French Rev - the decline and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Flashcards
Annexed territory
- Directly taken over and incorporated into the French empire - of which he had direct control
- Had Concordant, civil code and sale of property and church
EG Papal states, Illyrian provinces
Satellite state
- IN THEORY free - extent of control varied
- Built in reality under the control of the French crown, often a relative of Napoleon, gave ‘advice’ to enforce meritocracy, abolish feudalism, Code Napoleon
EG Kingdom of Westphalia, Switzerland, Spain Naples and Italy
Areas Napoleon had impact on annexed territory
Areas Napoleon did not have impact on in annexed territory
Areas Napoleon had impact on in satellite states
Areas Napoleon did not have impact on in satellite states
Napoleon’s empire
Napoleon, as the new Charlemagne, assumed the right to:
Why would Napoleon want to be the next Charlemagne
Napoleon’s impact on nationalism - Italy
Napoleon’s impact on nationalism - Poland
Napoleon’s impact on nationalism - German
Napoleon’s impact on nationalism - Spanish
How stable was Napoleon’s rule?
How stable was Napoleon’s rule? - cost to France
How stable was Napoleon’s rule? - lack of resistance in France
How stable was Napoleon’s rule? - impact on empire
How stable was Napoleon’s rule? - impact on satellite states
How stable was Napoleon’s rule? - resistance from satellite states
How 1806 Britain proved itself to be an issue to France?
Options Napoleon could use fighting Britain and what he used
3 motivations Napoleon set in motion for the Continental system
Main issue Britain gave to France
Positive effects of the Continental system
Negative effects of the Continental system