ES - Basic Principles of Biomech. Regarding... - Kinetic Laws and Principles of Movement Flashcards
Three types of levers in the body
first-, second-, and third-class levers
First class lever and example
muscle force and resistive force act on opposite sides of the fulcrum
ex. forearm during tricep pushdowns
Second class lever and example
muscle force and resistive force act on same side of fulcrum, with muscle force acting through a moment arm longer than that through which the resistive force acts.
ex. calf raise
Third class lever and example
muscle force and resistive force act on same side of the fulcrum, with muscle force acting through a moment arm shorter than that through which the resistive force acts.
ex. bicep curl
Mechanical advantage of all levers and impact on muscle force production
First: , or = 1.0
Second: always greater than 1.0
Third: always less than 1.0
Determines how much muscle force is needed to move a resistive force for a given level.
Lever A.R.M.
A: Axis is in the middle - first class lever R: Resistance is in the middle- second class M: Muscle force is in the middle - third class
How does mechanical advantage affect force production?
<1.0 = a person must apply greater muscle force than the amount of resistive force, disadvantage
>1.0 = a person can apply less muscle force than the resistive force to produce an equal amount of torque.
= 1.0 = muscle force applied equals resistive force (??????)
What biomechanical factors effect strength? (9)
Neural Control Muscle Cross-Sectional Area Arrangement of Muscle Fibers Muscle Length Joint Angle Muscle Contraction Velocity Joint Angular Velocity Strength to Mass Ratio Body Size
Neural Control
affects maximal force output of a muscle by determining which and how many motor units are involved in a muscle contraction (recruitment) and rate at which motor units are fired (rate coding).
Neural Control: When muscle force is greater when (3)
More motor units are involved in a contraction
Motor units are greater in size
Rate of firing is faster
Neural Control: Much of the improvement in strength evidenced in the first _____ weeks of resistance training is attributable to…
few; attributable to neural adaptations as the brain learns how to generate more force from a given amount of contractile tissue.
Muscle Cross-Sectional Area
all else being equal, the force a muscle can exert is related to its cross-sectional area rather than to its volume.
ex. if 2 athletes of similar BF% but different heights have same biceps circumference, their upper arm muscle cross-sectional areas are about the same. Although the taller (therefore heavier) athlete’s longer muscle makes for greater muscle volume, the strength of the two athletes’ biceps should be about the same.
With same strength but different body weight, a taller athlete has less ability to ____ and _____ their own body.
Resistance training increases both ________ and ________ of muscle
lift and accelerate.
strength and cross-sectional area.
ex. gymnasts are small
Arrangement of Muscle Fibers (AMF)
Maximally contracting muscles have been found capable of generating forces of 23-145 psi (16-100 N/cm2) of muscle cross-sectional area.
This wide range can be partially accounted for by the variation in the arrangement and alignment of sacromeres in relation to the long axis of the muscle.
AMF: Pennate Muscle
has fibers that align obliquely w/ the tendon, creating featherlike arrangement.
Angle of Pennation
angle between muscle fibers and an imaginary line between muscle origin and insertion, 0 degree corresponds to no pennation.
Many muscles are pennated, but few have angles of pennation >15 degrees.
Increases as muscle shortens and does not stay constant.
Thus, any factor that affects angle of pennation will affect strength and velocity of shortening as long as cross-sectional area remains the same.
Muscles w/ ______ pennation have ______ sacromeres in parallel and ______ sacromeres in series…
Muscles w/ greater pennation have more saromeres in parallel and fewer sacromeres in series.
They are therefore better able to generate force but have a lower maximal shortening velocity than nonpennate muscles.
Lesser amounts of pennation can be advantageous for producing…
high velocities due to the greater number of sacromeres in a row, at the expense of number of sacromeres in parallel.
Amount of pennation has an effect on muscle ability to generate eccentric, isometric, or lo-speed concentric force.
Angle of pennation is modifiable through…
training, which could help account for some of the differences in strength and speed seen in those who have muscles of same size.
Muscle Length
Resting length: actin and myosin filaments lie next to each other, so that a maximal number of potential cross-bridge sites are available. Thus, the muscle can generate max force at resting length.
Stretched beyond resting length: a smaller portion of actin and myosin lie next to each other, so there are fewer potential cross-bridge sites. Thus, the muscle cannot generate as much force as it can at resting length. This is b/c actin overlaps when stretched muscle contracts, reducing cross-bridge sites, thus decreasing force capability.
Joint Angle
All body movements take place by means of rotation about a joint(s), thus forces that muscles produce must be manifested as torques (higher torque = higher tendency for applied force to rotate limb of body part about a joint).
The amount of torque exerted about a given body joint varies throughout the joint’s ROM, largely b/c of force v. muscle length relationship as well as changing leverage of dynamic geometry of muscles, tendons, and internal joints.
AMF Types
Muscle Contraction Velocity
i. e. force-velocity curve; force capability of muscle declines as velocity of contraction increases. The decline in force capability is steepest over the lower range of movement speeds (high force during eccentric movements).
ex. vert. jump begins, arms swing upward (exerting downward forces on body at the shoulders, slowing upward movement of body, and forcing hip and knee extensors to contract more slowly than they otherwise would, enabling them to generate higher forces for long times.
Joint Angular Velocity
speed joint moves (rotational speed); muscle torque varies w/ joint angular velocity according to the type of muscle action. During isokinetic (constant-speed) concentric movements, torque capability declines as angular velocity increases. During eccentric movements, as joint angular velocity increases, maximal torque capability increase until ~90 degrees/second (1.57 rad/s), after which it declines gradually.
Strength-to-Mass Ratio
Ratio directly reflects an athlete’s ability to accelerate their body.
If after training, their body mass increases 15% but only increases force capability by 10%, their ability to accelerate is reduced.
If many athlete’s have a similar body mass, the strongest will have the advantage.
Trial and error can help athletes find a weight in which strength is highest relative to that of other athletes. Once that weight is found, the objective is to then become as strong as possible without exceeding weight class.
Larger athletes have lower S-to-M ratios than smaller athletes b/c when body size increases, muscle volume (i.e body weight) increases more than muscle cross-sectional area (i.e. strength).
Body Size
Smaller athletes are stronger pound for pound than bigger athletes b/c muscle’s maximal contractile force is fairly proportional to its cross-sectional area, which id related to the square of linear body dimensions, whereas muscle mass is proportional to its volume, which is related to the cube of linear body dimensions.
Therefore, as body size increases, body mass increases more rapidly than muscle strength.
Given constant body proportions, smaller athlete’s have a higher S-to-M ratio than larger athletes.
Classic formula
load lifted / body weight^2/3
determines that performances of medium-weight athletes are usually the best.
Difference between Strength and Power
S: ability of muscles to exert force. It’s the capacity to exert force ay any given velocity at whatever speed.
P: time rate of doing work, where work is the product of the force exerted on an object and the distance the object moves in the direction that the force is exerted. The mathematical product of force and velocity at whatever speed.
For a sport movement made slow by high resistance, ____ _____ strength is critical.
ex. two linemen push against each other, velocity is slowed by the opposing player pushing back as well as the inertia of the opposing players body mass.
For a sport movement that’s fast due to low resistance, _____ ______ strength is critical.
ex. badminton player muscles quickly reach high velocity as a result of minimal inertial resistance of the lightweight racket and player’s arm.
relationship between mass of an object and the velocity of movement.
ex. generating greater force to cover a greater distance in less time.
aka moment.
Degree to which a force tends to rotate an object about a specified fulcrum.
Defined quantitatively as the magnitude of a force times the length of its moment arm.
Work and it’s equation
product of force exerted on an object and the distance the object moves in the direction in which the force is exerted.
Equation: Work = Force x Displacement
time rate of doing work
Power = Work/Time
Interaction of two physical objects.
Has both magnitude and direction.
Described as push or pull.
Muscle Force
force generated by biomechanical activity, or the stretching of noncontractile tissue, that tends to draw the opposite ends of a muscle toward each other.
Resistive Force
force generated by a source external to the body (e.g. gravity, inertia, friction) that acts opposite to muscle force.
Center of Gravity
point at which all of the body’s mass and weight is equally balanced or equally distributed in all directions.
It is point at which the combined mass of the body appears to be concentrated.
Product of generated force and the time required for its production, which is measured as the area under the force-time curve.
According to the impulse-momentum relationship, impulse dictates the magnitude of change of momentum of an object.
Center of Pressure
Point on a surface where the total sum of the resultant forces can act with the same magnitude of the force which is distributed on the surface of an object. Measuring the COP has been used in biomechanics as a way to measure the postural balance in humans.
Force-Velocity curve
Concentric: light resistance = higher velocity, higher resistance = lower velocity. Eventually, as load increases, velocity decreases to zero (isometric contraction).
Eccentric: as resistance increases beyond what the muscles can handle during an isometric contraction, muscle begins to lengthen, resulting in eccentric contraction.
As load continues to increase, muscle will no longer be able to resist, likely dropping the load.
Force-Time curve
a specific technique that may use any or all of the different type of contractions.
Type of dynamic exercise usually using concentric and/or eccentric muscle contractions in which velocity of movement is constant and muscle contraction occurs throughout the movement.
contractions that involve the muscle developing tension to either cause or control joint movement.
Classified as either concentric or eccentric movements..
Dynamic contractions: varying degrees of tension in the muscles.
occurs when tension developed within muscle but joint angle remains constant.
Static contractions: active tension is developed to maintain joint angle.
Stabilize body