FILOVIRUS Flashcards
among kost virulent and hazardous pathogens fro humans and non humans.
2 genera
Marburg virus (MARC) Ebola virus (EBOV)
incubation 1-21 days.
phases of dx
Phase 1 - abrupt onset of fever headache usually occipital myalgias and arthralgias.
phase2- starts 2-4 days after sx onset and last for 7-10 days. abd pain wayery diarrhea and violent sore throat. non pruritic morbilliform eruption resembling measles appears 4-5 days agter sx onset in more than half of pxs. onset of eruption begins as: pinpoint dark red follicular papules. the exanthema begin acrally and spread centripetally to the trunk or vice versa. begunnung proximally and extending centrifugally.
day 8- generalized dark livid erythema eruption resolves over few days in survivors. ff by desquamation of affected skin. spdc of palms and soles. mucosal lesion- half od pxsa bilateral conjunctical congestion aphthous like oral lesions gingivitis glossitisand w extension down the theoat dusphagua.
oral lesions have gray exudate or small tapioca granule white lesions on soft palate.
Phase 111- terminal phase w shock and multiorgan failure.
anomal reservoie
- four fruit bat sp found in africa.
transmissioj occurs in humans thru contact w female bat blood infected non human primates and by contact w bodoly fluids of infected humans.
infected humans can transmit virus- when they become febrile.
dx: PCR.
case fatality rate;