Functionalism And Subculture Flashcards
What do all consensus approaches share?
- believe in moral absolutism: fundamental agreement majority what is right and wrong
- accept official statistics: crime largely w.c
- deviants distinct from rest of us
- poor socialisation causes criminality
What is durkheims main arguments on crime and deviance?
- value consensus
- anomie
- reinforces collective conscience
- boundary maintenance
- adaption and change
- social cohesion
Why does Durkheim argue crime is found in all societies?
Not everyone effectively socialised. Modern complex society leads diversity and subcultures. More individualised.
Why does Durkheim argue crime helps with boundary maintenance?
Unites members reinforcing commitment.
What is a positive aspect of Durkheims theory of crime?
Social cohesion: draws communities together in shared outrage
Adaption and change
State a recent example of durkheims social cohesion in action?
Terrorist attack in London police officer ran over public raised over half a million £
What does Davis argue?
Crime is a safety valve
What is an example of crime being a safety valve?
Prostitution allows men release frustrations
Who argues crime acts as a warning device?
How does crime act as a warning device?
Warning institutions not working properly
High rates truancy = problems education
What is Functionalist negative side of crime
Anomie: social change and collective conscience unclear
Evaluation of Durkheim
- ignores negative impact deviance
- assumes value consensus and laws reflect majority
- doesnt explain why some deviate and others do not
Who came up with the strain theory?
What is Mertons aim?
Explain why w.c. appear more likely to turn to crime
What is Mertons argument for why w.c. turn to crime?
Mismatch between goals and means in American society - anomie
What is the American dream?
Ideology tells citizens society meritocratic anyone makes the effort same opportunities.
Less emphasis on legitimate means, pressure to deviate.
What are the 5 deviant adaptations by Merton?
- conformity: accept goals, achieve legitimately
- innovation: accept goals, achieve illegitimately
- ritualism: give up goals, follow legitimate rules for own sake
- Retreatism: reject goals and legitimacy turn drink and drugs
- rebellion: replace own desires e.g. Political activist