Fire Officer 3rd Edition Chapter 13 Flashcards
What are the two different perspectives a fire Officer looks at a building
- Handling an emergency in the building( pre incident plan)
- Performing a fire and life safety inspection to ensure it at the building meets the appropriate fire code requirements
Well Luis fire company does not include?
Code enforcement. But fire companies shared contact regular visits to properties to develop bring it to implant and look for correctable fire and life safety hazard
What is a document developed by gathering general in detail data use by responding units to determine the resources in actions necessary to mitigate anticipated emergencies any specific incident
Pre-Internet plan
What is the purpose of a preincident plan
Provide information that would be useful in the event of a fire at a high value are high risk location
NFPA 1620 6 steps
1 Identify physical elements in site considerations
- Identify occupant considerations
- Identify fire protection systems and water supply
- Identify special hazards
- Identify emergency operation considerations
- Identify special or unusual characteristics of occupancy’s
Fire code requirements are often adopted or amended in reaction to fired disaster. This approach is known as
Catastrophe theory of reform
A building code contains regulations that apply to the construction of a NEW BUILDING or Extension or major renovation have an existing building.
What about fire code?
Fire code applies to existing buildings into situations than about a potential fire risk or hazard
Most US states and Canadian provinces have adopted a set of safety regulations that applies to all properties without regard to?
Local codes or ordinances
A local level fire safety codes are enacted by adopting an ordinance.
What is an ordinance?
A law enacted by and authorize subdivision of a state such as a city county or town
Regulations that apply to ever taken the building at the time it was built will remain in effect for how long?
As it is occupied for the same purpose
State and local jurisdictions made up a nationally recognized MODEL CODE, With or without amendments, additions, and exclusions.
What does a complete set of model codes include?
Building code, electrical code, plumbing code, mechanical cold, fire code
What are the three primary components of a water-based protection system
Automatic sprinkler system
Standpipe system
Fire pump
What are types of special extinguisher systems
Carbon dioxide, dry and wet chemical, halon, clean agent, foam
What does a fire alarm system consist of
Devices at monitor for a fire and notify the building occupants and appropriate personnel one fire is detected
What is the objective of a fire code compliance inspection
To determine whether an existing property is in compliance with all of the applicable fire code requirements
The purpose of conducting fire inspections is to
Identify hazards and to ensure that any violations are corrected
Many of the code requirements that apply to ever taken the building or occupancy are based on its
What are building Kohl’s classified by
Construction type, I can see tape, and use group
The building itself is classified by construction type which refers to
The design and materials used in construction
Occupancies are classified into groups based on?
Characteristics of the occupants, activities that are conducted, and risk factors associated with the contents
Buildings with significant quantities of hazardous materials may be required to?
Use a marking system
In preparation for an inspection, define officer share regarding the owner or occupant at as a
Professional partner
Before conducting an inspection the fire Officer should
Review the sections of a code that applies to the specific property
When preparing for an inspection the fire officer should
Review the inspection results from past activities
It is good practice to contact the owner or business representative to schedule a day and time for the
Fire safety inspection
When are you ready to perform the inspection
Once you have reviewed the information on the occupancy to be inspected AND the applicable fire codes
What are the systemic four step approach for conducting a fire inspection
- Cycle the property on all four sides note any obvious access our storage problems and any new construction since last visit
- Into the business through the main door and make contact with the appropriate representative
- A fire company level on going compliance inspection confirms that built in fire protection systems are fully operational and ensures that the area is free of fire ignition source is
- Wrap up the ongoing compliance inspection/pre-incident survey by meeting with the owner our designated representative at the findings an issue recommended correct orders
What should be described clearly in the inspection report
Any needed corrections in “the appropriate section of the code or ordinance
What do some fire clothes include
Emergency planning and fire drills as well as rapid entry key boxes for department will use
What are some general inspection requirements
Access and egress
Emergency signs and lights portable fire extinguishers, Built in fire protection system, electrical systems, special hazards, hazard identification size
What are emergency management in business continuity plans established for
Public, not for profit, private Citizens, including risk management, security, and loss prevention practices
What is a component of a business continue with the plan
Pre-incident plan
The emergency disaster management and business continue with the plan document is published and six parts
Strategic plan, emergency operations/response plan, prevention plan, medication plan, recovery plan, continue with the plan
Method of Code adoption in which the specific addition of the model code is referred to within the adapting ordinance or regulation
Adoption by reference
Method of cord adoption and wait the entire text of the code is published within the adopting ordinance or regulation
Adoption by transcription
And organization, office, individual are responsible for enforcing requirements of a cold or standard, or Approving equipment, materials, and installation, or a procedure
Authority having jurisdiction
A system of pipes with water under pressure that allows water to be discharged immediately when he sprinkler head operate
Automatic sprinkler system
An ongoing process to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to identify the impact of potential losses and maintain viable recovery strategies, recovery plans, and continue with the other services
Business continuity plan
And approach and which the fire prevention code or fire find procedures are changed in a reaction to a fire disaster
Catastrophe theory of reform
A local government permit that is renewed annually after the fire prevention division performs a compliance inspection
Fire prevention division or hazardous use permit
Views of a building interior. Rooms always cabinets and the other like are drawn to the correct relationship to each other
Floor plans
The total quantity of all combustible products found within a room or space
Fuel load
Structure that has potential for a Catastrophic property are lost in about the fire
High risk property
Structure that contains equipment and materials or other items of high replacement value
High value property
A wall that consist of brick, stone, concrete block, tile, Adobe, precast, cast in Place concrete
Masonary wall
Codes developed an adopted at the state level for either mandatory or optional enforcement by local governments. These calls cannot be amended by local government
Measures taken to limit our control the consequences, extent, severity of an incident that cannot be reasonably prevent it
Code generally develop do the consensus process with the use of technical committees develop by a code making organization
Model cold
The purpose for which a building or Portion thereof is used or intended to be used
Occupancy type
Inspection have an existing activity to observe the housekeeping and confirm that the built-in fire protection features such as exit doors sprinkler systems are good in working order
Ongoing compliance inspection
Ally establish by an authorized subdivision of a state such as city county town
A representation of an exterior, identifying doors, utility access, in special considerations or has it
Plot plan
A written document resulting from gathering of General in detail data to be used by responding personnel for determining the resources and actions necessary to mitigate anticipated emergencies at a specific facility
Pre-incident plan
Orders written by a governmental agency in accordance with the statue or ordinance authorizing the agency to create the organization
The process of identifying hazards, monitoring the hazards, determining the likelihood of the occurrence, and assessing the vulnerability of people, property, the environment, the entity itself to those has it
Risk assessment
And arrangement of piping valves hose connections and a light equipment installed a new building structure with the hose connections located in such a manner that water can be discharged in a strain or spray pattern the attached hoses and nozzles for the purpose of extinguish the fire there by protecting a building or structure and its contents in addition to the protecting arguments
Standpipe system
A category and building I was classification system in which building instructors a group together bother used and by the characteristics of occupants
Use group
Public education activities are often performed by
A combination of staff personnel and fire companies
Fire officers roll in relation to properties with their community include
Identifying and correcting fire safety hazards through safety checks are code enforcement,
developing and maintaining preincident plans,
promoting fire safety through public education
The first step and identify physical elements insight considerations include
Plot plans and floor plans
Determining which areas within the structure are resistant to the fire with occur in the
2 stage
identifying occupant considerations
What organization can be used for a large evacuations during weather related incidents( and tracking)
American red cross
What is determined by evaluating the side of the building, their contents, construction type, I can see, exposures and water needed
Water flow
Water needed to extinguish the fire
Depressant plan share provide contact information for the
Hazardous material coordinator and
location of material safety data sheet
Personnel in countering I will teach our specialize mechanical systems, they present plan should include personnel who can provide
Resources and support
And watched it and the president plan identifies special hazards
Which step in a pre-incident plans again for as appropriate department in response to implement
Step 5
What are the force it is a fire development
Free burning
Smoldering decay
Once the I can see has flashed over what is the recommended attack
Defensive attack
Once an incident has flashed over it is in what phase?
Smoldering / decay
How often is the model code updated
3-5 years
In locations where freezing during cold weather curse automatic sprinkler systems are most often
Dry pipe system
This tempo system that includes both 1.5 and 2.5 inch connections is what class.
Class 3
Class one spot stand pipe system provides what size hold outlet
Class to stand systems couplings are what size ?
1.5 And intended to be used by
1.5 and occupants
What was the preferred extinguishment system for computers from 1960-1990
Halon Extinguishing agent
Halon is how many times more affective than carbon dioxide?
(Stopped being used because it depleted the ozone layer) year 2000
What type of building material is wood frame
Type five( Entire structure is made of wood)
Flash is over in about 30 minutes
What type of material is heavy lumber
Type four (Exterior walls are non-combustible masonry)
What type of material is type III building construction
Combustible( ordinary)
Exterior loadbearing walls at the building are non-combustible. Building material is encased in concrete do you have some or spray on coding and is expected to have fire resistance of 1 to 2 hours
Type three buildings have a fire resistance rating of how long
1-2 hours
What is a building type III be structure frame
Not protected has no fire resistance rating
Type to build in construction
Requires replacement within 30 - 40 years
Typically updated with type five structural elements
Non-combustible common and 20th century buildings
Type two building construction It’s broken down into subdivisions based on the level of fire resistance
Type 2A is expected to last one hour
Type to be it’s not expected to resist elements of fire( Strip mall with cedar block walls, unprotected steel columns, steel ball joints
Where is type one building construction type
Fire resistive most durable and longest lastin.
Uses compartmental instead of fire sprinklers to control fire spread
Can be dangerous for firefighters who are trapped because it turned into a furnace
Material structural elements me feel because of age and rest
NFPA 220 Standard on types of building construction
Address is building construction
Five basic types
Type 1- fire Restrictive
Type 2- Non-combustible
Type 3 - Laminate combustible ordinary
Type 4Heavy timber
Type 5Wood frame
What is an occupancy type used primarily for the storage of sheltering of goods or animals
Storage occupancy
Cold storage plants, granaries, lumberyards, warehouse
NFP 704 making system
The market system consist of a color code it array of numbers or letters arranged in a diamond
Labels such as coercive, flammable, poison must be on the entrance to the building or doorways to a chemical storage area or fixed storage tanks
What is the eye can see type used for gathering people for entertainment eating or awaiting transport
What type of bird construction has non-combustible exterior walls are interior structural elements that are unprotected wood beams and columns with large cross-sectional dimensions
Type 4t
(Mill construction features massive would columns and wood floors
Which type of building construction is just as adorable as type one
Type 4
Most tight for a building construction have been converted into
Residential, mercantile
And mixed use
What was the ordinary purpose of a pre-incident plan
Provide information that would be useful in the event of a high value or high-risk location
Special extinguishnent system
What are the two ways to use a dry or wet extinguisher activation
fusible link that melts the flame contact or manual pull station
NFPA 12 ( Standard on carbon dioxide extinguishment systems)
Carbon dioxide systems are FIXED SYSTEM
What type of alarm systems are off the monitor by Central fire service that calls in the fire alarm event
Sophisticated alarm systems
Sophisticated HVAC systems I calmly found in
Hospital, high-rises in dividers zones
NFPA 1600
Disaster / emergency management and business continuity program
Operational plans given an emergency incident requires mutual unit organizations
Public, not for profit, and private entities Conduct a RISK ASSESSMENT
To identify hazards, monitor that has it, determine the likelihood of the occurrence
What plan establishes in term and long term actions to reduce the impact of the Heathers they cannot be eliminated
What plan provides short and long-term priorities for restoration of functions, services, resources, facilities, program
The recovery plan
NFPA 1561