Functional Assessments and Chapter 7 Flashcards
The aging process brings about decrease in what?
decrease in normal muscle function, including strength, endurance, flexibility, and agility.
AS you age why do you have loss in muscle tissue?
reduction in size and number of muscle fibers and the muscle fibers are replaced with collagen.
why are females more flexible than men?
anatomical especially in the pelvic region, hips, elbow.
What is autogenic inhibition?
Activation of a GTO inhibits a muscle spindle response.
What is Creep?
The lengthening that occurs when a stretch force is applies
What is reciprocal inhibition?
Activation of a muscle on one side of joint coincides with neural inhibition on the other side of the jointl
What is static stretching?
moving the joints to end range of motion and holding for up to 30 seconds.
What is the stretch reflex?
reflexive muscle contraction that occurs in response to rapid stretching of the muscle.
what is the difference between an active and passive stretch?
Active is when an individual applies added force to increase intensity of stretch.
Passive partner or assistive device provides added force.
what is the hold relax stretch?
Hold and resist the force by the fitness instructor so isometric contraction occurs. then relax muscle group and allow for 30 second passive stretch.
What is contract relax stretch
Push against the force provided by the fitness professional, then passive stretch.
Hold Relax with Agonist contraction stretch?
Most effective when it utilizes both reciprocal and autogenic inhibition.
what is dynamic stretching?
mimics a movement pattern used in an upcoming workout.
What is ballistic stretching?
A stretch that incorporates bouncing type movements. This causes a trigger in the stretch reflex so can lead to larger chance of injury.
What is active isolated stretching?
Stretches are never hep for more than 2 seconds. release and repeat step and start moving toward greater angle of stretch.
What is lordosis?
Increases anterior lumbar curve from neutral.
What is kyposis?
Increased posterior thoracic curve
what is flat back?
Decreased anterior lumbar curve
What is sway back?
Decreased anterior lumbar curve and increased posterior thoracic curve.
What is scoliosis?
Lateral spinal curvature often accompanies by vertebral rotation.
How do you perform plumb line test?
Use a string that is weighted.
Check in frontal plane anterior and posterior. make sure it lines up and bisects body.
Check Sagital plane
check transverse view
If you have a pronation (Flat foot) on the subtalar joint what happens to the foot and the knee?
Eversion of the foot and internal rotation of the knee
What happens with supination (high arch)
Inversion of the foot and external rotation
What is hip adduction?
Lateral tilt of the pelvis that elevates one side higher than other.
With right hip adduction with hip is elevated?
The right hip is elevated vs the left
Anterior tilt of the pelvis occurs when which muscle is tightened?
The hip flexors and tight erector spinae
What causes a posterior pelvic tilt?
tight or overdominant rectus abdominus and tight hamstrings
Deviations of the thoracic spine on
How do you do the bend and lift screen?
The client stands with feet shoulder width and uses 2 dowels. Do bend and lift movement getting the dowells off the floor and a squat. Hold for a few seconds to look at form.
View frontal: ankle inversion, eversion, supination, pronation. knee over second toe, symmetry of the body
Saggital view: make sure heel stays down, look for glute or quad dominance, look if tibia and torso are parallel
If you have lumbar dominance during bend and screen what muscles need strengthening?
Lack or core abdominal and gluteal strength
If you have Quadricep dominance during bend and lift screen what does that mean?
Rely on quad, puts added stress on knees because your glute isn’t strong enough and engaged. When you come back up puts stress on knees and ACL
If you have Gluteus dominance what does that mean for bend and lift screen?
Hip hinge first, maximizes the gluteus maximus and gives you most strength coming back up and helps protect the knees.
What should you look for in the hurdle step screen?
stability of the foot, alignment of the stance knee over the foot, excessive hip adduction greater than 2 inches, stability of the torso, alignment of the moving leg.
What do you look for in shoulder push stabilization screen?
loog for changes in the scapula (winging), lumbar hyperextension in the press position
What do you look at in the thoracic spine mobility screen?
Look if the trunk can rotate 45 degrees in each direction, look for bilateral discrepancy
What tests do you do to test the average range of motion for the shoulder/scapulae?
Flexion Extension Abduction Internal/medial rotation External. Lateral rotation Shoulder horizontal adduction
What do you measure at the elbow for normal range of motion?
Flexion and extension
What do you measure with the radio and ulnar?
Pronation and supination
What do you measure with the wrist?
Radial deviation
Ulnar Deviation
What do you measure for the cervical spine?
Flexion, extension, lateral extension, rotation
The thomas test tests for what and how is it performed?
Asses the length of the muscles involved in hip flexion. Asseses the length of the primary hip flexors: iliopsoas or rectus femoris.
Have them lay flat on a bench with one leg over the edge. Pull one leg up toward stomach until lower back touches bench.
What should you look for in thomas test?
Look whether the back of the lowered thigh is toughing table
Observie lowered knee is at 80 degrees of flexion and if it is aligned or is rotated.
In the Thomas test if the back and sacrum is flat and the back of the lowered leg doesn’t touch the table and knee doesn’t flex to 80 degrees what is tight?
Primary hip flexor muscles
In the thomas test when the back is touching the table, if the back of thigh doesn’t touch but leg flexes 80 degree what muscle is tight?
The iliopsoas
In the thomas test when the back is down if the back of the leg is down but the leg doesn’t flex to 80 degrees what is tight?
The rectus femoris
What does the passive straight leg raise measure and how is it performed?
Assesses the length of the hamstring.
Raise one leg up until pressure can be felt from back on the bench.
Note the angle of movement from the bench to where the leg ended up before back touched mat.
What is the normal range of movement angle for the hamstring for the passive straight leg raise test?
If the raised leg is greater or equal to 80 degrees it is normal hamstring length.
If raised leg is less than 80 degrees tight hamstring.
How is the shoulder flexion and extension test done?
Shoulder Flexion: lie on back on mat with knees bent and flex shoulders overhead try and touch mat
Shoulder Extension: Lie on stomach, raise both arms up into extension.
What is good shoulder mobility for the shoulder flexion and extension test?
Flexion test: flex shoulders to 170-180 degreen
Extension test: Extend arms to 50-60 degreen off the floor.
In the shoulder flexion test if you cannot get to 170 degrees what muscles are tight?
Pectoralis major and mino, latissimus dorsi, teres major, rhomboids, and subscapularis
In shoulder extension test if you cannot get to 50 degrees what muscles are tight?
Pectoralis major, abdominals, subscapularis, deltoid, biceps.
In the Internal and external rotation of humerous test what degree should you get your shoulders for each?
Externally rotated to 90 degrees
Internally rotate to 70 degrees
If you cannot externally rotate humerous to 90 degrees what muscles are tight?
internal rotators, subscapularis
If you cannot rotate internally rotate humerous to 70 degrees what is tight?
External rotators: infraspinatas and teres minot.
What does the apley scratch test measure?
Shoulder girdle through flexion, extenstion, internal and external rotation of humerous, and scapular abduction and adduction.
In apley’s scrath test if you measure over the top you are measuring?
Shoulder flexion, external rotation, and scapular abduction
In apley’s scratch test if you measure from arm down you are measuring?
Shoulder extension, internal rotation, scapular adduction.
What is the sharpened rhomberg test?
Assess static balance by standing with reduced base of support with eyes closed.
Stand with one foot in front of the other and close eyes and see how long can hold it.
For sharpened rhoberg test how long must you hold it for good stateic balance?
Must hold it for over 30 seconds.
What causes the sharpened rhomberg test to be stopped?
Client looses postural control and balance Clients feet move Clients eyes open clients arm move from folded Client exceeds 60 seconds.
What is the stork stand balance test?
Assess balance on one foot. put one foot on calf of the other then come up on ball of the foot.
when do you stop the stork balance test?
When hands come off hips Stance of supporting foot inverts Elevated foot looses contact with leg Heel touches the floor Client loses balanace
What is considered excellent and poor for men and women for stork balance test?
Men: Excellent- greater 50 seconds, Poor- Less 20 sec
Women: Excellent- Greater 30 sec, Poor- less 10 sec
Mcgill’s muscular endurance test has what 3 parts?
Trunk Flexor ensurance test
Trunk lateral endurance test
Trunk Extensory endurance test
how is the Flexor Endurance test done?
Sit with knees at 90 degrees. lean back to 60 degrees for as long as possible without any support.
how is the Trunk Lateral Endurance test done?
Lay on side with feet on top or in tandem position. Go up on one arm and hold as long as possible. Measure results.
How is the trunk extensor endurance test done?
Put iliac crest of the tables edge with arms supporting yourself. Pull arms up and trainer holds clients legs and hold as long as possible.
how do you calculate the Mcgill’s results?
Divide Fledion by extension and results should be under 1.0
Divide Right side bridge by left side bridge and results should be within .05 from 1.0.
Divide RSB by extension and ratio should be less than .75
what is lower cross syndrome?
the coupling relationship between tight hip flexors and erector spinae.
Scapular protraction is defined as what?
Noticible protrusion of the vertebral (medial) border outward
Winged Scapulae is defined as what?
noticeable protraction of the inferior angle and vertebral (medial) border outward