Foundational Terminology PP#3 08/16/23 Flashcards
The meaningfulness of the questions toward the examinee.
Do they mean anything to them or are they just ignoring them?
Cognitive Dissonance
Inconsistent thoughts, beliefs or attitudes as related to behavioral decisions.
In other words, someone who does not want to do something but they have to.
“I need to take a polygraph to prove my innocence even thought I am guilty.”
Psychological Set
Most threatening and/or meaningful questions to the examinee.
Also known as a Target
Response Onset Window
ROW – The time from stimulus onset (start of question) through the examinee’s answer to a given time period after said answer.
The reaction must begin within the ROW or it can not be considered for analysis.
The analysis of the reaction may continue outside the ROW if the reaction starts within the ROW.
Anti-Climax Dampening Concept
The theory that the liars will focus on the relevant questions causing less of a response or no response to the comparison questions.
The innocent will focus on the comparison questions causing less or a response or no response to the relevant questions.
Super Outside Dampening Concept
Subject is responding to an outside issue which may cause reactions to the relevant questions or lesson reactions to other questions.
Symptomatic Questions are used to identify this in some techniques.
Necessary Ingredients for Psychological Set, Target or Salience
Fear of Detection
Fear of Exposure
Fear of Consequence or Punishment
Orienting Response (OR)
Heightened sensitivity to a specific stimuli characterized by increased information processing, narrowed attentional concentration and physiological excitation.
This is why we never start an exam with a relevant question.
Ground Truth
Ground Truth – A polygraph examination of a subject which has been evaluated as being deceptive has been confirmed with a confession, DNA, or some other indisputable evidence implicating that subject.
Homeostasis – Refers to a “tonic” or stable tracing.
In science, the term is used to describe the maintenance of the internal viability of organisms.
False Results
False Negative – The decision is given that a deceptive examinee is being truthful. (NDI)
False Positive – The decision is given that a truthful examinee is being deceptive (DI).
Used to record pulse rate
average pulse rate for adults is 60-100 bpm
Used to record relative blood pressure
Records changes in Galvanic Skin Response or, in modern terminology, Electrodermal Response (EDR).
Wheatstone Bridge
GSR – Resistance to electricity
GSC – Conductance of electricity
GSP – Potential (Body)
Electrodermal Activity (EDA)
The exosomatic and endosomatic changes in the electrical properties of the skin.
EDA will drop when a person is threatened.
Considered to be the most accurate of the three primary channels.
Device used to record respiration.
Average breath cycle rate for adults is 13-18 bpm
Two rubber tube devices:
Thoracic – Upper
Abdominal – Lower
Device which pulled paper under the pens on an analog instrument.
Not used in computerized polygraph instruments.
Measured blood volume in capillaries.
Used on fingers of examinee.
Very accurate when used with cardiosphygmograph.
Not a primary channel.
Countermeasure Detection
Movement Sensor
Motion Sensor
Activity Monitors
Primary Relevant Question
The question addressing the main issue at hand in the examination.
Answered with No (preferred) or Yes
“Did you shoot that man?”
Secondary Relevant Question
The question(s) addressing additional facets of the topic for the primary relevant question.
Guilty Knowledge
Evidence Connecting
Help, Plan, Participate
Comparison Question
Questions utilized for test data analysis which are compared against the relevant questions.
Questions the examinee will lie to or have doubts about their honesty on the topic of the question.
Probable Lie Comparison Question
Directed Lie Comparison Question
Sacrifice Relevant Question
Broad relevant question which is not evaluated during TDA used to introduce the topic of the examination to the examinee.
Used to “bleed off” some general nervous tension which can help the truthful examinee.
Introduced very early in the test question sequence.
Irrelevant Question
Questions used to achieve homeostasis or a “tonic” level for the examinee’s tracings.
Little to no emotion in the topic
“Are you now sitting down?”
Not evaluated during TDA
Symptomatic Question
Questions which are used to possibly identify an examinee’s unrelated concern or outside issue which could possibly affect the reactions to the relevant and/or comparison questions.
Not evaluated during TDA
Single Issue Testing
same issue- all primary questions asked differently
Multi Facet Testing
Primary and secondary relevant questions
Multi Issue Testing
Many questions to ask-