Chapter 1 Flashcards
a diligent systematic inquiry or study that validates and refines existing knowledge and develops new knowledge
a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice
nursing research
the unique combo of the best research evidence brings implemented by expert nurse clinicians in providing care to PT and families with specific health circumstances and values to promote quality, safe, cost effective outcomes
What are the 3 elements of EBP?
- Best research evidence (ex: evidence based guidelines for assessment and management of HTN)
- Nurses clinical expertise (ex: RN’s and students management of HTN
- Patients circumstances and values (ex: adult <60 years of age hispanic women with BP > 140/90 mmHg)
why is research important for EBP? (DII)
D = Develops empirical knowledge (data driven) base
I = identifies best practices that are based on clinical practices
I = improve outcomes for: patient and family, the nurse, and the healthcare system
Discuss the past and present activities influencing research in nursing.
Florence nightingale started the research in the 19th century, clinical research, timeline 2000 = healthy people 2030, NIH —> NINR (funding agency for research)
Nursing research has evolved slowly over the years.
Nursing research began in the 19th century with Nightingale.
Clinical research is the current major focus of nursing research and will continue to be so throughout the 21st century.
Nursing research throughout the 21st century:
2000 - HP2010
2000 - biological research for nursing
2002 - joint commission revised policies to support EB care
2004 - worldview of EB nursing
2010 - HP2020
2016 - NINR (national institute of nursing research) mission statement and strategic plan updated
2017 - AACN leading initiatives of research
The ________ of ____________ research and funding has expanded from the treatment of illness to include health promotion and illness prevention.
truths or beliefs based on customs or trends, transferred by role modeling and communication. Ex: procedure manuals in hospital
person with expertise and power is able to influence. This is illustrated when a person credits another as a source of info. Ex: students going to instructors or publishers begins consulted
taking info from other disciplines such as meds, psychology… using knowledge of other fields to guide the nursing practice
approach used with unknown outcomes in situations of uncertainty when other sources of knowledge are unable. Knowledge is gained from experience.
gaining knowledge by being personally involved. Ex: students are taught how to give IM injections in the classroom but don’t gain knowledge until they are in a clinical setting doing it themselves
personal experience
learning by imitating an expert; ex: a nurse that is higher up than you and watching what they are doing and how they work as a nurse
role modeling
understanding of a situation as a whole that a person usually cannot explain logically. Incorporated a deep knowledge. Ex: nurse recognizing a PT is having a stroke by assessing the condition, intervening, and contracting the HCP
processing and organizing ideas to reach a conclusion. Making sense of thoughts, experiences, and research evidence.
Inductive and deductive
related to the qualitative study and the qualitative study (specific observation/cases —> creates the general theory or statement) specific —> general. Qualitative = inductive
inductive reasoning
related to quantitive, starting from a general idea, theory, using a hypothesis. Do a specific conformation, deductive reasoning = quantitative
deductive reasoning
the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Large sample
Survey, big data, questionnaires
Statistical analysis
Mostly closed ?’s
Test theory
Quantitative: Formal objective systematic data
explores (measures) what is
descriptive research
examines how concepts and characteristics are related to each other
correlational research
studies manipulate one aspect of a controlled situation to examine and effect the change on outcomes.
Small sample
Interview, focus group
In-depth analysis
Open-ended questions
Develop theory
Qualitative: systematic subjective approach, give the meaning
is an inductive research approach used to describe an experience as it is lived by an individual such as the lived experience of chronic pain
Phenomenological research
is an inductive research technique used to formulate, text, and refine a theory about a particular phenomenon
Grounded theory
was developed by the discipline of anthropology for investigating cultures through an in-depth study of the members of the culture
Ethnographic research
is conducted to address an issue and or problem in need of a solution and or understanding
Exploratory-descriptive research
a narrative description or analysis of events that occurred in the remote or recent past
Historical research
synthesis of findings
mixed methods
quality assessment and quality assurance
outcome research
Both quantitative and qualitative =
What is the nature of this phenomenon?
What is the scope of this phenomenon?
What are key characteristics of this phenomenon?
Under what conditions is this phenomenon likely to occur?
Why does this phenomenon occur?
Clarify relationships among phenomena
When are certain events likely to occur?
Identify conditions leading to a phenomenon.
if a situation is manipulated, then what will be the outcome?
Discuss your role in research as a professional nurse.
Identify the research problems
Assist with data collection
Critique research studies
Summarize research findings for use in practice
BSN have knowledge of research knowledge and skills
Can provide assistance in research projects
Can obtain articles to research
Able to critique the research article, can not do research on own till MSN, Doctorate
is an initiative focused on developing the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA) statements for each of the competencies for pre-licensure and graduate education
QSEN (Quality and safety education for nurses)
integrating the best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optional health care (QSEN, 2017)
EBP competency
is essential info that is acquired in a variety of ways and is expected to be an accurate reflection of reality that is used to direct a persons action.
8 ways to acquire knowledge in nursing (ABIPTTRR)
Personal experience
Trial and error
Role modeling
Examine the levels of research evidence available to nurses for practice
Level 1 = top systematic review and meta-analysis
Level 2 = randomized controlled trial (RCT) or experimental study
Level 3 = Quasi-experimental study
Level 4 = mixed-methods systematic review and qualitative meta synthesis
Level 5 = descriptive correlational, predictive correlational, and cohort studies
Level 6 = descriptive study and qualitative study
Level 7 = based on opinions being the weakness; options of expert committees and authorities
Weak (bottom) —> strong (top) of pyramid