Applied kinesiology Flashcards
What is kinesiology?
the study of human movement from biological and physical science perspective
What are kinematics?
Study of the form, pattern, or sequence of movement without regard for the forces that may produce the motion
What is kinetics?
Branch of mechanics that describes the effects of forces on the body.
What is Newton;s first law of motion?
Law of inertia
A body at rest will stay at rest, and a body in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force
What is Newton’s second law of motion?
Law of acceleration
Force acting on a body in a given direction is equal to the mass times the acceleraton in that direction.
Force= Mass x Accel
What is Newtons third law?
Law of reaction
Every applied force is accompanies by an equal and opposite reaction force.
What are the 4 types of motion?
Rotary, translatory, curvilinear, and general plane motion
What is rotary motion?
Angular Motion. If item is tied down at fixed point and turns around that fixed point. Ex: tetherball
What is a translatory motion?
when an object in motion in not tied down, all parts move in same direction and at same speed.
What is curvilinear motion?
Similar to a ball thrown, gliding motion within the joint.
What is general plane motion?
When motions at various joints are linear and rotary
What is a force?
Something that causes motion, a push or pull
what are motive and resistive forces?
Motive force causes increase in speed or change of direction
Resistive force- resists the motion of an external force
What is a concentric action?
When muscle shortens and created muscle tension, the motive force. going against gravity
What is an eccentric action?
Muscle is restrictive force, muscle lengthens to create muscle tension. with gravity.
What is isometric acrtion?
When muscle tension is created but no change in muscle length occurs.
what is a lever?
a rigid bar with a fixed point around which it rotates.
What is the fixed point in a lever called?
a Fulcrum
Flexion and extension occur in which plane?
Sagital plane
Abduction and Adduction occur in which plane?
Frontal plane
Internal and external rotation occur in which plane?
Transverse plane.
What are the first two types of levers?
Located outside of the body, wheelbarrow and crow bar. the motive force is farther away from axis making the force less to move it.
what is the third type of lever?
What happens internally of the body, the force acts between the axis and resistance force, Farther away you are moving something with your body the harder. Ex. why weightlifters have shorter arms and legs.
What type of muscles are designed for higher force production?
Penniform (unipennate, bipennate, multipennate)
Most muscles in the body are penniform.
Longitudinal muscle are what?
Long and thin and allows for fast speed of contraction.
What muscles anchor the scapula?
Trapezius, rhpmboid major, rhomboid mino, and levator scaulae
What is the primary job of the rotator cuff?
Hold the humeral head in the glenoid fossa
What is the only true flexor at the elbox?
Which joint in the upper extremity is the most mobile?
Glenohumeral joint
How do the humeral and scapula joints impact each other with range of motion in flexion/extension and abduction and adduction
2 degree of humeral motion for 1 degree of scapula motion
Which muscles attach the scapula to the front of thorax?
The pectalis minor and the serratus anterior
What are the muscles that anchor the scapular posteriorly?
Trapezius, rhomboid, and levator scapulae
What are the prime movers of the gemohumeral joint?
pectoralis major, deltoid, rotator cuff, latissiumus dorsi, and teres major
Which vertabrae are curved anteriorly and which posteriorly?
Anterior curve: 7 cervical vertabra and 5 lumbar vertabrae
Posterior curve: 12 thoracic vertabrae
In order to have good balance you must have balance a both anterior and posterior?
Anterior: Trunk and hip flexors
Posteriorly: trunk and erector spinae
What is lordosis?
Increases anterior lumbar curve from neutral
What is kyphosis?
Increased posterior thoracic curve
What is flat back?
Decreased anterior lumbar curve
What is sway back?
Decreased anterior lumbar curve and increased posterior thoracic curve (like flat back and kyphosis)
What is scoliosis?
Lateral curvature of the spine
What are the superior and deeper muscles of the core functions?
Superior/ superficial: movement and force transfer between pelvid and rib cage
Deeper, smaller muscles: motion and stabilization of spine
What is the only quadricep muscle to act at the hip and knee joint>
Rectus femoris
What joint allows inversion and eversion?
Subtalar joint
If you wear high heeled shoes what muscles are inflexible?
Plantarflexors: Gastrocnemius and soleus
what is the opposition of the thumb?
When the thumb moves in a semicircle
Which muscles are best strengthened with shoulder shrugs with resistance?
Trapezius and levator scapulae
The birddog exercise targets which muscles?
The multifidi
Which hip muscles are the flexors?
Anterior hip muscles
Which hip muscles are the extensors?
Posterior hip muscles
Which hip muscles are the abducters and external rotators?
Lateral hip muscles
Which hip muscles are the hip adducters and internal rotators?
Medial hip muscles
The soleus, gastrocnemius, and plantaris are located in which compartment of the lower leg?
Superficial posterior compartment
the shoulder girdle is the informal term for what joint?
There are how many compartments in the lower leg?
4 (Anteroir, lateral, and 2 posterior)
Tight hip flexors can cause what?
If a heel cannot stay on the ground what is tight?
If someone is running flat footed what is weak?
the concentric contraction of the upper trapezius produces what 2 actions?
Elevation and upward rotation
If scapular adducters are weak what is likely to occur?
Which part of the deltoid extends, externally rotates, and horizontally extends the arm at the shoulder
An individual is performing a seated leg press. What prime movers initiate this exercise?
The knee extensors (quadriceps femoris) and hip extensors (hamstrings and gluteus maximus) are the prime movers that initiate the movement to straighten the legs at the beginning of a seated leg press.
If a client is experiencing lower back pain when doing abdominal exercises what may be affecting this?
tightness in the iliopsoas
what group of muscles work eccentrically in the down phase of a squat?
Gluteus maximus and hamstring
In a side lying leg lifts what muscles work when:
Upper leg is working?
Lower leg is working?
With a supine bridge?
Upper leg- Hip abducters
Lower Leg- Hip Adducters
Supine Bridge- Abducters as legs move apart, adducters coming back together.