Final Review for Important concepts/numbers/formulas Flashcards
Karvonen Method steps:
Age Predicted Max HR (APMHR)
HR Reserve (HRR)
Target HR (THR
APMHR = 220-age HRR = AMPHR - RHR THR = (HRR x exercise intensity) + RHR
% of Maximal HR Method steps:
APMHR = 220-age THR = (APMHR x exercise intensity)
Load and Repetition Assignments for Training Goals
Goal - Load (%1RM) - Reps
Strength - >/= 85% - = 6 Single effort Power Sport - 80-90% - 1-2 Multiple effort Power Sport - 75-85% - 3-5 Hypertrophy - 67-85% - 6-12 Muscular Endurance - = 67% - >/= 12
Cunningham equation
RMR = 550 + 22(LBM)
Harris-Benedict equation
Fluid Intake Guidelines Before During After After: aggressive
Before: 4h (5-7ml/kg), 2h (3-5ml/kg)
During prolonged ex. in hot weather: sports drink w 20-30 mEq of sodium, 2-5mEq potassium, 5-10% carbs. Cool beverages (50-57F), not cold. Kids: 5oz every 20min.
After: normal meals and drinks.
After: if <12 hours rest; more aggressive; 1.5L (50oz) per kg of BW lost (0.7L per pound).
Nutrition for Aerobic Endurance and Recovery Daily Before (4, 2, 1 hour) During After
8-10g/kg CHO Daily
1.0-1.6 g/kg PRO Daily
4h before: 1-4g/kg CHO + 0.15-0.25g/kg PRO
2h before: 1g/kg CHO
During: 28-144g of multiple types of CHO.
After: 1.5g/kg CHO within 30min; 10g PRO within 3 hours
Nutrition for Strength and Hypertrophy
After (youth and adults)
Daily: 5-6g/kg CHO
Daily: 1.4-1.7g PRO
After YOUTH: 20-25g PRO
After ADULT: 40g+ PRO within 30 min; 30-100g CHO
Nutrition for Muscle Endurance
During: CHO-electrolyte rich drink
Fully replace glycogen before next comp.
Consume PRO
BMI Classifications
Underweight: <18.5 Normal: 18.5-24.9 Overweight: 25- 29.9 Obesity I: 30-34.9 Obesity II: 35-39.9 Obesity III (extreme): >/=40
Est. Daily kcal needs of Male/Female athletes by Activity Level
Activity level - kcal/lb
Light: 17-38 kcal / Females: -1 - -3kcal (i.e. 16-35)
Mod: 19-41 kcal / Females: -2 - -4kcal (i.e. 17-37)
Heavy: 23-50 kcal / Females: -3 - -6kcal (i.e. 20-44)
Weight Gain
+500 kcal/day
PRO = 1.5 - 2.0g/kg/day
Weight (Fat) Loss while maintaining muscle mass
-500 kcal/day
PRO = 1.8 - 2.7g/kg/day (2.3-3.1g/kg/day of fat-free mass)
Types of Aerobic Training
Type - Freq. (per week) - Duration - Intensity
LSD - 1-2 - >/= Race distance (~30-120min) - ~70% vo2max
Pace/Tempo - 1-2 - ~20-30min - LT or slightly ^ race pace
Interval - 1-2 - 3-5min (W:R 1:1) - Close to vo2max
HIIT - 1 - 30-90s (W:R 1:5) - Greater than vo2max
Fartlek - 1 - ~20-60min - varies between LSD, Pace/Temp, and HIIT
Freq., Duration, and Intensity should not increase more than 10% each week.
Rest for Resistance Training Goals
Strength: 2-5min
Single and Multiple Effort Power Events: 2-5min
Hypertrophy: 30-90s
Muscle Endurance: = 30s
Volume Assignments for RT Goals
Sets x Reps
Strength: 2-6 sets x =6 reps
Power-Single effort event: 3-5 sets x 1-2 reps
Power-Multiple effort event: 3-5 sets x 3-5 reps
Hypertrophy: 3-6 sets x 6-12 reps
Muscle Endurance: 2-3 sets x >/= 12 reps
Load and Rep Assignments for RT Goals
Reps @ Load (% 1RM)
Strength: = 6 reps @ >/= 85%
Power-Single Effort events: 1-2 reps @ 80-90%
Power-Multiple Effort events: 3-5 reps @ 75-85%
Hypertrophy: 6-12 reps @ 67-85%
Muscle Endurance: >/=12 reps @ = 67%