sociology crime and deviance

This class was created by Brainscape user lucy morrey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Functionalism And Subculture
What do all consensus approaches ...,
What is durkheims main arguments ...,
Why does durkheim argue crime is ...
44  cards
How does it differ to consensus a...,
Key concepts of traditional marxism,
How does capitalism manipulate va...
22  cards
Green Crime
What are the 5 definitions of gre...,
Outline traditional criminology d...,
What is green criminology definition
44  cards
What is definition globalisation,
What is held and mcgrews definition,
How much globalisation crime goin...
72  cards
Mass Media
How does the mass media distort i...,
How much of the sun newspaper is ...,
How much of media reports are mad...
62  cards
Traditional views women and crime,
Facts and statistics on crime,
Why are official statistics consi...
62  cards
Pattern of ethnic crime,
What do sharp and budd find patte...,
What does self report study offen...
64  cards
What are the aims of punishment,
What does incapacitate mean,
What dies retribution mean
77  cards
Interactionist Approach
How does interactionist approach ...,
What are interactionists concerne...,
Why does lemert argue to be inter...
40  cards
New Criminology Marxism
What do new criminologists agree ...,
Why does the new criminology view...,
Key concepts
19  cards
New Left Realism
How do they differ,
What do nlr mean by saying they a...,
Why did nlr develop and originate...
36  cards
New Right Realists
Are they a consensus theory,
Origins of new right realism,
Increase in crime because
18  cards
What is positive victimology,
What are the two views of victims...,
What is victim proneness
33  cards

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sociology crime and deviance

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