chapter 7 Flashcards
Theory =
Ideas and knowledge of science
Research is based on theory
Theory is the initial inspiration for research study
Research helps answer the ? “was my theory correct?”
Theory is a set of concepts and statements that represent a view of a phenomenon
Phenomenon: a fact or event that can be true by concepts, statement, or theory
Abstract to concrete
Construct —> concept —> variable
Emotional responses —> anxiety —> palmar sweating
Emotional response —> grief —> score on grief scale
Abstract —> concrete
Construct more broad, several concepts
ex: anxiety (emotional response)
Grief is another ex of construct
Measurable or concrete
What are the elements of theory?
Concepts: abstractly described and name an object, idea, or phenomenon, thus providing it with a separate identity of meaning
Conceptual definition: more comprehensive than a dictionary definition, includes associated meanings a word may have
Relational statement: clarifies the type of relationship that exists between or among concepts (also called propositions)
Map or model: graphically shows the interrelationships of the concepts and relational statements
What is the difference between frameworks and theories?
Framework is a brief explanation of a theory or portions of a theory to be tested in a study.
A theory is abstract rather than concrete.
The framework may be implicit
These are more abstract then other theories (also called conceptual model)
They explain phenomena of interest and reflect a philosophical stance.
For example: science of unitary human beings by Martha rogers (1970)
Grand nursing theories = more abstract
Less abstract and narrower in scope than grand theories
Emerge from review of studies to build EBP related to a clinical problem
Ex: Mishel’s uncertainty of illness theory
Middle range = less abstract
An abstract, logical structure of meaning, such as a portion of a theory
Frameworks explain the theory
Frameworks give relationships of variable
This results in the hypothesis, which is testable
Map or model is a strategy for expressing a theory or framework
Research framework = abstract logical theory, explain the theory, testable
In some qualitative studies, the ideas that compose the framework remain nebulous and are vaguely expressed
Basic idea for the framework are expressed in the introduction or literature review but then the researcher stops without fully developing the ideas as a framework
If a framework is not specified, you may want to draw a model based on the info provided
implicit framework
A newly proposed framework
May be a synthesis or other theories or from research findings
tentative theory
Describe the use of middle-range theories as frameworks for studies.
Mishel’s uncertainty is illness theory is a missile range theory than involve antecedents of uncertainty, appraisal of the uncertainty and coping with it
Theory of uncertainty
Describe the purpose of a research framework.
Is the research framework explicitly identified and described?
Are the concepts in the framework conceptually defined?
Are the operational definitions of the variable consistent with their associated conceptual definitions?
Do the researchers clearly identify the relationships or propositions from the framework being examined in the study?
Are the study findings linked back to the framework?
Identify research frameworks developed from nursing and other theories.
Brief explanation
Grand nursing theories
Middle range
Explain a philosophical stance
Research framework = relationships a variable, testable
Initiative theory = framework, research findings
Physical and biological theories that result in laws
Implicate vs.non-implicate = be able to determine
Look at diagrams, base it on the research that is there
Framework provided