FTM 63 - OMICS: The Impact of the Human Genome Project on Medical Genetics Flashcards
What is the major ethical issue surrounding advances in the field of medical genetics?
Who should have access to this information?
What is the annotation process of the human genome project? What is wrong with this process?
The annotation process aimed to identify the functional parts of the genome by finding ORFs using start, stop, splicing, tailing, and other regulatory sequences.
The process will sometimes miss genes not translated into protein, very small ORFs, small genes within larger genes, and genes on opposing strands.
Do larger chromosomes always have more genes than smaller ones?
Normally but not always
Why are chromosomes 13, 18, and 21 the only autosomes that can be found as trisomy and compatible with life?
They have the fewest genes on them
What are SSRs, VNTRs, and LCRs?
Simple Sequence Repeats - di, tri, or tetra nucleo tide repeats
Variable Number Tandem Repeats - slightly longer SSRs
Low Copy Repeats - very long repeats; up to thousands of base pairs
Which transposon encodes a reverside transcriptase and which one contains the Alu sequence?
LINES encode RTs
SINES contain the Alu sequence
What are the three general types of pseudogenes?
What are the examples of vistigial and non-expressed duplicated pseudogenes we need to know?
Vestigial - the gene for Vitamin C
Non-express duplicated - one of the globin genes
How is a processed pseudogene formed?
What is the most repetitive DNA in the genome?
What are the two ways that transposons can lead to disease?
How are repetitive sequences utilized in forensic medicine?
PCR is done to amplify highly polymorphic single locus regions like SSRs or VNTRs and the products are ran on a gel to establish a DNA fingerprint
What is multiplex PCR?
PCR where more than one DNA sequence is amplified at a time
What is thought to be the engine of evolution? Why?
How can gene duplications lead to genetic disease? Provide two examples
It can lead to inapropriate crossing over during meiosis which may lead to loss of a gene.
The red and green pigment genes are very similar and the green pigment gene is normally duplicated several times. This could cause and red-green pigment crossover during meiosis resulting in a X-chromosome missing a green pigment gene and Red-Green color blindness
Chromosome 16 contains multiple α-globin genes which could result in them being deleted during crossover in meiosis causing α-thalessemia
What are the three main types of microarray and what are they usually used for?
What is a haplotype? Whate does that have to do with SNP CHIP?
A haplotype is a set of DNA variations, or polymorphisms, that tend to be inherited together. Many SNPs inherit together with certain disease allels. By using a SNP CHIP you can determine a persons haplotype without individual genome sequencing
What does a genome wide association study do and what does it aim to learn? What are some problems with GWASs?
It uses SNP CHIP to scan 1000’s of SNPs among 1000’s of people in search for genetic variations associated with a particular disease. This is done in an attempt to uncover genetic determinants of multifactorial disease.
GWASs will not find rare variants that could be responsible for a disease. Also, correlation does not mean causation; results may be misleading.
What is a transcriptome?
The sum total of all of the mRNA in a particular cell under a particular condition
Define these “omics” - epigenomics, transcriptomics, variomics, proteomics
What is the human epigenome project trying to do?
Methylation of CpG islands are associated with __________ gene expression of nearby genes.