FTM 71 - Introduction to the Nervous System Flashcards
How many cranial and spinal nerves are there?
Cranial nerves - 12 pairs
Spinal Nerves - 31 pairs
What are ganglia?
Neuronal cell bodies outside the brain and spinal cord
Describe how neurons are classified by structure
Facts to know about the common neurotransmitters
What are neuroglial cells? What percentage of the CNS do they make up?
They are nerve support cells. They make up about half the volume of the CNS
Which neuroglial cells are found in the CNS and PNS?
CNS - astrocyte, oligodendrocytes, microglia, and ependymal cells
PNS - Schwann cells, satellite cells
List the types of neuroglial cells and briefly describe their function
Define these terms: nerve, nucleus, tract, ganglia, white matter, grey matter
Describe the basic structure of myelinated and unmyelinated nerves.
What two things will increase the speed of coduction of a myelinated axon?
Greater myelin thickness
Greater axon diameter
How many pairs of spinal nerves does each region of the spinal column have?
What pathway from the spinal cord do somatic efferents take? What are their targets?
They synapse and exit via the ventral horn to the ventral root and enter the spinal nerve where the split into the dorsal and ventral rami
They’re headed to the skeletal muscle of the body wall
What pathway into the spinal cord do somatic afferents take? Where are they coming from?
They enter from the dorsal and ventral rami into the spinal nerve and synapse and the dorsal root ganglion. From there they enter the dorsal horn via the dorsal root. They are coming from the skin, and fascia of the body wall
What pathway from the spinal cord do visceral efferents take? Where are they headed to?
They synapse and exit via the intermedio lateral horn, then enter the ventral root, spinal nerve, and exit via the white ramus communicans and sympathetic chain. They are headed to smooth and cardiac muscle and glands
What pathway to the spinal cord do the visceral afferents take? Where are they coming from?
They enter in from the sympathetic chain into the white ramus communicans through the spinal nerve and synapse in the dorsal root ganglion. From there they follow the dorsal root into the dorsal horn. They are coming from the organs