Final: Chapter 10 Flashcards
What are the levels of measurement?
Nominal (named variables)
Ordinal (named + ordered variables)
Interval (named + ordered + proportionate interval between variables)
Ratio (named + ordered + proportionate interval between variables + can accommodate absolute zero)
What is Nominal level measurement?
Lowest of the 4 levels of measurement
Categories that are not more or less but are different from one another in some way
Mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories
Named categories
What is Ordinal level measurement?
Order/ranking imposed on categories
Numbers must preserve order: (1= tallest, 2 = next tallest, 3 = 3rd tallest)
Ordinal ranking is common in nursing (ex: levels of pain, mobility, dyspnea, and self-care)
Distance between rankings may differ.
What is Interval level measurement?
Numerical distances between = intervals
Absence of a zero point
Likert scale scores
Ex: temperature
What are the likert scale scores?
1 = strongly disagree
2 = disagree
3 = neutral
4 = agree
5 = strongly agree
What is Ratio level measurement?
Highest for measurement
Continuum of values
Absolute zero point
Ex: weight, length, volume
Concrete things, such as O2 saturation, temp, BP, wight, demographic variables.
Direct measurement
Indicator of concepts
Abstract concepts such as pain, depression, coping, self-care, and self esteem, anxiety level, feelings.
Indirect measurement
What are types of scales?
Rating scales
Likert Scale (Common)
Visual analog scales
What is measurement error?
difference between the true measure and what is actually measured
the variation in measurement is in the same direction
systematic error
the difference is without pattern
random error
what are examples of measurement error?
A paper and pencil rating scale designed to measure hope may actually also be measuring perceived support.
When measuring subjects’ weight, a scale that shows weights that are 2 pounds over the true weights.
The person completing a paper and pencil scale may accidentally mark the wrong column.
The person entering the data into a computer may punch the wrong key.
What is sensitivity?
probability of disease = a/(a+c) x 100 = true POSITIVE rate
What is specificity?
probability of no disease = d/ (b+d) x 100 = true NEGATIVE rate
what is PPV?
% of true Positive among all who test Positive
= a/ (a+b) x 100%
What is NPV?
% of true Negatives among all who test Negative
= d/ (c+d) x 100%
Concerned with how consistently the measurement technique measures the concept of interest
If reliability is expressed as a ________ ___________ (r), 1.00 is perfect reliability, whereas 0.00 is no reliability.
correlation coefficient
The lowest acceptable coefficient for a well-developed measurement tool is ___________.