exam 1 Flashcards
when can they roll over from back to belly
6 months
lift chest off floor but not belly
4 months
recognize image in mirror
5 months
vision at birth
1 yr and toddler love to be _____
turn head and follow
4 month
directed reach
6 month (communicate and coordination)
tooth eruption
6 months - drool, small fever, gum inflam, no liquor or oragel (gag reflex), cold chew good
sit with support
6 months
no head lag, in plane
6 months
sit alone - tripod
7 months
sit unsupported
8 months
sit from prone or supine
10 months
bounce when held in standing position
6 months
stand holding furniture and pull up
9 months
10 - 12 months
stand erect with minimal support
11 months
stand alone for variable amount of time
12 months
original walking position
arms out and wide stance (balance), flat feet (fat pad)
pull up to sitting if you grasp hands
6 months
pull to stand
6 - 12 months
pull up
9 months (adjust crib bed lower)
arm coordination (push back
4 - 6 months
bear all weight on legs
6 -7 months
crawl forward on belly
8 - 10 months
11 months
independent walking
15 months
pincer grasp develops
8 - 9 months
refined pincer grasp
11 - 12 months
develop with finger food
transfer hand to hand
7 months
object permanence
10 months - 12
search for things, memory, affects attachment and play, piaget
bring to mouth
4 - 6 months
bottle and feet, raking, choking!
biologic growth: infant
lose 10%, normal by 2 weeks, 1 oz/day till 6 months, double by 6 months, triple by 1 year
1”/ month, 50% by 1 year
occipital circumference -> brain, P, fluid
anterior (12-18, hydration - sunken/bulging), posterior (6 -8 wk)
infant RR
infant bp
tested at birth
cry 0 - 3 wk
1 - 1.5 hr/day
cry 3 - 6 wk
2 - 4 hr/day then decrease; vocalization
coo and differentiated cry
2 months
consonant sounds, lol
3 - 4 months
vowel sounds
5 -7 months
imitate and combine syllables
8 months
simple commands, “no”
9 - 10 months
specific cries
12 months
3-5 words besides mama and dada, with meaning
12 months
erikson: trust vs mistrust
depend on caregiver, quality influences personality, attachment, peer relationships, cant tolerate frustration (cry then war), trust env based on needs being met (trusting)
how they survive until 3 months
persistent or absent = issue
rooting reflex
birth - 3/4 months
head midline, stroke cheek -> infant open mouth and turn head to stim
asymmetric tonic reflex
birth - 4/6 months
supine, rotate head to one side, hold 15 sec -> arm and leg extend on facial side, arm and leg on other side flex
babinski reflex
birth - 2 years
stroke bottom of sole of foot from heal to toe -> great toe flex and other toes fan
startle reflex
Let head fall or loud noise
Extend flex and then arms close
piaget: sensorimotor
primary circular reaction: repetition, habit, all about them
secondary circular reaction: interact with env, cause and effect
coordination of secondary: responses, object perm, intentional actions
intelligence in form of motor action (reflexive to simple repetitive)
separate from others and objects, object permanence, use symbols
0 - 6 month toys
mobile, mirror, music box, cuddly, soft toy, rattles, teethers
7 - 12 months toys
security object, peek a boo, mirrors, pots and pans, stack/nest, large ball, activity box
push and pull (11-12 months)
books always appropriate
infant safety
no walker, always supervise, back seat facing backwards 5 point until 2 years
infancy stress
loss of caregiver, light, loud
infant sleep
up to 20 hours
5 months: through night and 2 naps
promote attachment
he lights up, knows you, etc
explore and mom base
6 - 8 wk: social smile
3 mo: excite
6 mo: personable, bounding
8 mo: imitate sounds
10 mo: pat a cake and peek a boo
infant discipline
9 - 10 months = no, stop, simple commands
stranger anxiety
9 - 10 months
peak at 1 year - good attachment
stranger fear
6 - 7 months
when you give into demands, not with love
erikson: autonomy vs shame and doubt
control over body
set limits, dress self, “mine”, “no”
piaget: toddlers
see and apply knowledge, symbols, problem solve, egocentrism, can think about something without it being present, animistic thought
toddlers: growth
5-6 lbs/year
toddler body
lordosis, fat feet, bowed leg, pot belly, head heavy (drown!), slide downstairs on belly
15 months
walk without help, two cubes, whole palm scribble, round peg in board
18 months
feed self, spoon decent, throw ball
24 months
run okay, up steps (monkey), copy circle and line
3 years
pedal, stairs, step, draw circle
normal toddler behavior
doesnt share, doesnt play with others, focus on control and gross motor play
toddler language
comprehension, ~300 by 2 year and multiword sentences, 65% understandable by 3 years (speech)
toddler play
mutliple use of sense, increase control of body, parallel and imitation play (tricks, dress up, dishes, cleaning -> what mom and dad do), rough and tumble, dont share
toddler toys
pull toys, picture books, rhymes, paper to sribble, large blocks to stack, simple puzzles, stuffed animals
sibling rivalry
natural, older kid stressed, prep asap, protect infant, spend time with each
give options but not no
temper tantrums
consistency, expectations and rewards, reasonable consequences, ignore, protect, normal to hold breath
toddler stress
negative, regress, rigid
dark separation
prep for event (1 year = 1 day before)
let them dress and be independent with food
understand more than they can express (citing)
security object - have multiple
routine = security
potty train
3 years
12 - 18 months: sphincter control - verbalize!
preschooler stress
imagination - supernatural, ghosts, monster, noise, bad people
preschooler growth
5 lbs; 2.5 - 3”
legs elongate - not potbelly, coordinated, sports
all primary teeth
5 - 6 yrs
early - early puberty
3+ years
tricycle, broad jump, balance on tip toe, balance on foot for few seconds, simple puzzles, clay, finger paint, copy cross or circle, stack 9
4 years: motor
skip and hop on 1 foot, catch ball reliably, copy crosses and squares, print some letters, use utensils skillfully, cut on line, stick figure
5 years: motor
throw and catch well, balance on alternate feet, skate and swim, increase strength and refinement of skills, hand preference, laces, grasp pencil, color in lines, cut and past simple shapes, can draw several body parts
preschooler play
learn and emotion (drawing)
associative: group at end, without rigid organization or rules
imagination, skills, language and social dev, like to help
cooperative - imaginative and imitative
imaginary friend okay unless scapegoat
role play!
know gender - sex roles
want to please, silly
view parents as all knowing
magical thinking
preschooler toys
clay, sandbox, ball, blocks, puzzles, books, crayons, finger paints, records/tapes, climbing, zoo, playdough, crayons, dress up, story telling
erikson: initiative vs guilt
want to try everything, guilt when fail
wish negative things and feel guilty for it (they cant make things happen)
conscience develops, verbal warnings, explore, variety, imagination
role experimentation
piaget preschoolers
fantasy and imitative play (appear to understand more than they do), magical thinking (no causality)
totally egocentric - early recognition of others POV
no time, R/L, conservation
simple classification
preschool language dev
share activities with other kids, listen to stories, share their day, classify
language 3-4 yr
brief 3-4 word sentences
language 4-5 yr
adverbs, adjectives, verb variety
school ager growth
4-6 lbs
slim, muscles (fractures), tight muscles, 12 year molars, orthodontist and dental work, brain growth done
erikson: industry vs inferiority
school aged
industry: assemble small model, accomplishment
obtain skills to become contributing members of society, personal and interpersonal competence via technologic and social skills
activities that require practice, music, small and short hobbies and projects
need reinforcement of process rather than product
need to feel good about themselves (insulin)
school aged play
increased skill, intellectual ability, fantasy, groups! (be with peers) - belonging/team
conformity -> ritual
explore env, success in school, compete and cooperate, rules, observe and classify, imagination and social development, team, logical, sequential and deductive
projects with real equipment, radio/tape, action figures, book, games, TV, video games, movies
longer attention span -> quiet activities, structured activities
competitive, table games
boy and girl separate
6 - 8 years
throw ball
8 - 10
piaget school aged
conservation, less rigid and egocentric
think about consequences
school aged characteristics
sleep more before growthspurt
peers! same sex
conform to rules
utensils - cut own meat
bullying and jealousy
group and classify - collect
school aged: stress
school failure, home alone, unattractive
erikson: identity vs role confusion
through experiment and testing, accept changed body, value system, career, emancipated, integrate opinions of others into likes/dislikes, intimacy, need to interact with many others
encourage group, praise, help explore career, ritual for passages, know friends, structured env
adolescent growth F
2-8”, 15 - 55 lbs, early puberty growth the most
adolescent growth M
4 - 12”, 15 - 65 lbs, grow most in mid puberty
piaget: adolescent
logic, consequences, future, love, religion, career, hypothetical
abstract thinking, think about how they feel, symbolic, reasoning
self absorbed but can see other’s POV - learn from watch/share
spirituality, faith
self conscious, no one feels this way, cause oriented, justic, it cant happen to me
how can adults help adolescents develop
dont take it personally, discuss behavior/consequences, ask to share POV, provide service opportunities
adolescents and peers
comparison (early vs late puberty), believe they are on stage, want approval (hazards), resilliency
adolescent play
role play
organized rec
secondary sex characteristics
pubic hair, menarche or penis growth, voice change, underarm hair, facial hair, oil, sweat, ance
F secondary sex characteristics
breast first then period within 2 years
13 or within 2 year = delay
M secondary sex characteristics
9.5 - 14 = testes enlarge
adolescent characteristics
be open for Qs
parent affection awkward
sleep longer
on stage, indestructible (frontal lobe)
want to fit in
how to feed infants
no corn syrup, honey, cow milk
20 oz at 1 month, 30 oz by 6 months, formula/breast milk until 4-5 (we like 6)
bottle gone by 12 months, no juice in bottle (1/2 and 1/2)
no water <6 months - electrolytes
introducing solids
cereal/rice 4-6 months with milk/formula, juice from cup and mix with cereal (Fe)
strained food
6 -7 months: finger food
9 - 12 months: chopped food
no raw apple with skin
1 at a time 5 - 7 days
whole milk until 2 years
toddlers and preschoolers nutrition
toddlers: physiologic anorexia, food jag, graze, qual > quan
preschoolers: dont eat as much in general, qual > quan
choking hazard food
grapes, hard candy, popcorn, hot dogs, raw mini carrots, other smooth-hard food
food to avoid for 1st year
nut, strawberries, wheat, shellfish, egg whites, citrus
live immunization
MMR, varicella, flumist
hold live immunizations
pregnant, immunocompromised (steroids, chemo), <12, severe febrile, prior reaction
immunization reaction concern
infant car seats
back seat, face back, 5 point until 2 years
toddler car seat
5 point back seat, federally approved
school aged car seat
back seat <12
20 - 40 lbs = harness straps through back of seat over shoulder, no shield
40 - 80 lbs = belt positioning booster seat
80 lbs and > 4’9” = seat belt
toddlers safety
locked, not just out of reach
not in household or locked
seat belt
must cross clavicle and hip bone or booster