want to be with peers - teams
dont like cheating - fairness
boys and girl play separate
play timeline
6: longer attention spans, structured activities and open ended experiences, games
8: table games, hate to lose
10: comprehend rules and rituals
want to be successful
observe and classify
music and competitive
logical thinking
social development
increasingly influenced by peers (dress, hair, everything - uniforms good)
some may be forces to act outside peer group to conform at home (money, strict parents)
mix awkwardly at 11 (opposite sex)
bullying - ask about their peers
easily children - readily adapt to school and new situations
slow to warm up children - uncomfy in new situations
difficult or easily distracted children - act out, may not fit in
social dev cont
egocentric, want other kids to play with, insists on being first, becomes peer oriented, improve relationships with siblings, greater self control, confident, sincere, respect parents and role, join group (formal and informal), engage in real world tasks
red flags
school fail, lack of friends, social isolation, aggressive behavior: fight, fire, animal abuse
industry v inferiority
get skills to help them become contributing members of community
personal and interpersonal competence through technologic and social skills
activities that require practice, music small and short hobbies and projects
assemble simple model in short time
need frequent reinforcement of process rather than product
accomplishment encourages dev of sense of industry (insulin in DM)
concrete operational
use thoughts to experience events and situations
mental operations
rapidly inquire cognitive skills
much less rigid and egocentric
progress from preconceptual thinking to conceptual thinking
life centered on school activities and friends
learn reversibility: think about consequences (+/-)
classification skills: group things according to common attributes
conservation of liquid, mass, number, length, area, volume
can serialize
give visual of procedures
conventional morality (stage 3-4)
individual acts to gain approval of others - good behavior
respect for rules, laws, properly constituted authority - rarely question
more abstract thinking about moral questions
learn syntax of language and grammar, able to use to give directions, can make inferences about word meanings
meta-linguistic awareness - joke, riddle, puns
personal and social development
confidence of place within fam gives ability to venture forth
peer groups
increasingly tolerant of opposite sex
argue, persuade, bargain, cooperate, compromise
sibling conflict increases
act as parent, not pal - need consistent control and structure, help not act on every urge
body image - aware of everyone and how they compare, head is most noticeable
very aware of disabilities (be with others like them)
may be concerned but not express to fam
2 year before puberty
early appearance of secondary sex characteristics in girls and late appearance in boys that have been correlated with risk taking behaviors
differences between boys and girls